





I'm a psychic who finds missing children internationally, free of charge, and have solved over
52,000 cases since I first began Child Search on September 17th or near that date 1991 this dated as of the 25th anniversary
of Child Search which was on September 17 or near that date in 2016. I have saved lives of children while they were in the
hands of their kidnappers by calling police and pinpointing where they were, finding bodies and identifying kidnappers / murderers.
I will be adding more to My Psychic Autobiography from time to time not necessarily at the bottom of the page because
I will try to add them in sequence ... so check for updates if you'd like
Any request to look into a case in which you are not directly implicated as a parent will not receive an e-mail response
from me.
I have not mentioned any friends last names out of respect for privacy. If you would not mind if your full name is
mentioned contact me. In some areas if your name is not mentioned but you are one of the individuals mentioned and would like
to have your name mentioned contact me.
My website is at: http://childsearchpsychic.tripod.com
I have 2 instrumental CDs for sale one of 11 tracks with
Johnny SlYde on electric guitar and me on keyboards. The second is a solo CD that consists of 15 instrumentals with me playing
on a stage piano and a synthesizer. For a CD please e-mail via interac $5.00 to roblindblad@hotmail.com and I will e-mail
you the CD in MP3 format
If any of you ladies want to meet up with some guy you've met over the net you can contact me and I'll tell you whether it's
safe or not to meet that person as far as being raped, kidnapped or murdered by that person goes. It's a freebie don't worry
about it.
If you are under 18 make sure you contact me before meeting up with someone you've met on the internet. It's a private
matter which I will only discuss with you. Your safety is my only concern. To any of you who may want to run away from home
: the smartest, most logical, and safe maneuver to do is to save all the money you can ... even if it takes years and then
at the age of 18 move out of your parents' home with a suitcase, your money, and your pet if you have one. It is well worth
the wait. It will make it easier for you to begin life anew without having to put up with the no so great risk of being murdered,
raped, and used by people you never met before who are experts at making you feel that you are the sweetest and most important
person in their lives when all they really want to do is make money off you without a care of how you feel about it nor how
badly it will affect you for the rest of your life.
Any man who physically abuses a woman or child does not make it to Heaven.
Gay sex is not a sin. Gay marriage is not a sin. Gay sex and marriage were made sins by world leaders in order to
push their agenda of building bigger armies and having more servants. To further push their self infatuated agenda world leaders
also decided to create a sense of shame on women who did not or refused to have children. A woman who does not have children
is no different than a woman who chooses to have children in the eyes of Heaven. Please stop shaming yourselves and others
for not having children. Sex before marriage is not a sin. Sex before marriage was made a sin by world leaders. Being transgender
is not a sin.
Abortion is not a sin it was made a sin by self infatuated world leaders who only cared for their own personal agendas
of building bigger armies and having more servants over that of the right of a woman to make her own decision.
For those of you who profess that if a person has not read The Bible then they shall be denied ascendence to Heaven
please remember that the book you are professing was not written by Jesus Christ himself it was written by a group of control
freak men who never met Jesus Christ a 100 years after the death of Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ was said to be a carpenter
and some say stonemason but he couldn't write a book kind of makes you wonder eh? Jesus Christ is not a little baby who cries
and says "Well if you haven't read my book which was written by a group of men who never met me then you are not coming to
my party!" Please give Jesus Christ the right not to be a self infatuated little baby which he isn't.
In 1962, in Chicago, a month or so before I was born my father was taking a computer technology course in the area
for either the R.C.A.F. or the Control Data Corporation. My father, mother, and 2 year old brother lived in a small trailer
for the duration of their stay. One day while my father was studying at his course my mother and brother were at the campsite
and a tornado hit they ducked under the dining table in the camper and hoped for the best. Trees were uprooted and thrown
about for miles none were left standing, every mobile home and camper got flipped over except for the small trailer my mother
and brother were in.
Since this has to do with missing children the first missing child I had to deal with was me. At the age of one or
two my parents noticed their was a big crowd gathering at the À-Ma-Baie railroad tracks and the train was not moving turns
out I was sitting in the middle of the tracks in my diaper. After that my parents bought a leash for me whenever we went out
, I don't know for how long but for awhile. I was always wondering off.
... and since this has to do with saving children when I was about 10 years old my family and I were vacationing
in it was either the Bay Of Fundy in Nova Scotia or Wildwood Beach in New Jersey as we travelled with a tent trailer every
summer my father being an avid outdoorsman, cross country skier, hunter and fisher. While I was standing on the beach a big
tide hit and while standing there I could feel what felt like a set of large seaweeds stuck on the back of my lower legs,
I picked it up and it was like a 2 or 3 year old boy who I hoisted up in the air ... he was crying and pointed out to sea
" My ball, my ball!!" The father saw me holding his crying son over my shoulders he asked what happened I quickly explained
it to him. When we looked for the ball we saw the ball pop up from under the water at least 150 feet out to sea. He immediately
grabbed his kid over his shoulders and quickly walked away with the child pointing to his ball out at sea crying "My ball!!!
My ball!!!" When I walked back to where my father was sitting on the beach I told him about it and he asked "Did he thank
you?" "No he just took his kid and quickly walked away."
Here is how I found out I am psychic: As a child I just thought I was extremely good at analyzing people and events.
I should have known I was psychic in 1982 when while lying on my couch one afternoon I automatically got up, at the same time
having visions of green fire in my head, and walked to my apartments front door and opened it. Their were 3 kids coming out
of the empty apartment across from me. I automatically wanted to say "Why don't you go back inside and put out the fire" It
kept repeating itself very quickly in my head. I then thought "I can't say that that's crazy!" So I just said "Hi, how's it
going? Have a great day!" I went back to my couch and lied down. This little thought in my head kept saying "Why don't you
look at your watch to see what time the fire started." I thought "If I look at my watch then I am crazy! Forget it!" So the
thought kept repeating itself for a few hours. Then I figured I'd just look at my watch to make it stop. When I looked at
my watch the thought stopped. I woke up at about 1:45 AM and smelt smoke. I then looked through my peephole and saw black
smoke coming out of the empty peephole of the apartment across from me. I then ran to the apartments' front door and opened
it and was consumed by a cloud of black smoke to the point where I could not breathe. I shut the door then ran up and down
the three story apartment building consisting of 12 apartments knocking loudly on every door yelling "Fire! Fire! Fire!" At
one door the father of a family opened it I yelled "Fire! Fire! Fire!" he gave me a weird look probably thinking "What's this
hippy on?" and shut the door. I thought he was warning his family. When I got everyone out of the smoking and burning building
I noticed that he and his family were not outside so I ran back in and loudly knocked on his door again. He answered the door
looking like he was thinking "Not you again." however his wife was standing behind him this time and when I yelled "Fire!
Fire! Fire!" She screamed woke up the kids and they all got out of there. So while we're outside a little boy who lived in
the building looked at me crying "My cat, my cat!" So I ran back in the burning building and chased the cat through the smoke
and caught him. I brought the cat back out to the boy. He then looked at me nervously and said "My other cat, my other cat!"
So I ran back into the burning building and caught the other cat and brought it out to the child. I then automatically pointed
my finger to the sky and yelled "You owe me one save my drums!!!" The building burnt for hours as firemen had trouble hooking
up the hoses in the winter freezing cold weather. The building was totally destroyed. Third floor apartments collapsed to
the basement. Every room in the building was either damaged or totally eliminated by the fire except for my bedroom where
my drum set was. Naturally I took the saving of my drums as a fluke and was so excited about my drums being saved that I dismissed
it all as some coincidence.
In 1991 my friend Gilbert, who'd I known for 14 years at that point said "Rob if their's anyone I know who's psychic it's
you. I'd like you to try an experiment." I told him that I was not interested as I didn't believe in that stuff. Yet he continued
to repeat the request through the next three hours. In order to shut him up I accepted. He hid a coin under one of 30 books
while I was in the bathroom and asked me to come out and tell him under which book he hid a coin. I was correct every time
between 10 pm and 5 am. After that I automatically stated "Wow I've got to find missing children!" He said "Rob d'you know
what you're talking about here? I mean your just finding coins." I replied "If I can find coins I can find kids!" I started
solving cases internationally the very next day.
After finding out I am a psychic who finds missing children. The next day while visiting my mother Monique D'Arcy
while we were sitting and talking in the 3 1/2 apartment living room on Sources blvd. in Dollard dea Ormeaux I said "Mom I
just found out I'm psychic and I have the ability to find missing children." My mother immediately replied in a calm manner
"You know what you are doing is dangerous." I replied "I know but I can't let evil stop me from doing good." and we continued
to spend the day together and she prepared a great vegetarian meal. Once in a while she would complain about me not eating
meat because I was missing out on great meat dishes, and she did cook the best dishes I have ever had, because it made it
harder for her to come up with ideas of what to prepare.
The articles of Le Journal de Montreal by Marc Pigeon and photographer Albert Vincent 31-05-98 & 01-06-98 on my site are certifiably
acceptable in a court of law as evidence. In the article of Le Journal de Montreal 31-05-98 I stated to the mother Saturday
morning over the phone within two minutes of her call that her son who had been missing for near a month and a half had accidentally
drowned and in which body of water his corpse was. The next day they found his corpse floating in the body of water which
I had pointed out to the mother the day before and this was printed in the Le Journal de Montreal of 01-06-98. When the mother
called me she had asked if I heard of her sons' case. I said "No but I can help." She then filled me in on the details that
he had been missing for near a month and a half and that police with hundreds of volunteers, divers, search dogs, and helicopters
had been searching daily since the day he went missing with no results as to what happened to him, whether he was living or
dead, and his whereabouts. Within two minutes I told her that her son had accidentally drowned and in which body of water
his corpse was and the next day they found his corpse floating in the body of water I had pointed out to the mother.
Heaven is real, I have been there in this lifetime where I looked down at my sister who was and is walking above the mist
of the pink clouds of Heaven where she spoke to me only with her eyes. It was a dream that was not a dream. At the point of
her death even though I was finding missing children for near two years I didn't believe in Heaven because, being the biggest
skeptic I know, I had to see it to believe it. When she died I had no desire to see her in Heaven as I did not believe in
it. Three days after she died I had a dream that was not a dream and recognize it to be so. When I woke up I saw the face
of Jesus Christ, just the face hovering just below the ceiling, looked like me with the long hair & beard, said nothing we
just gazed at each other for less than a minute and at that point I understood that the dream that was not a dream involving
Kathy was real and if ever their was a point for me to wake up on Heaven it's right now and I did. I don't believe in Heaven
I know Heaven to be true it is as real as you are reading this and the air you breathe. God kills no one and wishes no harm
to any individual. My sister was not religious at all and she was accepted into Heaven. Heaven is open to all good souls of
all religions and atheists also. Every day is judgement day and you are measured by the good you do to your fellow human beings
and animals. Other than that I'm not religious, never read The Bible and only go to church for funerals and weddings. It's
so easy to be a good person. Try it you'll like it
When I used to stand in the streets wearing my "Psychic $1 per question" t-shirt one day I was feeling so confident that when
a person asked if he could translate a question for his mother I replied "Tell her to ask me the question in her language
and I'll give you the answer in English." We did it and it worked. I've done this several times with people who speak languages
that I've never learnt.
At the age of 6 or 7 I went to the barber and asked for a light trim of my hair. He gave me an army crew cut. I went
home crying. Ever since then When it came to haircuts which I had to get for my school photo each year and Christmas each
year I would protest like their's no tomorrow. The highly heated arguments lasted from 5 hours to 5 days. I always had to
cut my hair before each birthday as we were visiting relatives. In grade 5 one day we had no shampoo left in the house. Being
a person who washes his hair every day I decided to use the hand soap bar instead. It made ny long hair, which went to at
least 8 inches under the neck, very fluffy. A teacher gave me a note to bring home advising my parents that I should get a
haircut!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! No choice had to do it. I let up a big argument for my 15th birthday as I wanted to keep my long
hair for Emerson, Lake, and Palmer at Montreals' Olympic Stadium in 1977 with an orchestra on my 15th birthday however I gave
in and in the DVD of the concert you can see me in 9 of the audience shots with my 2 day old cut hair on my birthday. That
argument lasted 5 days and of course I gave in. When I moved out I kept my long hair. One Christmas years later my grandmother
asked me to cut my hair for Christmas while I was helping her out with chores at her place. When my father showed up he was
surprised to see me with a fresh haircut. He asked "Well you look good instead of that long haired bum look. What made you
decide to cut your hair?" "Bedstamor asked and I said OK." He angrily looked at me "What? She just asked you and you cut your
hair!" "Yah Bedstamor asked me so of course I'll cut my hair. Just like that... and you always argue about it with me. " "Yah
well it's Bedstamor." However she did ask me to cut my hair for the documentary in Japan. I was rather hesitant on that. I
told the translating girl "My grandmother says I should get my hair cut for the documentary. What do you think?" She replied
"Well with the long hair that's really you right." I held on to the last grasp I could hold on to to keep my long hair "Ya."
When my Bedstamor saw the video of the documentary she was impressed with what I did but definitely not impressed with the
long hair and she let me know that by stating "Why did you have to do it with your long hair?" I replied. "Well I asked one
of the girls that worked on the documentary what she thought and she told me that the long hair is really me and since she
said that I agreed with her." "That's ok but I still don't like the long hair." Even though Bedstamor knew I was not religious
in 1998 she did reach out to me while standing there directing me where to move various objects in her apartment with a small
two inch wooden cross on the palm of her open hand and said "This is from The Holy Land it's for you." "Thank - you I'll try
using it as a pendulum." I did use it when I got home after placing it on a string it worked as good as every other object.
Bedstefar always told us "We are direct descendants of Erik The Red not cousins or anything like that. We are direct!" Bedstamor
would always put in "We are on the Leif Erikson side of the family."
Before my being run over by a car on Cardinal road in Dorval, Quebec when I lived on Brookdale Avenue (where they soon after
built a safe pedestrian passage a block away from the area of the accident) at 60 miles an hour leaving me dead for one minute
and in a coma for a month, in 1969, I have been told that I was very tough and somewhat aggressive getting into fights not
taking no shit from no one and that in elementary school I once shoved my desk in the direction of the teacher for putting
me in detention. During my month long coma my mother was by my side singing to me all day and slept in the chair at the side
of my bed. She had had an astoundingly wonderful trained voice. She was singing while cleaning , making our beds in the house
all the time and had us kids help out around the house by placing a calendar on the kitchen wall where we would each have
a day to do the chores. It was wonderful I thought she had a better voice than Barbara Streisand, and Ginette Reno, of whoms
music she sang note per note. She replied "No no Robert I don't have a better voice than Barbara Streisand and Ginette Reno"
but she did, I heard her singing their tunes practically everyday amongst the wide variety of artists she knew which included
Harry Belafonte and she sang every song of the album An Evening With Belafonte/Makeba and the album Jesus Christ Superstar
by Andrew Lloyd Webber and lyrics by Tim Rice which she bought when it was first released in 1970. She sang at every family
holiday gathering and she drew applause. I asked her why she didn't make an album and go on tour ... she replied that she
would rather stay home and take care of her children. She did however give an attempt and recorded her voice on several songs
on reel to reel while my father was the sound engineer in the living room. She recorded a few demos and brought them to an
agent he told her that she had a magnificent voice however they were looking for someone younger ... she was 28 or 29 years
old at the time. She cooked different meals every day of the week. She was thinking of making a cookbook cause like her recipes
were great but she never got to it. Immediately after the accident I was sped by ambulance to the Lakeshore General Hospital
whom upon analyzing the severity of my condition decided they did not have the medical technology to keep me alive and rushed
me to the Montreal Childrens Hospital. During my three month stay at The Montreal Childrens Hospital I had developed a wonderful
relationship with all the hospital staff. I was feeling kind of sad on the day to leave .. and one of the nurses gave me two
albums upon my leaving one was The Flintstones Meet Dino and the other was The Monkees no doubt when I heard it I became a
super Monkees fan! I was told by my doctors at the age of seven while seated in my wheelchair that I would never walk again.
During my 3 month stay at The Montreal Childrens' Hospital Roy Rogers gave a concert for the patients. The hospital staff
brought me in my hospital bed to the show attached to various machines. As soon as Roy and the band started playing I broke
out into a loud crying scene so I was immediately rolled in my bed back to my room. After the show Roy Rogers came to visit
me and took off his cowboy hat before entering the doorway. Due the tracheostomy I had during the operation to breathe and
feed me for a month while I was in a coma I was not able to speak to him. The first thing he said as he entered my room and
walked towards me with his cowboy hat in his hands was "I'm sorry I didn't mean to startle you with the music." He told me
quite a few great stories about him and Trigger as he was dangling his cowboy hat in his hands seated in a school like chair
he went on to state "Now before I leave and I know you're going to think this is silly and all but before I do I'd like to
tell you a story, if you don't mind, a story about a man, about a very special man named Jesus Christ..." he gave me a photo
of himself and Trigger which he autographed and a bible then stated "I'm sorry I couldn't bring Trigger he's at the big farm
now." That was really sweet of him, it made my day! He spent around an hour and 15 minutes with me. Roy Rogers stated as he
was seated next to me in my hospital bed. "You know Robert there are people you are going to come across in your life that
are going to try to break your spirit by harming and hurting you in various ways. You must never let them break your spirit
because if you let them break your spirit then you are going to become the person they want you to be and not the good person
that you truly are. I know you are a good person don't let them change that for you." Even as Roy Rogers was telling me about
Jesus Christ I knew I was Jesus Christ I just did not tell him. To say I was Jesus Christ was not enough for me as I felt
I needed some form of evidence I could present to the world that goes beyond just words and quotes from a book that I did
not write using words I did not say and quote a certain phrase I never said then try to start a new version and religion of
the book I never wrote from there. I couldn't tell Roy Rogers anyways because at that point I was incapable of speaking.
If it was not for Pierre Péladeau & Le Journal de Montréal journalist Marc Pigeon and photographer Albert Vincent and J.E.
who took the decision that no other major broadcasting news organization in North America felt was worthy to mention or even
investigate and I have contacted every major broadcasting news service since the first day to get the word out, which is quite
important when it comes to the saving lives of missing and kidnapped children internationally, and take the time to investigate
me no one would have ever known. I truely thank Pierre Péladeau, Le Journal de Montreal Marc Pigeon and photographer Albert
Vincent and J.E. for having taken the time to investigate Enfant Recherche / Child Search with all my heart as it has led
to the saving of lives internationally due to the evidence provided by their thorough investigations of me which I put on
my website as evidence for those who may feel odd about contacting a psychic to find their missing child. Pierre Péladeau,
Le Journal de Montréal journalist Marc Pigeon and photographer Albert Vincent and J.E. started the ball rolling publicly for
me after 6 years of trying c'est avec tous mon couer que je vous remerci!
The Papillon Foundation first started driving me back and forth after leaving the Montreal Children's Hospital quite
frequently like every other week for E.E.G. tests. A few months later while my family was out shopping I decided to try to
walk by leaning myself up from my wheelchair against the wall and holding myself up against the wall I started to walk from
one end of the wall to the other while holding both hands against the wall and joyously exclaimed " I'm walking ! I'm walking!!!!!!!!!!"
within a few months I was walking again but had an extremely difficult time with controlling my balance. A touch of a finger
would cause my nerves to freeze up and I would loose my balance. I then started taking physiotherapy with assistance provided
the Papillon Foundation who gracefully provided me the free service of driving me to my physiotherapy sessions to and back
from school every day in my wheelchair for the remainder of the school year. The Papillon Foundation also gracefully provided
the service of driving me back and forth to my physiotherapy sessions and E.E.G. tests free of charge. The E.E.G. tests were
every two to three weeks. After a few months I built myself an exercise program with the idea that if I exercise the nerves
would be easier to control due to usage and get better, so I committed myself to a minimum of one hour of exercise per day
one hour before school and sometimes one hour before bed for two hours per day all the while being inspired to reach the health,
strength and stamina of my three favourite sports heroes Mad Dog Vachon, Muhammad Ali and Guy Lafleur. Due to the semi paralyses
of the left side of my body I was not able to do push ups against the floor so my parents bought me an ab wheel which built
my strength to the point where after 2 or 3 months I was able to start doing push ups on the floor and no longer used the
ab wheel. The balance I had was so bad that you could literally poke your finger against my body and I would fall over. Kids
and teenagers had fun with that one over the years. A lot of kids and teens enjoyed the fact that I never hit back so much
to the point that I heard a passerby say "Yah that's the guy he's big but he never hits back." So a few seconds later a guy
would run by me slug me in the face and keep running. Sometimes they would just stand there and slug me then put on a silly
face like they either hurt themselves doing it or were shocked that I didn't even flinch and walk away backwards facing me
and leave satisfied after having someone to slug. That happened frequently right up to and throughout my teen years.
During my three month stay in The Montreal Childrens Hospital my left arm was strapped up over my left shoulder due
a loss of control caused to the right side of my brain which also caused the left side of my body to be paralyzed. After three
months of being strapped up my left arm would occasionally and unconsciously raise itself in the air and I wouldn't notice.
It happened quite occasionally in elementary and high school. To help me learn to control it my father would often say "Who
are you waving to Rob?" ... and then I'd notice that my left hand was in the air and I would pull it down with my right hand
and place it at my side and try to keep it there. It may have looked easy in elementary and high school but I was always having
trouble controlling it to the point that most of the time I would rest my left hand under my left lap while seated to control
it from flinging off. Even though I had passed the rest of the year with good grades my parents had decided that I should
repeat grade three since it was now going to be an English school in Ontario instead of a French school (my parents had decided
for my brother, sister, and I that knowing both English and French would provide better employment opportunities for us in
the future and had us change the language of the school each year up until grade 3) coupled with the traumatic accident I
had they thought it would make it easier for me to adjust "Robert your father and I have decided it would be a good thing
for you to repeat grade 3 in Ontario." I was shocked and upset "What? I passed all my classes! I have good grades!" I replied
while sitting down on the living room couch. "Robert you are going to do it!" "But I don't want to!" "Robert you are going
to listen to us we know what's best for you. You just had a serious accident and you have a lot of adjusting to do with your
health. It will be better for you. That's it! End of discussion." So I gave in as they are my parents and I really had no
choice. So I repeated grade 3 on their orders and passed the year with good grades in English at Marvin Heights Public School
in Mississauga, Ontario.In high school grade 7 at Saint - Thomas High School in Pointe - Claire, Quebec while standing
on and riding up the escalator I noticed a girl coming down the other way right next to me and her eyes grew while staring
directly in front of her I looked to my side and noticed my left hand was up in the air and a few inches away from touching
her breast, I ordered my left arm to go down just in time. I was a class clown, witty humour the kind of humour Disco Boy
couldn't understand, about current events or during intellectual conversations regarding the subject we were discussing in
class. In Saint - Thomas High School my English teacher Mrs. Jones, who had her extra share of laughter as she was my math,
English, and geology teacher, enjoyed my intellectual quips and responses. So much to the point that one day at the beginning
of class we were seated and asked one by one to walk towards her desk and hand in our homework "Robert Lindblad your homework
please." "Sorry Mrs. Jones when I got home I had to do the dishes, take out the garbage, help set the table, then we had supper
and then I had a lot of homework to do plus my exercises & then I had to make lunch so I never had the time to do my English
homework." "Well Mr. Lindblad I hope you enjoyed your lunch." "I forgot it at home." She and the whole class broke out in
laughter. I continued to give an intellectual comedic reply to each of her replies it went on for so long that at one point
Mrs. Jones trying to speak between her gasps of laughter said "Rob, if you say one more joke I'm going to cry." I thought
"Well I don't want to make her cry." Immediately after she said that and I thought that the bell to signal the end of the
class rang. ... and I actually did forget my lunch at home.
At the age of 8 I experienced my first headache. Being one who believed that every part of your body should be a
muscle that is worked on I figured that in order to gain control of a headache I must go through the pain of trying to control
it. The pain went away in 50 minutes. A week or so later I had another headache and decided to think it away . The headache
was up to 2 hours and 50 minutes in length when I decided to give in but thought I'd give it more of a go being that since
the brain must train itself to fight the headache off on its own without the crutch of an Aspirin then I must continue for
as long as I can. At exactly 3 hours and 25 minutes later I did give in. As soon as I put the Aspirin pill on the tip of my
tongue the headache went away. Even though the headache totally disappeared when the Aspirin pill touched the tip of my tongue
I still swallowed it after. I have not had a headache or used an Aspirin pill since.
As for vitamin pills I also consider them a crutch and have only taken vitamin C pills a few times. Your body as
it is developing gets adjusted to the amount of vitamins you feed it everyday and therefor learns to function with the amount
it is accustomed to. So in my teens when I saw my friend wolf down a cup full of vitamins everyday, I didn't see him do it
everyday but whenever I stayed over I would see him wolf down a cup of vitamins. I thought to my self "You're going to have
to eat a lot more food as an adult to compensate for the amount of vitamins you are programming your body to get used to.
Yah he got overweight. The less you eat the more it frees up your body to work on cleaning and repairing itself. I have a
friend who has been complaining for over 20 years that she can't loose weight. When she first mentioned that she would like
to go on a diet to loose weight I told her to stop eating for 24 hours and then her stomach will start to eat the fat since
she won't be giving it anything to eat. She instead decided to try every diet advertised under the sun for 20 years and did
not loose anything worth talking about. She called me on February 4th 2023 and talked about dieting again. I gave her the
same recipe and she complained that she had heavy stomach pains and just couldn't do it. I explained to her that those stomach
pains are your stomach adjusting to eating your fat and that after 24 hours her body will adjust to eating fat without providing
any pain. Then she complained about being to weak to move around if she did that. I then asked her. "Why are you complaining?
You can sit on your ass watching TV not eating for 24 hours and loose weight by going to the can and shitting and pissing
it out out ." "But I'll be too weak I'll have to lie in bed." "So you'll loose weight lying in bed watching tv. You got a
problem with that?" "No. O.K. I'll try it. She called me back two days later and stated she did not eat for 29 hours lying
in bed watching tv, the stomach pains stopped after 24 hours she lost 2 kilos and is feeling great! Then she complained about
being to weak to move around if she did that. I then asked her. "Why are you complaining? You can sit on your ass watching
TV not eating for 24 hours and loose weight by going to the can and shitting and pissing it out out ." "But I'll be too weak
I'll have to lie in bed." "So you'll loose weight lying in bed watching tv. You got a problem with that?" "No. O.K. I'll try
it. She called me back two days later and stated she did not eat for 29 hours lying in bed watching tv, the stomach pains
stopped after 24 hours she lost 2 kilos and is feeling great! When I was 20 I was working out a lot and it was very easy for
me to notice in the mirror when I put on weight. Being an avid fan of dark chocolate I purchased a 2 pound chunk of 100% raw
dark chocolate and ate it over the evening watching a Montreal Canadiens Hockey game on the C.B.C. The next morning after
doing bathroom business and taking a shower I noticed that I was trimmer, not just at the lower stomach area where the lower
belly fat disappeared. I took note of that yet since I was working out every day the thought of using dark chocolate to dislodge
fat instead of working out did not impress me. In October of 2023 I started to buy 100% Raw Cacao Powder and yes it has the
same effect. 100% Raw Cacao Powder once absorbed acts like little sponges that travel through your bloodstreams mop up and
absorb fat throughout the body and flushes the fat out via a number one or number 2. Poo poo pee do! I also mentioned that
I saw Suzanne Somers on The Merv Griffin Show talk show describing her diet on a talk show hen she mentioned that she completely
cut out sugar from her diet because sugar stores itself in your chin leading to a double chin and your butt leading to a fat
butt. When I heard her say that I was like "Completely cut out sugar! Oh ya like that's going to be hard to do." It wasn't
that hard. I just stopped buying sugar and avoided buying sweets. After a while you don't notice any difference other than
a thinner but and less fat under the chin. After years of avoiding sugar I noticed a rapid increase of fat on my body after
3 days of eating a 1/2 kilo of Ben & Jerrys Ice Cream per day. I have avoided ice cream since then. When my girlfriend bought
me ice cream in 2015 she mentioned that I looked sad. I told her "I am trying to avoid ice cream because I like ice cream
and when I eat it it shows on my body which I don't like." "It's just one cone Rob. It's not going to make much of a difference."
"Ok!" So I had to go for pistachio.
Since I was the first one up in our home every morning going down to the basement and exercising I was often asked
to wake up my brother and sister. I would open their doors and form a megaphone with my hand and go "TOOT TA ROOT TA ROOT!
Time to get up!" Many times they would wake out of their slumber and say "Awwww Rob." My parents and the doctors suggested
that I use a leg brace and cane to help me with my balance and on a repetitive basis over the years the use of adjusted shoes.
I refused to thinking that I did not want to become dependent on a leg brace or cane for the rest of my life and by not using
them it would force my body to find balance in the most difficult situations causing balance to regenerate quicker. After
waking out of death the idea of harming anyone in anyway either physically or mentally was atrocious to me. Life was great
in school again I even got my first kiss from a girl at the end of grade 3 and thought 'Wow!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! When I get back
to school next year I'd love to have her as my girlfriend!" A week after school was over my parents announced that we were
moving to Mississauga, Ontario ... right next to the airport in Malton. I thought well there goes my chance of having her
as a girlfriend which sucked.
... then we moved to Ontario where I attended Marvin Heights Public School .. and got beat everyday by the natural piece
of shit that managed to scrape, claw and crawl it's way out of the soil of earth on the 15 of May 1964 that Dave Reid of
The Boston Bruins is
& his lapdog Steven Robinson. Every day except for weekends, statutory holidays and summer throughout grades 3, 4, and 5.
Sometimes others would join in but they were just feather in the wind who did it just a few times not like the daily basis
beatings provided by the natural piece of shit that managed to scrape, claw and crawl it's way out of the soil of earth that
Dave Reid of The Boston Bruins is & his lapdog Steven Robinson during and after school.
I was a class clown through all of it. I guess they didn't like my brand of comedy! The thought of harming them made me cry
to the point that I just shouldered off the kicks and punches, and hence I became an expert in deflecting punches and kicks,
as good as I could, and never hurt any of them. When the guys who beat me up got tired of trying to hit me because of all
the blocks I was putting in they got lazy and made it easy for themselves by shoving me to the ground and just start kicking
the shit out of me. Sometimes they got so lazy they'd just walk up next to me look me in the eyes
poke me on the shoulder which they knew would cause me to loose my balance causing me to fall to the ground it happened a
lot over the years at least 1,000 times ... so as a teenager when teens who I did not know would just walk by me give me a
poke and I'd fall backwards onto the ground and start crying the guys would just look at each other and ask with a smile and
a chuckle "What's his problem? I just poked him." I didn't always cry when that happened but at that point I was thinking
like "Don't tell me this shit is going to start all over again." Sometimes there were punches from complete strangers who
strolled by while I was talking with someone) where they'd kick the shit out of me. During the second year on one day while
they were doing their daily duty towards me I decided maybe if I use reverse psychology they will stop. As I lay there on
the ground unable to get up while they were looking each other in the eyes with disgruntled laughter exactly like Beavis and
Butt - Head I said "I like it! I like it!" It only encouraged them to kick and punch me faster. Necklaces that I received
as gifts from relatives did not last long as soon as the natural piece of shit that managed to scrape, claw and crawl it's
way out of the soil of earth that Dave Reid of The Boston Bruins is and his lapdog Steven Robinson saw one on me they would
wait till they could get me alone somewhere out of view of the public pull the necklace chain around my neck causing it to
break, depending on the type of necklace sometimes they were beaded or shelled and the beads and shells would fall all over
the place after being released from the broken chord... and then the daily push to the ground and kicking started up again.
They would each stand across from each other looking in each others eyes laughing in obstructed harmony exactly like Beavis
and Butt - Head as they each took a side of ribs to kick for at least 5 to 20 minutes sometimes more butt who's counting the
daily average really eh? The natural piece of shit that managed to scrape, claw and crawl it's way out of the soil of earth
that Dave Reid of The Boston Bruins is & his lapdog Steven Robinson never said a word during their daily assaults. While
they grabbed me by the elbows and led me to where they wanted to beat the shit out of me in private I always asked "Why are
you doing this? What's your problem? Leave me alone! Let go of me! Please just stop." They never replied other than with their
fists and feet. "Not again guys. Can you at least give me a reason?" ... again the natural piece of shit that managed to scrape,
claw and crawl it's way out of the soil of earth that Dave Reid of The Boston Bruins is
& his lapdog Steven Robinson responded in silence with their fists and feet. I hid my bruises and the scraped and bleeding
knuckles as well as scraped hands were easy to explain because that happens when you loose your balance. They probably thought
that the times I was crying were due to their beatings however I was crying because the thought of punching them out hurt
me not physically but emotionally coupled with the actual pain delivered by the beatings.
In grade 5 during gym class there was a relay race where there were 4 people to the relay assuming that I would be the slowest
on the track I was given the starter position. As soon as the start signal hit I ran as fast as I could and was the first
to pass the mallet. Immediately after passing the mallet I looked back and saw the closest to me was a quarter of the distance
behind. After the race my friend Robert commented "Wow! Rob that was fast!" "Yah I was the first to pass the mallet." "Yah
but Rob you were really fast!" During a gym class at Marvin Heights Public Elementary School we were taken outside to play
baseball. I was asked by the teacher to pitch. So trying to do my best as a pitcher I thought my aim was to strike them out.
So I stuck out the first three people at bat three times in a row with no foul balls. The teacher then stated that someone
else should do the pitching. I thought "If he wanted me to make easier for them be able to hit the ball he should have asked."
Each day my mother said "Rob try to keep your balance you only have a few long sleeve shirts for left for the class photo".
So she would give me a good shirt to wear to school to see if I'd like to wear it in the class photo ... none of the shirts
on each day survived the daily beatings provided by the natural piece of shit that managed to scrape, claw and crawl it's
way out of the soil of earth that Dave Reid of The Boston Bruins is
& his lapdog Steven Robinson ... and this happened every year except for one where I managed to wear a purple long sleeve
shirt (not the long sleeve shirt I wanted to wear for the class photo but it was the only one I had left available for the
class photo other than a t-shirt), because the natural piece of shit that managed to scrape, claw and crawl it's way out of
the soil of earth that Dave Reid of The Boston Bruins is
& his lapdog Steven Robinson did not know I had an extra long sleeve shirt that was the fifth long sleeve shirt I had ...
and yes like the other years they destroyed every shirt I wore to school in the days prior to the class picture. The thing
is I wasn't even fighting didn't want to fight just wanted to have a good time yet he persisted on a daily basis for three
years ... kinda like he knew I did not want to hit anyone and he decided to tempt me everyday and of course being the natural
piece of shit that managed to scrape, claw and crawl it's way out of the soil of earth that Dave Reid of The Boston Bruins
is he couldn't do it alone he would always have his daily lapdog partner Steven Robinson at his side assisting him on a daily
My mother was sewing up my jeans and long sleeve shirts practically daily buttons included ... it was easy to explain away
as my balance was not good at all at the time and I fell in summer without many times without being assaulted by Dave Reid
of the Boston Bruins
& his lapdog Steven Robinson so that worked. At one point I was feeling so depressed I felt suicidal and entered the closet
in my bedroom and as I was setting it up like right around the neck right at the point of it's now or never I then decided
that I was letting this depression go too far like "Wait a minute. What am I doing here? I'm depressed but this is going too
far. I'm not going to die like this! O.K. That does it! I'm going to beat the shit out of Dave Reid, Steven Robinson and their
friends if they try to hurt and/or murder me again!" ( before the pandemic I was at my friend Johannes' we were sitting on
the couch she pulled out a recorder and started playing the Friendly Giant on the first few notes I started sniffling and
had tears she stopped and said "What's the matter it's just The Friendly Giant? I guess the music triggered a reaction from
my body more than my mind cared to remember.) So the summer of getting ready for grade 6 I started concentrating my 2 to
4 hour daily work outs, which consisted of 3 repetitions per hour of my work out program on beating the shit out of them,
picturing their faces in my mind at every repetition of every exercise, if they attacked me again. The basement was a constantly
drenched in the smell of sweat. My mother complained that I was sweating up the whole house not just the basement. I had a
chart on the wall where I listed my exercises and everyday increased the amount of repetitions so per hour it came down to
50 push ups in a row, 100 sit ups in a row, 100 wall ups in a row, 100 push ups against a chair in a row. 100 back ups in
a row I think they call it reverse chair push ups, then with two 15 pound barbell weights one for each hand I did 50 wrist
ups palms facing down and 50 palms facing up, 50 curls palm facing up 50 curls palm facing down. Had two hand grips that I
used 100 times per hand. Doing the exercises as fast as I could believing that if you work out slowly your body will adjust
to the slow motion and you will be slower to react so be it the quicker you work out the quicker your body will react. So
as the speed of the work out increased I just did more of each in the hour... and to think all that started with me having
trouble holding onto and even squeezing squeezing a Nerf ball. During the third summer perhaps the 4 hours of exercise per
day I was doing may have caused her to question me with "Mommy has noticed that you fall a lot when you go to school. Is anyone
bothering you at school?" "No I fall a lot." At that point I was so caught up in you know that term "Leave the shit at the
office, no need to ruin a good time at home." as well as the idea that two against one with no witnesses which could have
led to me being kicked out of elementary school and the very real possibility of me being placed in an institution based solely
on the planned lies and actions prepared by the devil Satan Dave Reid of The Boston Bruins and his lapdog Steven Robinson
in their defence. If Plan A murder did not work plan B calling me a liar 2 against 1 and having me sent to an institution
for aggressive behaviour was on their list. Later that evening as I was walking by my fathers' den, on my way to watch TV,
as he was seated at his desk with elongated folded out sheets of paper spread out across his desk pen in hand making computer
programming calculations and formulations said "Robert come here. I'd like to talk to you." I entered his den and stood next
to him as he was seated "Now it seems that you may be having trouble in school. If people are bothering I'd like to know."
"No. No one is bothering me. I fall a lot. It's a problem with my balance." "O.K. Robert."
So on the first day back at school in grade 6 my school chums Robert, Paul, and Carlo all remarked how much bigger I was.
"Rob what happened to you? You're so much bigger this year!" I replied "Well I just exercised a little more this summer."
"Yah but you're so big." I didn't notice. The bell rings we walk into Marvin Heights Public School and the day begins. The
usual shoulder and elbow hits in the hallway from the natural piece of shit that managed to scrape, claw and crawl it's way
out of the soil of earth that Dave Reid of The Boston Bruins is
& his lapdog Steven Robinson began. So on the first day in school in grade 6 gym class while playing dodge ball I threw the
ball really hard at one of the guys who had been beating me daily at school for three years it hit him in the stomach he let
out a big gasp and the ball bounced to the floor causing him to be out of the game then the whole class kinda went ouuuu and
someone said "Did you see what Rob did to Steven?" Steven Robinson the natural piece of shit that managed to scrape, claw
and crawl it's way out of the soil of earth that Dave Reid of The Boston Bruins is lapdog and daily sidekick no pun intended!
... and a little while after during the 10 minute break lapdog Steven Robinson jumped up from behind me and pushed me to the
ground. I fell forward landed on my knees which cut my right knee. I didn't say anything not even "ouch". Then Mr. Edwards
our gym teacher came right up to me looking very angry asked "How long has this been going on for?" I could see that he was
extremely angry so to cool it down I raised my right hand index finger indicating 1 year I told him in a normal relaxed tone
"One year." At that point Mr. Edwards immediately hoisted him in the air from the back of his shorts with one hand and proceeded
in one fell swoop to boot him like a field goal in football game or he played rugby so you could also call it a rugby boot
by the seat of his pants across the gym floor .. at least 5 yards on that one. So after that I was called to the principles
office to name the kids that were beating me up .... they then called the 5 of them to the office and I was asked to explain
my car accident to them while they left us alone in the office. During which time they called their parents and let them know
what's up. as well as my parents and the beatings ceased. it was a big moment for me and I wanted my friends to see Dave
Reid of the Boston Bruins and his lapdog Steven Robinson get shit So I mentioned Paul, Robert, and Carlo as assaulters also.
When we got out Robert, Paul & Carlo all asked "Why did you mention us?" I replied "Well I figured it would get you out of
class and you could see what happens to them." Other than that Marvin Heights Public School was great! I wasn't going to
let the natural piece of shit that managed to scrape, claw and crawl it's way out of the soil of earth that being Dave Reid
of The Boston Bruins is
& his lapdog Steven Robinson ruin the good I wanted to have in elementary school and they didn't! They had a great time because
every time they pushed me to the ground they were laughing their heads off while kicking me all the long looking in each others
smiling and laughing. In grade 3, 4, and 5 I always had a problem with the natural piece of shit that managed to scrape, claw
and crawl it's way out of the soil of earth that Dave Reid of The Boston Bruins is
& his lapdog Steven Robinson ripping my good long sleeve shirts apart. the natural piece of shit that managed to scrape, claw
and crawl it's way out of the soil of earth that Dave Reid of The Boston Bruins is
& his lapdog Steven Robinson would like at least 97% of the time just walk up to me each on one side grab me by the elbows,
always with big smiles saying nothing to make it seem as they were pleasantly helping me walk home everyday to anyone who
noticed. On the first day of school in grade 3 when I walked out of the school they were waiting for me and each grabbed an
elbow to lead me to where they could be alone with me. As soon as I was grabbed I thought "What's happening? Who are these
guys? Why is this happening?" With my disability affecting my balance they knew I was wet putty in their hands. As they grabbed
me by the elbows and walked me to my daily beatings they would have big smiles displaying their teeth and talk to each other
with their teeth clenched saying "Keep smiling, keep smiling." as I protested and demanded my release along the way every
day after school for three years. They would take me to where the garbage containers were placed for Marvin Heights Public
School where no one could see what was going on and beat the shit out of me every day for as long as they wanted.
So as I tried to keep my balance while the natural piece of shit that managed to scrape, claw and crawl it's way out of the
soil of earth that Dave Reid of The Boston Bruins is & his lapdog Steven Robinson were walking me to their private daily
beating area anyone who may have saw that may have thought "How cute look at those two nice boys with their big smiles proudly
displaying their desire to help that poor boy walk home. How cute! Sweet boys and look at those big smiles they have! It's
nice to see that their are some real good hearted kids out there! You know it's wonderful you can see the true nature of a
soul through the actions of a child. It's inspiring to see those two kids take precious time out of their day ... every day
for the past three years to help that poor handicapped boy make it home safely. Imagine taking the time everyday to help a
poor little disabled boy get home and their big smiles displaying how proud they are to help him. You know their should be
more kids just like those two, I mean EVERYDAY! It's sooo sweet it's making me cry!" "You got that right girl! .. and honestly
I give my heartfelt love to those two. Lovely to see the true nature of every child out there Ahhhhhhhhh soooooooooo cute!"
.... and then they'd force me into an area where no one could see and start punching and kicking the shit out of me till the
natural piece of shit that managed to scrape, claw and crawl it's way out of the soil of earth that Dave Reid of The Boston
Bruins is and his lapdog Steven Robinson had their fill no less than 15 minutes sometimes 20 at least. I heard the resonation
of the steel container daily as they punched and shoved me using my head as a ram against the steel container punching me
in the stomach and ribs with their free hands while they held my arms on each side back and forth between the steel container
and the brick protection wall head first, chest first, and back first for 15 minutes all the while while I was crying and
repeatedly asking "Why are you doing this? Why are you doing this?" they would only chuckle exactly like Beavis & Butt - Head
then they kicked me on the ground for 20 minutes just to make sure after which they hoisted and threw me in head first into
the container that they knew I could have been extremely seriously injured or dead coupled with what object my head may have
fell onto. Their were many times after being hurled into the container when I fell and blocked the fall of my head onto the
steel floor of the steel container I would glance over and notice that less than a centimeter away was a nail and other sharp
edged objects that could have punctured my eye as Dave Reid Of The Boston Bruins who is Satan and his lapdog Steven Robinson
walked away laughing knowing that it may just have been impossible for me to get out of there before the city trash compacter
hauled me away to certain death. In order to save time with their daily attempts at murder many times Dave Reid of The Boston
Bruins who is Satan incarnate presently walking the Earth & his lapdog Steven Robinson wouldn't waste time they would just
both jump me from behind at the same time land on me
and then place themselves back in a standing position and start kicking me while I lie on the ground unable to move or get
up after which they would hoist and toss me over the container hoping that I would break my neck upon landing. I landed
hard always resulting in me hitting the container floor with the left side of my face which at times left a pain at the side
of my neck that lasted quite awhile my left hand crumpled under my chest, and always trying to break the faceplant with my
right arm clenching my teeth on the way down hoping not to chomp down on my tongue and cause major bleeding. One time I landed
so badly on the side of my head that I could feel it stretch my neck as my head slammed onto the steel floor of the container
that that side of my head and neck felt completely numb which lasted until I went to bed that night and was gone by the morning
when I woke up. When Dave Reid of The Boston Bruins who is Satan incarnate presently walking the Earth and his lapdog Steven
Robinson did this to me every school day I would often avoid the my head smashing to the bottom of the steel container by
leaning my head back as far as I could to slam the steel floor on my chest which would cause me most times than not thrust
my head forward and slam down dunk on my chin unless I could break that by lessening the impact with my elbow.. I had a very
low soft quiet voice during those years due to the tracheotomy that I could not even scream if that trash container came to
haul away the trash before I was able to get out of my very difficult positions within and under the piles of trash. The many
times I heard the trash compactor taking care of other containers while I was still struggling to get out were the scariest.
As far as scariest goes their their is this very unsettling moment which happened many times where I could see the container
next to the one I was still struggling to get out of getting lifted and the dumping of the container contents into the crusher
an extra stress was the daily fear of knowing and seeing before my eyes that if I made an error in timing to get out of the
container anyone of my limbs including my body could of been severed by the hydraulic jack used to lift and hoist the container.
The many times I heard the trash compacter doing it's rounds while still struggling to get out of it were very scary. The
times I was just in the nick of time able to hurl myself out of the container land on my elbow and sometimes elbows and feel
my foot and sometimes feet and ankle and sometimes ankles being lifted as I was still in the process of trying to get out
of the little rectangular porthole on the side of the container. I would have to use exact timing as the container was being
lifted while I was still inside to be able to not loose my balance and be squashed by the jack lifting the container and would
have to hold onto it to make my way out just before the container got lifted to throw the junk into the crusher. I would crawl
away from the container area hoping I could get away before the container was hauled back in place by the crane. It was to
the point where when I was able to crawl under the ledge and curl myself up under it a second or two before container landed
right before my eyes right in front of me. If it had not of been for the rectangular port hole on the side of the container
I would have been crushed to death on the first attempt by Dave Reid of The Boston Bruins who is Satan and his lapdog Steven
Robinson to murder me in grade 3 at Marvin Heights Public Elementary School. After hurling myself out of the container I would
crawl to safety under the ledge that was at the back of where the container was placed and trying to walk back up the icy
pavement in the winter led to a lot of cuts and pain falling on the pavement and crawling out of there on my hands and knees.
This happened everyday at Marvin Heights Public Elementary School for 3 years minus the three days from the beginning it took
them to decide that beating and kicking me for 35 minutes wasn't enough to kill me so they upped their murderous level by
throwing me into the city school trash container and letting the city finish the job for them with a compact crunching and
disposal of the body. In grade 3 my parents bought me snow pants when I came home with them ripped and bloodied at the knees
after the daily beating provided by Dave Reid of the Boston Bruins and his lapdog Steven Robinson my parents decided to restrict
my going out after school during the winter. Every Satanist on Earth can expect a lot more from Satan the whimp as he will
let you all conjure up whatever delightful fantasies you think of him as that piece of shit does not mind at all that you
don't know who he really is because he survives off of inflicting and extracting pain from anyone who is stupid enough to
believe him. Please take a look at who you are worshiping whether you like it or not. All the fantasies and stories he has
spread throughout the centuries in religions to create fragmentation and a divisive society has led to this. So if you really
want to see the face of who every Satanist on Earth is worshipping without even knowing it check out Dave Reid of The Boston
Bruins photo. The class photo where I was the only one wearing a t-shirt was because the 4 nice long sleeve shirts I had
were missing buttons and ripped at the elbows from the 4 previous days of getting assaulted by Dave Reid of the Boston Bruins
and Steven Robinson which limited my wardrobe to t-shirts. If any of you girls ever wondered why I never took the time to
meet up with you after school it's because I was being assaulted by the natural piece of shit that managed to scrape, claw
and crawl it's way out of the soil of earth that Dave Reid of The Boston Bruins is & his lapdog Steven Robinson every single
day immediately after school they would grab me by the elbows and lead me to where they could beat me in private and sticking
around with freshly ripped clothes, bleeding knuckles, elbows and knees as well as crying while I was unable to get up, being
thrown into a trash container with a paralyzed left arm I was unable to break the face plants which I managed to turn into
chest plants as my right arm was fast and strong enough to break the face plants leaving my left arm to automatically flip
up due to uncontrollable nerves and always landing with a hard crush to the floor of the container on the left side of my
chest, shoulder, and face. It was hard to get up especially when my left arm was stuck under my chest viced in amongst the
debris but sometimes I did land on my chest having just enough time to manoeuvre the landing away from my face. Struggling
with a right knee that can not bend more than a 90 degree angle and the left foot to the side coupled with the weakness of
the paralyzed left side of my body didn't make me feel good enough to stick around after school by the time I climbed out
of there everyone was home anyways. Tring to avoid a faceplant with one hand wasn't easy and was not always successful but
I did manage sometimes to land on my chest with my left arm caught under or to the side making it extremely difficult to maneuver
my way out without balance and a semi paralyzed body. When Dave Reid of The Boston Bruins who is Satan and his lapdog Steven
Robinson first threw me over and into the trash container at Marvin Heights Public School hoping for a faceheadplant I let
out a little "Wohh" and as my left arms nerves spazzed my arm went up behind my back as if I were trying to reach for something
behind me but I couldn't because the nerve in my left arm kept pulling further away backwards so I reached out with my right
arm forward and BAM I stopped my fall with my right arm fully extended preventing the faceheadplant and thought "Woh! II just
stopped my head from smashing into the floor" Then I fell over into the debris that was in the container. Having no balance
to speak of at all getting out of there was harder then the fall. Trying to grab onto something in order to lift myself up
was impossible. Every time I tried to grab a piece of debris to lift myself up it would slip back and I would fall back into
the debris. When I was lucky I would notice a container strap on the floor grab it and hoist myself up and try to manage to
walk over the debris while holding onto the strap that would swing from left to right causing me to loose my balance and fall
back into the debris and forward into the debris with my left hand crumpled under my wrist pinned under my chest in a headfirst
downward position stuck in piles of garbage bags and other refuse made it extremely difficult for me to push my way out of
given the paralyses of my left arm and leg which were very weak & hard to control, no balance, a right leg that can't bend
past a sitting point, a left foot that was permanently pushed sideways due to the impact of the car which does not help at
all when you are trying to get out of precarious positions. Peripheral vision in the right eye caused me to miss objects I
bumped my head against while trying to get out of there .... this was repeated after every school day for 3 years. I broke
many container straps trying to pull myself up from the container floor over the years. Come to think of it if I did not manage
to stop the daily attempted murder by breaking my neck from that piece of shit that managed to scratch, scrape, crawl and
creep it's way out of the soil of the Earth Satan who is Dave Reid who is Satan presently walking the Earth of The Boston
Bruins and his lapdog Steven Robinson by throwing me into a container head first I would of died from a broken neck and if
that didn't do the job being hauled away in the school trash container which I had to manage daily before the city picked
it up after school and then being compacted in the city's trash compacter would have completed the murder they were so desperately
trying to do to me every single day at Marvin Heights Public School throughout grades 3, 4, and 5. To the girls who gave me
Valentines cards during class as soon as I walked out of school they did the same extreme assault however provided themselves
the extra time it would take for them to rifle through my school bag and rip up the Valentines Day cards that were given to
me by you. Feeling upset that I did not have your cards to talk to you about even if I never had the chance immediately after
each school day because of the daily murder attempt by Satan who is Dave Reid of The Boston Bruins and his lapdog Steven Robinson
it made me feel depressed that I couldn't even walk up to you at some point other than immediately after school everyday and
spark up a conversation with bringing up the card added to the extra insecurity that piece of shit Dave Reid of The Boston
Bruins who is Satan and hid lapdog Steven Robinson gleefully provided to me by attempting to murder me. The vast
majority of times when I got home after school my parents would not let me out because they were worried that I would fall
and hurt myself after school everyday like I was. Other than that I loved school it was a great place to socialize. I had
fun being a school clown, writing stories and poetry for English class (I found it funny that some of the stories I wrote
ended up being movies like 3 months later) and I made it to the semi finals in the school speech contest. My sister Kathy
told me the night before the final that my speech was very good ... I told her I wanted to put in more jokes ... she said
you have enough jokes you should put in more facts and since I loaded nearly every fact with a joke in the speech anyways
being a comedian I didn't listen ... I put in more jokes and ended up not making the finals. I was also Paul McCartney in
the school variety show with Satan and his lapdog being George Harrison and John Lennon. During rehearsals I was shaking it
up all over playing bass with my long hair flying in the air. Everyone at the rehearsals were laughing and thought it was
great. I was the only one doing that during the 3 rehearsals ... turns out at the show the rest of the band copied me and
shook their booties too ... but I didn't see them because I was concentrating on being Paul McCartney. The teacher brought
his original first pressing release '45 rpm single of Please Mr. Postman by The Beatles to use. A few days before the show
someone stole his 45rpm of The Beatles Please Mr. Postman during a rehearsal. He was upset... I had my idea on which student
may have stole that. They managed to replace the 45 rpm with a cassette recording. I had the hots for my grade 6 English
teacher Ms. Schöup. The first time I walked into the class I took a desk at the back wall. Leaning over my desk I would use
my long hair while reading to cover my eyes checking her every movement. After a few weeks while walking to my seat at the
back of the class Miss Schöup said "No, no you're sitting right here in front of my desk." The rest of the year it was harder
to concentrate trying to keep my eyes off of her and even harder the one time while lecturing the class she decided to sit
on the front part of her desk with a knee length skirt and crossed her legs. One class project was to bring in one of your
parents recipes and my mother gave me her Lemon Chicken recipe to bring in. Miss Schöup tried it and told tell your mother
that I tried it and thought it was superb.". She gave my mom an A+ and even wrote superb on the handed back assignment. I
never knew how great my mothers cooking was until I had supper at friends houses. When I told Ms. Schöup "Next year I'm moving
back to Montreal just in time for the 1976 Montreal Olympic Games." She looked a little disappointed and said "Well, have
a good time and say thanks again to your mother for the recipe. I had some friends over and they loved it." We then moved
back to Montreal for grade 7 where everything was cool again. One of them, the natural piece of shit that managed to scrape,
claw and crawl it's way out of the soil of earth that Dave Reid of The Boston Bruins is went on to be a multi millionaire
NHL superstar ... one of Don Cherry's favourites. So being flat broke
I sent the natural piece of shit that managed to scratch, scrape, claw and crawl it's way out of the soil of earth that being
Dave Reid of The Boston Bruins an e-mail through the Boston Bruins teams website stating "I don't know if you remember me
we kind of used to hang out in elementary school well today I'm a psychic who finds missing children internationally through
my non profit organization called Child Search. I was wondering if you'd like to give a donation. The very next week Don Cherry
brought on the natural piece of shit that managed to scrape, claw and crawl it's way out of the soil of earth Dave Reid of
The Boston Bruins. While on Coach's Corner with Don Cherry
they were chatting then all of a sudden out of nowhere nothing to do with their conversation the natural piece of shit that
managed to scrape, claw and crawl it's way out of the soil of earth that Dave Reid of The Boston Bruins is says to Don "Don
you know I would never hurt a child right." , When David Reid of The Boston Bruins said that phrase the thought "That is the
face of the devil" came to me. I brushed it aside as an odd thing and never really thought about it again. Don Cherry
just brushed it aside while smiling looking off camera to the side replying with a smile "Yah I know you would never hurt
a child." without inquiring what would cause him to say such a thing. ... and that was his response to my e-mail without actually
e-mailing me back. I thought that was funny... and I do thank Don Cherry for sending me a postcard of him and Blue! It definitely
put a smile on my face and made my day!
Understand that Satan who is Dave Reid of The Boston Bruins is the possessor of the thought influence of murder for
every soul on Earth and that every soul who follows the influence of Dave Reid of The Boston Bruins who is Satan will fall
into Satan's waiting infinite torture party especially for you as is everyone he feeds on infinitely though the energy of
giving and retrieving pain to and from you. Satan feeds off of your souls for infinity and there is no escape. You know that
pain that is so painful that that extreme pain you are feeling is literally stopping you from getting the words that are on
the tip of your tongue from getting out ... well that is what you will feel for infinity in extreme pain knowing what is happening
yet not being able to get the word out that is on the tip of your tongue for infinity.
The natural piece of shit that managed to scrape, claw and crawl it's way out of the soil of Earth on the 15 of May 1964
who is Dave Reid of The Boston Bruins & his lapdog Steven Robinson had a purpose on Earth which was to prevent me from telling
you all the truth about Heaven & hell. Throughout centuries the natural piece of shit that managed to scrape, claw and crawl
it's way out of the soil of earth on the 15 of May 1964 that Dave Reid of The Boston Bruins is & his lapdog Steven Robinson
have attempted to paint a picture that Heaven is a place that can be only attained by following the instructions written down
in a book that was not written by Jesus Christ but by them influenced by God in order to convince people that Heaven does
not exist, create a belief that sex is a sin and that the only real good time place for the best sex is in Hell while the
truth is all Hell is the natural piece of shit that managed to scrape, claw and crawl it's way out of the soil of earth on
the 15 of May 1964 that being Dave Reid of The Boston Bruins is & his lapdog Steven Robinson getting high off the pain they
deliver to you which in turn feeds them as they are always unsatisfied with the amount of pain they deliver and the amount
they receive. It is your life all you do is your choice but don't forget Heaven sees everything you are doing from birth
to death and that the natural piece of shit that managed to scrape, claw and crawl it's way out of the soil of earth on the
15 of May 1964 that Dave Reid of The Boston Bruins is & his lapdog Steven Robinson are eagerly waiting for the fools he has
convinced to join him ... and it does not matter whether you believe in Heaven or Hell the end result is you will end up in
either place directed by the total amount of good and bad you have directed yourself to do during your existence on Earth.
Even though I have never read The Bible a quote I've heard that goes something like "If you remove the column and the dot
in the eye above it it will allow you to see clearer." That being said if you remove the column and the dot in the letter
I above it it allows you to see DAV D R ED which could be interpreted as Dav d red & Dav dred The first thing I thought
of when I came up with this theory is it looks like Dav D Red Wrath 2. I never thought of David Reid as The Devil or Satan
until in late 2022 I decided why not check out this assholes astrological birth sign for fun. Well now that was rather odd.
It didn't phase me I just thought that was odd. But then I thought about it and it explains itself in some weird way. When
I told my Godchild Sara- Jane she thought that was something very interesting and told me I should put it in My Psychic Autobiography
as well as the e-mail and Twitter conversations with Pope Benedict and Pope Francis. In December of 2022 I told people about
being beat up by that piece of shit that managed to scratch, scrape, claw, creep and crawl it's way out of the Earth Dave
Reid of The Boston Bruins on the Marvin Heights Public School Facebook page. Then a cool student friend from some of my classes
at Marvin Heights Public School who was of much smaller stature than that piece of shit that managed to scratch, scrape, claw,
creep and crawl it's way out of the Earth Dave Reid of The Boston Bruins who wore Coke bottle thick lense glasses told me
he got beat up a lot by that piece of shit that managed to scratch, scrape, claw, creep and crawl it's way out of the Earth
Dave Reid of The Boston Bruins in high school. When he posted the picture of himself that was in the class photo I posted
as soon as I saw him there with his Coke bottle thick lensed glasses I got a sick feeling in my stomach and all around that
that piece of shit that managed to scratch, scrape, claw, creep and crawl it's way out of the Earth Dave Reid of The Boston
Bruins is the devil Satan. I checked it psychically and yup Dave Reid of The Boston Bruins is that piece of shit that managed
to scratch, scrape, claw, creep and crawl it's way out of the Earth called Satan. He also changed his public name from David
to Dave to make the connection harder to find for anyone who may be looking for Dav d Red. When I saw the natural piece of
shit that managed to scrape, claw and crawl it's way out of the soil of earth on the 15 of May 1964 that Dave Reid of The
Boston Bruins is on Coach's Corner with Don Cherry even though I have seen many faces and met many people at that moment the
thought "That is the face of the devil" crossed my mind which it never has before. I guess they did not want me to get the
message out so that the natural piece of shit that managed to scrape, claw and crawl it's way out of the soil of earth on
the 15 of May 1964 that being Dave Reid of The Boston Bruins is & his lapdog Steven Robinson can have as many people join
the natural piece of shit that managed to scrape, claw and crawl it's way out of the soil of earth on the 15 of May 1964
that being Dave Reid of The Boston Bruins is & his lapdog Steven Robinson in Hell as possible & can't do it if you listen
to what I am telling you. The only way to counter the natural piece of shit that managed to scrape, claw and crawl it's way
out of the soil of earth on the 15 of May 1964 that being Dave Reid of The Boston Bruins is & his lapdog Steven Robinson
is to ridicule them and play upon their vanity in a public manner of any form. Kinda like "Hey New Jersey Devils couldn't
ya find a more pleasant name to come up with?" or if you wish a very public display around the world during Halloween exposing
the devil satan who is Dave Reid of The Boston Bruins and his lapdog Steven Robinson by dressing up as them, with Blue stuck
to Dave Reid's ass chomping down so hard in a lock jaw tremendous bite that Blue is actually stuck to Dave Reid's ass and
won't let go, would be quite an interesting and humiliating exposure for them while they are weakened walking the Earth so
much to the point that their vanity may never let them return to the surface of the Earth again. You see dressing up as a
red devil with horns is quite enjoyable to Satan who is Dave Reid of The Boston Bruins and his lapdog Steven Robinson as they
are unexposed and enjoying that they are getting away without being noticed while they walk the Earth with free publicity
to boot. However dressing up as Satan Dave Reid of The Boston Bruins and his lapdog Steven Robinson would expose Satan for
who he is Dave Reid of The Boston Bruins while walking the Earth which would burn his vanity so much that it will never let
him and his lapdog return to the surface until people forget who he is and his vanity may let him return. It'd be cool if
people dressed as Don Cherry as a police officer, a Boston Bruin or in one of his many fabulous suits, so many that everyone
on Earth could wear a different Don Cherry suit out for Halloween walking Satan Dave Reid of the Boston Bruins in handcuffs
while Satan Dave Reid of The Boston Bruins is walking his lapdog Steven Robinson during Halloween just to remind them we know
who they are... and have Blue lockjawed to Dave Reid's butt just hanging by his teeth off the butt of Dave Reid of The Boston
Bruins who is Saran presently walking the Earth as you are reading this. In fact every international festival that is meant
to scare the devil away should dress as Satan Dave Reid of the Boston Bruins and his lapdog Steven Robinson because that is
who they are. In case you are wondering I am not gay nor have I ever had the desire to be but gay is OK by me. Live free and
peacefully amongst each other. Just to be clear in case you are still wondering the natural piece of shit that managed to
scrape, claw and crawl it's way out of the soil of earth on the 15 of May 1964 that being Dave Reid of The Boston Bruins
is the devil reincarnate & his lapdog Steven Robinson is the devils' lapdog reincarnate.
Remember their faces ( here is the face of Satan today older photo but he has The Boston Bruins jersey on so it fits https://www.hockeydb.com/ihdb/photos/dave-reid-1996-32.jpg
) they are the same faces of the same pieces of shit that managed to scrape, claw and crawl their way out of the soil of earth
a little over 2,000 years ago and if any of you have ever been royally fucked over by someone while these two pieces of shit
were in your neighbourhood and you were wondering who among your suspects was the cause of that problematic situation to any
degree you need no longer wonder about it you know it now as you are reading this. So for all of you Devil & Satan worshippers
out there for your own sakes please go ask David Reid of The Boston Bruins and his lapdog Steven Robinson what they have
waiting for you in Hell... I mean they're here right now walking on Earth .... whatever they will tell you will be fabricated
pure bullshit because they never cared about you never did and never will all they want is your souls to beat and torture
forever so they can try to fill the satisfaction they will never have as the craving for distributing misery is infinite for
them. When it comes to good energy and bad energy being retained by objects touched by people I would suggest burning anything
in your possession that the natural piece of shit that managed to scrape, claw and crawl it's way out of the soil of earth
on the 15 of May 1964 that being Dave Reid of The Boston Bruins is & his lapdog Steven Robinson have touched or given to
you. Only incinerate the objects touched by the natural piece of shit that managed to scrape, claw and crawl it's way out
of the soil of earth on the 15 of May 1964 that being Dave Reid of The Boston Bruins is & his lapdog Steven Robinson in
a safe and secure manner like a controlled bonfire. Being one who's true hidden inner core desire is to pass on his negative
energy through anyone or any object that will last for centuries the desire to touch The Stanley Cup was attained. Holding
on to such an object, or any object, for any amount of time is enough for the negative energy to be passed on to the object.
Having it in his possession in his home gives him ample time to pass on as much negative energy as possible ... maybe enough
for him to make a return at sometime in the future as he has on May 15 1964. The Stanley Cup is an object it can be replaced
with new silver and copied exactly as is with extra room to spare. The wat to get rid of the Stanley Cup properly as soon
as possible, wouldn't want to touch it once it gets activated from the shit in the shit hole, is to drop The Stanley Cup into
a vat of silver let The Stanley Cup settle to incase itself in a rectangular case of silver and then dump the silver incased
Stanley Cup into the deepest part of the ocean never to be touched again. The Stanley Cup is Satans' anchor to the surface
so when you drop the Stanley cup as previously stipulated which is Satan's anchor to the deepest part of the ocean then Satan
loosing his anchor will not be able to return to the surface. If this is not done before shithead returns to his shithole
then shithead can return within the time limit you have provided for shithead to return to the surface within that time frame
left open by not having done it beforehand. Please do not let pride and vanity held towards an object allow the devil Satan
Dave Reid and his lapdog Steven Robinson to return to the surface of the Earth. If this is not done before shithead and his
shithead lapdog return to their shithole not even a 10 mile protective padding for manipulating The Stanley Cup can provide
protection from the subsequent transformation of the devil Satan Dave Reid of The Boston Bruins and his lapdog Steven Robinson's
subsequent energy transfer. Telling you is all I can do. The rest is completely up to whoever has the Earthly power to get
the job done properly. The devil Dave Reid who is Satan even though being the stupid piece of shit that he is is smart enough
to know that his method of transport into the future has to be something that is cherished by many across the world throughout
it's history. The Stanley Cup being such an object would be his perfect vessel so he chose it seeing that it is kept under
lock and key in a trust foundation which will guarantee its existence forever guaranteeing the devil Satan who is Dave Reid
of The Boston Bruins return whenever he so chooses to return like he did after I returned. Satan who is Dave Reid of The Boston
Bruins was counting on what I have stated never to be found out however even if it is Satan who is Dave Reid of The Boston
Bruins is counting on human greed, pride, vanity, ego, sense of history, and connection to an object which so many people
on Earth have towards it that their is no wat The Stanley Cup would ever disappear out of the reach of all future victims
throughout history. It is a simple task to do if the owners in trust of The Stanley Cup can put aside every reason provided
by temptation that they can muster up to keep The Stanley Cup and do the right thing for the rest of human history and
dispose of The Stanley properly by placing it in a pure silver rectangular box and dropping it into the deepest part of the
ocean never to be touched by human hands again it would be the best move they have ever done in their lives. The disposal
of The Stanley Cup must be done before Satan returns to his shithole. This is not a test. The result of the future of Satan
and hence of all of humankind will be the result of the results of the actions taken by the Trustees Of The Stanley Cup. For
all people who wish to ward off Satan who use rituals that harm, draw blood from and murder animals you are all providing
Satan the negative energies he feeds on and therefore are giving Satan what he wants. Now that Satan has been exposed as Dave
Reid of The Boston Bruins it is time for you all to post pictures of Dave Reid of The Boston Bruins in order to ward off Satan
as exposure and being known for who he is is exactly what Dave Reid of The Boston Bruins has been avoiding as he knows that
any soul who sees and knows Satan for who he really is would say "F*** that! I'm not partying with that douchebag!" Being
exposed is what will keep Satan away as his vanity and ego which have built the false image of him will not allow him to be
seen for the piece of shit whimp that Dave Reid of the Boston Bruins who is Satan really is. Stop murdering and torturing
animals in your rituals to keep Satan away because by doing so you are providing Satan what he wants instead just post his
picture of Dave Reid of The Boston Bruins.
Every time during the assaults provided by the natural piece of shit that managed to scrape, claw and crawl it's
way out of the soil of earth on the 15 of May 1964 that Dave Reid of The Boston Bruins is
& his lapdog Steven Robinson every day except weekends, statutory holidays and summer the natural piece of shit that managed
to scrape, claw and crawl it's way out of the soil of earth on the 15 of May 1964 that Dave Reid of The Boston Bruins is
& his lapdog Steven Robinson always managed to knock me to the ground and everyday the natural piece of shit that managed
to scrape, claw and crawl it's way out of the soil of earth on the 15 of May 1964 that Dave Reid of The Boston Bruins is
& his lapdog Steven Robinson walked away laughing as I had to spend several minutes crawling to any object I could put my
hand against to pull myself up against objects I could reach like a wall, a park bench, a fence and a garbage can as they
walked away boisterously laughing every time, every day except for weekends, statutory holidays and summer. Crawling in the
snow every day every winter sometimes without gloves in the snow was not too exciting. Sometimes my fingers were so frozen
I could hardly bend them after I managed to pull myself up and gather my dispersed homework and school books. I'd get home
and my mother would not let me out based on the condition I arrived home in "trying to keep my balance" while walking home
after school.
In 1973 I bought the Elton John 45rpm record Goodbye Yellow Brick road. I was a big Elton John fan and bought as many
as his 45s as I could. My father was relaxed reading the newspaper on the living room couch when I arrived all excited to
hear the new Elton John 45 rpm I just bought. I gave both sides a listen. I liked the song called Young Mans' Blues better
than Goodbye Yellow Brick Road. I was so impressed with that tune that after listening to both sides I gestured to my father
"Dad, come here listen to this! This song is really for you" because it was upbeat big bandish and had swing to it. My dad
sat next to me legs folded. I passed him the headphones and stated playing Young Mans Blues. I could see he was enjoying it
as he looked up and was swinging his head to the music with a smile after a little while he had an angry face took off the
headphones and said "I can't believe this!" and angrily left the living room to smoke a cigarette in his den leaving me to
put the headphones back on swinging to the groove of my favourite new Elton John tune! I never heard the expression "screw
you" and had no idea what it meant. I didn't find out what that meant 3 or 4 years later & I had forgotten about that incident
at the time. We never discussed that incident after it happened.
On Saturday the 17th of November, 1973 President Nixon interrupted my Saturday cartoon watching binge during Scooby - Doo
with a speech. As I was seated on the floor with hands on the floor and arms holding me up from behind there waiting for
his speech to end as soon as possible so that I could get back to watching my Scooby - Doo cartoon President Nixon said 'I'm
not a crook.' I immediately looked back at my mother who was preparing lunch in the kitchen and said "He's lying.' My mother
immediately replied "How dare you say that about the president! He is not lying!" We all know what happened after that.
The natural piece of shit that managed to scrape, claw and crawl it's way out of the soiljavascript:doSubmit() of
earth being Dave Reid of The Boston Bruins' birthdate May 15 1964 is represented with Tarot cards as the birth card of the
devil. In Irish folklore Reid was another spelling for red which was a sign of the devil. As names were passed out by the
church they did so with discretion on the said knowledge they had of the people and their ascendents at the time. Being given
the name Reid may have been an ancient way for the church to define which ancestral lineage the devil may have come from or
identify which foamily name the devil would enter the world with at any point in the future. That being said if you choose
to follow the natural piece of shit that managed to scrape, claw and crawl it's way out of the soil of earth that Dave Reid
of The Boston Bruins is example as represented through his existence on Earth which began with three years of beating a disabled
child without hesitation or word said from first sighting for 3 years in a row then in the afterlife you can expect the natural
piece of shit that managed to scrape, claw and crawl it's way out of the soil of earth being Dave Reid of The Boston Bruins
and his lapdog Steven Robinson to beat you worse then they did to me because in Hell their are no witnesses, no time limit
no way out forever beaten by the relentless never ending unfulfilled desire for beating and torturing to create the bad energy
the natural piece of shit that managed to scrape, claw and crawl it's way out of the soil of earth being Dave Reid of The
Boston Bruins needs to thrive upon. Through the natural piece of shit that managed to scrape, claw and crawl it's way out
of the soil of earth being Dave Reid of The Boston Bruins and his lapdog Steven Robinson's example of beating up a disabled
child to excess on a daily basis for 3 years they have displayed their true spirits. They learned to hide their true spirits
as they thought their mission would have completed itself one day by creating for me the silence of depression, the intricate
complexities of internal bleeding causing death, develop a severe mental illness and depression leading to suicide. Reid None
of those plans succeeded. They did however succeed in making me extremely shy around girls by eliminating my chance to meet
up with girls and socialize with them other than in class by beating me up immediately after walking out the door of elementary
school on a daily basis in grades 3, 4, and 5. Throughout my teenage years my close friends told me that I was too shy for
my own good. My father did wonder about it and asked me when I was about 14 "Rob you do know how to pick up girls don't you?"
"Yah sure dad of course I do,"
So that was the end of that conversation. Little did he know that what I meant by "Of course I do" was that when I was in
love with a girl I'd write her a poem leave my phone number at the bottom and hope she'd call. That didn't work. Since the
natural piece of shit that managed to scrape, claw and crawl it's way out of the soil of earth being Dave Reid of The Boston
Bruins and his lapdog Steven Robinson exist to provide negativity in every form while on Earth playing innocent the best
thing anyone can do towards them is to affect their vanity so bad through ridicule or some other form of communication that
it will stick throughout time limiting the amount of people that would get sucked into their fake delights only to be tortured
by them forever in the Hell they have prepared for anyone who follows their path.
For all Satanists the natural piece of shit that managed to scrape, claw and crawl it's way out of the soil of earth
on the 15 of May 1964 that is Dave Reid of The Boston Bruins' is Satan or the devil whichever you wish to call it. Satan is
a lying manipulative asshole who does not give a shit about you and tries to suck you into stories of glory for serving it
and has manipulated The Bible, which was not written by Jesus Christ, along the way . However nobody serves Satan Satan serves
himself to your souls. Satan eagerly awaits all people it has convinced that following it will lead to a big party in the
afterlife however all anyone will ever get in the end with no exceptions is to be its torture mat forever as Satans plans
are all for itself and no one else
as it feeds on the negative energy created by everyone on Earth and the negative energy it is creating through the non stop
torture of every soul it has convinced to join it and it's lapdog in Hell.
When I saw the film Apocalypse Now in a theatre in 1979 the scene where a guy is trying to swim out of the dead bodies reminded
me of what I did every day, statuary holidays weekends and summer not included, for three years except for the first 2 days
while being assaulted by that piece of shit that managed to scratch, scrape, and claw it's way out of the soil of the earth
David Reid and his lapdog Steven Robinson trying to save my life by swimming out of garbage bags that would pile on top of
me as I sank to the bottom and again while falling back trying gain balance somehow only to slide back as grasping on to a
plastic garbage bag on top of another plastic garbage bag gives no traction just slip sliding away everyday. That scene immediately
reminded me of my trying to swim out of the garbage from the bottom of the garbage container knowing that if I could not make
it out their was a strong possibility that I would end up being crushed to death in a city dump trash compactor. The Apocalypse
now scene did not dishearten me I just thought "Oh yah I been through that shit."
In 1980 when I got my first apartment which I shared with a friend and had my drum set up in my bedroom. I called
3 pizza restaurants that delivered and asked for a vegetarian pizza. They all said they don't make that. On the fourth try
the order taker replied "A vegetarian pizza what's that?" "It's an all dressed without the peperoni." "An all dressed without
the pepperoni no we don't do that." "C'mon man just make an all dressed and don't add the pepperoni." "Don't add the pepperoni...
were going to charge you three bucks more for that." "Why you're adding less ingredients?" "It's three bucks more take it
or leave it." "O.K. I'll take it."
At the age of 20 I could feel the unmistakable and unbearable pain of the need for my third root canal over the previous
years. I called my dentists office and asked for the operation for the following day which was Friday. The assistant told
me that they were booked until Monday. I said "Great book me!" She replied "O.K. you're booked for Monday at 2:45 p.m. and
in the meantime you can take a cup of lukewarm water and put a teaspoon of salt in it rinse your mouth out with it for a
minute a few times a day to ease the pain." I was in so much pain and figured since the pain of a root canal is caused by
puss from an infection building up and applying pressure against the nerve then if I kill the infection with excessive amounts
of salt being pushed though the pores of my gums by putting 5 tablespoons of salt in a cup of lukewarm water and expanding
the amount of time spent swishing the salted water in my mouth to 40 minutes in the first hour it should have an effect. I
did it and spat the salt water into the kitchen sink. The pain had been reduced by at least 50%. The next hour I did it again
and the pain was further reduced to 20%. The next hour I did it again and the pain was completely gone. Thinking that even
if the pain had disappeared the bacteria may still have minor remnants in the gums I continued to salt rinse my mouth for
10 to 20 minutes every hour over the weekend. Monday morning I called my dentist and cancelled my root canal operation. That
was in the early 1980s and I haven't had the need for a root canal since. In 2015 I was at a friends house and he was complaining
about this reoccurring pain in his gums he has had for over 20 years and every year he had to go to the dentist to take care
of it. I told him about my remedy. He was noting it down like a prescription noting the hours and length of time I did it.
He said he would try it. He tried it it worked and he has never had to go back to the dentist for that problem since.
Suffering from anxiety? If you have any amount of soy products in the food you are consuming get rid of them and within
3 days your anxiety should disappear if soy is the only cause of the anxiety you can't explain. I went though many months
of suffering from anxiety when I started eating soy products on a daily basis. After several months of anxiety and slight
paranoia I read about the negative side effects of consuming soy products and which includes anxiety and paranoia upon reading
it I decided to quit all soy products even if the last ingredient is soy lecithin
. Within three days all forms of anxiety and paranoia were eliminated and never came back.
At the age of 21 I saw a documentary on P.B.S. Vermont ETV that was displaying various martial arts. Their was a 15 minute
segment that showed a 90 year old Aikido master handling anywhere from 1 to 9 black belt opponents at once. He discussed his
method which I thought was very interesting. The very next afternoon while sitting in Roxboro Park with 5 friends one of them
says "You think your tough eh?" "No I just like doing a lot of exercise" So he starts by trying to push me over. Impressed
with the use of Aikido in that it is not meant to harm your opponent just assist your opponent in the direction they are going
through pulling, shoving, and deflecting with every part of your body I decided this was the perfect time to try it out. The
4 other friends joined in. After 2 minutes they were all on the grass catching their breaths. Aikido really works when used
At the age of 21 I had my third bout of bronchitis. I was tired of taking the prescription pills that I was given
to battle the bronchitis as they lasted as long as the bronchitis did 3 weeks. I thought their must be a better way to deal
with bronchitis. I had this feeling that if I drank a bottle of Cognac and gargle the cognac in my throat for as long as I
can then swallow it it should help. Over three days whenever I felt an itch in my throat I took one shot of Cognac and gargled
for as long as I could then swallowed it which also included times when I did not have an itchy throat. I did it for three
days and my bronchitis was cured. Over 30 years later I could feel it coming on again so I bought a bottle of Cognac and it
In 1982 I had a friend who was a witch who was able. She used Tarot Cards to provide readings. I met her in 2023 while
walking out of Le Faubourg Shopping Mall just as I got on to Sainte - Catherines street in Montreal. So as I tell everybody
I told her that I am psychic who finds missing children and run a free international service called Child Search. She said
"When I met you I knew you were more powerful than I was but I didn't tell you."
I met one of the doctors who told me I would never walk again at the age of 21 by chance through an injury I had
attained during a 10 speed bike accident at the time. I told him that I was jogging 5 miles per day (which I took up after
seeing my favourite drummer Carl Palmer do in the Brain Salad Surgery Tour film on the C.B.C. on TV late one night) and doing
4 hours of karate 5 days per week he said "You do that!" and looked astonished. I never hit anyone since waking back to life
in 1969, except during the Karaté Kyokushin Shihan Richard Barbeau, Karaté Kyokushin Shihan Daniel Gauthier, and Karaté Shinkyokushin
Shihan André Gilbert courses I took and I like that. When I went to join Shihan Richard Barbeau's Dojo situated at the corner
of Laurentien blvd. and Goiun West blvd. in Cartierville I was a long haired bearded 18 year old hippy. He was sitting at
his desk with the registration papers and asked "What are you here for?" I said "Karate helps with the balance
right. That's what I'm here for." In my third year of karate I told Shihan Richard Barbeau that I was interested in going
to Japan to continue my martial arts training he laughed and said "You'd have to survive on rice!" I did not tell him but
I already was for quite a long time and figured ya I can't afford to fly there anyways. I also had fasted for a little over
a month only eating two Jub Jub candies per day and it did not decrease my workouts in any way. My pulse at rest was 48 and
even got it down to 42 when I was really relaxed. Muscle growth was restrained but it did not limit speed nor power. During
the second month of fasting Shihan Richard Barbeau stated to the class while looking in my direction while I was third row
back in the dojo alignment of 4 rows 8 students wide to his right "If you are doing a lot of Karate and you do not notice
a difference then their is something wrong." a pause of 2 seconds and repeated "If you are doing a lot of Karate and you do
not notice a difference then their is something wrong." ... and I must state that during that period of time one day I was
starving so much that I decided a nice bowl of soup should do. So I took what I had garlic cloves and onions boiled them together
and had a couple of bowls before jogging to karate class. I wasn't thinking of anything other than putting something in my
stomach. At that point the effect of sweat odor was not processed I wasn't thinking. I sweated while jogging there so by
the time I arrived at class I was already sweating the smell of onions and garlics. Near the end of the first class I kata'd
my way away from the area of an S.B.D. fart I had just laid. So before the second class commenced I decided that just one
fart was not enough to depart and maybe nobody smelt it. So I decided to complete my 4 hours. During the second hour of class
it became more apparent after laying a few and Shihan Richard Barbeau yelling "Who's farting?" I kept as quiet as my farts
were and decided not to stick around for the next 2 classes. I told myself to never to do that again. However at least 20
years later CHOM - FM had a contest called something like The Elvis Presley Porta Potty Contest in which they were going
to give a pair of tickets to a concert of our choice to anyone who could stay awake the longest in a portable toilet the longest.
So my strategy, even though the chances of it were highly likely not to work and I knew it wouldn't I thought it would be
funny anyways, was to stink them out of there by drinking a pitcher full of boiled onions and garlics which I brought along
as a refreshing drink in a two litre jug which I poured over myself once in a while to cool down. I biked there and was already
sweating. My sweat did at least have a minor nostril and mental affect on my opponents. After two days when a CHOM - FM representative
asked "How long are you people planning on going on for?" I replied "I stayed awake for 5 days straight waiting for Led Zeppelin
tickets and also did for the for The Who tickets recently." CHOM - FM decided to end it as they were not expecting it to go
on for a few days. They did mention my strategy on air after I told a CHOM - FM rep of my stink out strategy so maybe I did
get a few laughs out of it. When I walked to the entrance of the office I knew the receptionist could smell it and I asked
"Do you want me to walk over to your desk and pick up the ticket?" She replied "No." Butt I no choice I had to anyways so
I walked over to pick up my tickets for The Tragically Hip. It was a choice of either Rush or The Tragically Hip I had already
been to two Rush concerts at that point and since I never saw The Tragically Hip I went for The Tragically Hip tickets. I
read in the year 2022 that fasting naturally increases your human growth hormone level. In the third or fourth year in a passing
of the belt battle Shihan Alain Bordeleau and Shihan Normand Bordeleau were Shihan Richard Barbeaus' assistants. I was up
against Shihan Richard Barbeau. He did a superfast super strong round house kick to my chest. You know like in The Bugs Bunny/Roadrunner
Show where Wile E Coyote sees a telephone poll is being stretched back a mile on the wires and it launches into Wile E Coyotes'
chest and sends him flying for miles well it felt like that but 20 times harder and I didn't budge just stood there and kept
my balance like a rock and didn't even flinch. He turned around and looked surprised to see me standing exactly in the same
stance I was before he kicked me. So he immediately did another one ya I got kicked back but I didn't loose my balance. Thank
you Shihan! OSU!!!!!
.. and to further the fart situation being an avid South Park fan I won tickets in a call in contest from CHOM -
FM to the premiere which was a midnight showing of South Park: Bigger, Longer & Uncut. After drinking a half bottle of Vodka
at my place my friend and I walked over to the theater. Seated in the theater while we were chatting a few rows up from the
stage the announcer for the movie said something like "It sounds like you have something to say. I'm trying to introduce
the movie here. Do you want to do it?" I immediately said "Sure!" Got up off my seat he passed me the microphone and I immediately
stated as I commenced walking to one side of the stage 'Are you ready to fart???" then stated in a deep low low toned slowly
drawn out tough guy German accent "VEEE AVE VAYS' then very quickly in a much higher pitched voice "OF MAKING FAAA-AART!"
The whole crowd broke out laughing and I was going on for something like 5 minutes without stopping to think of what I'd say
just saying what came to me at the moment... then I thought OK we're here to watch a movie so better quit now even though
I felt like going on all night. So while everyone was still laughing I quietly said in the microphone "I'm a psychic who
finds missing children for more information Google: Child Search.' I handed the microphone back to the announcer who said
something like "I better not try that again he can take my job!"
I felt like saying "Great I don't have a job!" but I didn't.
During the time I lived at 8609 Basswood in Pierrefonds I used to sometimes bike and sometimes jog 6.2 klms along
Gouin blvd. to Karate Richard Barbeau and back. After the fire I rented a house situated at 5 - 13th street Roxboro with a
3 friends where I gladly played my tympanies, gong and Gretsch Nighthawk 2 Maple Drumset (the same Maple Gretsch Nighthawk
2 Drumset that is seen on Genesis'Live Album Seconds Out) with Paiste and Zildjian cymbals (Zildjian cymbals lasted 3 momths
Paiste lasted 3 and a half months it got expensive replacing them. Three months after I bought my Grestch Nighthawk2 Maple
drumset at Steves Music Store I went to Steve's Music Store and told the man at the counter that the cymbals were defective
and I wanted free replacement cymbals. He replied "WHAT??? DID YOU USE A HAMMER ?????... no we are not replacing them nor
giving you a refund." I was using Powertip CCC drumsticks butt still. Replacing cymbals every 3 months got expensive.) to
Tocatta as loudly as I wanted. From there I sometimes biked and sometimes jogged 8.9 klms to Karate Richard Barbeau and back
on a daily basis along Gouin blvd. One day as I was speeding on my 10 - speed to get to my Karate Richard Barbeau class along
Guoin blvd in the early 1980's a group of about 50 girls were all sitting on the grass of front lawn of Sainte - Marcelline
College facing Gouin blvd. as I sped by they all started cheering and clapping loudly. I did not have time to slow down as
I had to get to my Karate Richard Barbeau class but I thought that was cool!
When I moved to Laval and found it accommodating that Shihan Daniel Gauthiers' Dojo was a few blocks away I decided
to take courses from Shihan Daniel Gauthier. When I went to register for Shihan Daniel Gauthiers' Dojo which was situated
at la Récréathèque de Laval on 900, Curé-Labelle Boulevard in Laval, Québec he asked "Why did you decide to switch Dojos?"
Other than that I had moved their was this minor nagging I had of always repeatedly doing the same exercises. "I would like
to train with different exercises." We signed the papers. "You will be starting as a white belt." "O.K." On the first day
of Shihan Daniel Gauthiers' course. He said "We will start with jumping jacks." I never thought of jumping jacks as an exercise
I found them to be useless as a kid so much to the point that I never added them to my exercise program. He counted at a fast
pace. When we reached 400 I thought "Ya well I guess if you do it this way it is an exercise!" When we got to 500 I thought
he'd stop. Nope we kept it up to 1000 and I was struggling from the 875 up.
After doing karate and jogging daily for years I decided I should take a break for a year. So the next year I decided
to hop out of bed and jog 5 miles. The next morning when I got out of bed it felt like a fork was pitched into and twisting
in my ankle. I went to the doctor in pain and asked what could be done. The doctor stated that I could have an operation however
that could cause an infection where I might loose my foot and their was also the possibility of complete loss of sensation
in the foot. I was not interested in the possibility of loosing the tickle sensation in the foot at all so I asked for other
options. The option he gave me was prescription pain relievers. I took them for 3 weeks and did not like the woozy side effects
they had on the brain so I decided to quit and live with the pain. I tried jogging once in awhile just a bit like 1 or 2 miles
and every time I was in so much pain in the ankle that I could barely walk the next day and sometimes 2 days.. Every step
was a fork being twisted in my ankle. Even 3 blocks caused pain the next day so I had to completely stop jogging. I really
miss that joggers high I used to get.
I continued at home without performing strenuous exercises that would involve ankle work. So after a few years of on and off
exercises at home I decided to join Shihan André Gilbert's Dojo situated at 4010, Ste-Catherine West in Westmount since I
was living above an amusement arcade at the corner of Sainte - Catherines and Lambert - Closse. I enjoyed being back in karate
class however not having used the ankle in so long during my exercises at home I forgot about the sharp pain that tendonitis
in the ankle delivers so after three weeks I had to quit.
Shihan Richard Barbeau, Shihan Alain Bordeleau, Shihan Normand Bordeleau, Shihan Daniel Gauthier and Shihan André
Gilbert stated "If this ever happens to you", which was an attack from a person jumping in the air doing the splits and coming
down fists first which they all demonstrated and all the classes,
myself included, always laughed like "Oh yahh as if that's ever going to happen to me!" ... and "Sure you show off!" Shihan
Alain Bordeleau, Shihan Normand Bordeleau, Shihan Richard Barbeau, Shihan Daniel Gauthier, and Shihan André Gilbert would
always respond with "No I'm serious. If this happens to you step into it standing up. Do not move backwards because then you
are just giving your opponent more force to knock you hard, back, and off balance. Step into it with your forehead." as they
stood straight up and blocked their lower rib cages on either side with their elbow. "If you do this block properly you will
either dislocate or break your opponents wrists, hands, fingers, knuckles or everything at once."
So even though I had not worked out for a little over 30 years (by not worked out I mean not doing karate daily for a little
over 30 years but still doing minor workouts once in a while with very many months and years in between) I was still able
to deliver the block properly.
So right before the pandemic started I was coming back from a friends house at like midnight but I accidently took the bus
the wrong way. The bus driver stops across the street from a bar. The bus driver says "This is the end of the line." and continues
to mention that their won't be another bus till 5 a.m. so I get out and wait. About 1 hour later someone comes walking out
of the bar towards the bus shelter that I am standing in front of. He walks right next to me and delivers a kick to my knee
I fall and immediately stand up. He however was on one knee holding and shifting both hands back and forth from his toes to
his ankle screaming "owww ouuu eee etc..." I had a scar from his shoe directly under my knee cap about 3 inches across caused
by the toe of his shoe that lasted a little over a year... it's still there but a lot less noticeable kinda smudgy and clear.
So I just stood there while he tried to relieve himself of the pain on one knee. Then after 3 or 4 minutes he then stood up
and backed himself into the far end corner of the bus shelter away from the entrance. He was facing me with his dukes up and
back up against the windows that meet at the corner of the bus shelter he positioned himself into.... I stand there calmly
... he says "You know what you are doing is dangerous!" I calmly replied "Since when is waiting for the bus dangerous?" He
replied "I know what you're doing dangerous!" I calmly looked him in the eyes and gestured a view towards the bus sign "You
see there's a bus sign there... you are now standing in a bus shleter behind me" He repeated himself and then I looked him
in the eyes and pointed towards the bar and yelled. "Decollise toi d'icit maudi fou! Espèce de cul salle! GROUILLE!!!!!!!
GROUILLE!!!!!!! GROUILLE!!!!!!!" He took the option I gave him and limped back to the bar. While I was loudly yelling "Collis
d'espèce de maudit idot de tas marde de tras cul salle. GROUILLE!!!!!!! COLLIS DE TABARNAC!!!! MAUDIT IDIOT JE JUSTE ATTEND
POUR L'AUTOBUS!!!! You fucking idiot dirty piece of shit! MOVE ASSHOLE!!!! MOVE!!!!!!!!! FUCK!!!! I'm just waiting for
the bus! You FUCKING IDIOT!"
So 10 minutes or so later another guy comes out and he is walking straight towards me. Then he stops in front of me raises
his left hand in the air and starts to twirl it like in the karate kid or something (I thought what an idiot! He thinks I'm
a cow) ... I am standing there calmly watching him prepare his attack not moving at all, arms at rest. So he jumps straight
in the air approximately 34 inches over my head does the splits in the process and comes down fists first like an Olympian
high diver would ... so as I am calmly standing there I see him launching down fists first. I automatically blocked his attempt
to land his knuckles on my lower ribcage with my left elbow and his attempt to hit me in the left eye as he was coming down
was blocked by the head butt I gave to his knuckles. He then stood up next to me and let out a little grunt as he crossed
his arms and placed his wrists under his armpits and squeezed down on them. I then looked him in the eyes and calmly stated
as if nothing happened "You should know who you're going to hit before you hit them." and then I very quickly shot my finger
past left ear and yelled "Get out of here you fuckin idiot (MAUDIT FOU!)!"
He looked startled as his eyes bulged and lifted both arms over his head in a straight position ... I noticed that his hands
were hanging like rags from his wrists which seemed out of position. While he was walking backwards with his arms in the air
I was yelling "You fuckn idiot don't waste your life!!!! You're smarter than that! You fuckn piece of shit!! Stupid fuckn
idiot! Get the fuck out of here now!! You want to know who you hit! Do you know what the internet is? Maybe you're so fuckn
stupid you don't know what Google is! Let me make it easy for you!" So I slowly, in a very LOUD and low toned voice, spelt
out Google ...and then I yelled "Do you know how to spell Child Search? Maybe you're so fuckin stupid you don't know how to
spell Child Search ... let me help you with that too!" In a very loud and low toned voice I slowly spelt out Child Search.
As he was walking backwards with his hands up, but his hands weren't up they were just hanging there like rags, at the exact
moment I finished very slowly spelling it for him his heals hit the edge of the sidewalk across the street. That's when I
yelled "I do the karate of André Gilbert! " At that instant he turned around crossed his arms placing both of his wrists under
his armpits and squeezed down on them and continued to walk back to the bar that way.
No one came out to bug me after that. I never hit anyone I just blocked properly and was able to take my bus home 3 hours
later. OSU!!!! When I got home I checked Google Trends which displays hits to your website from Google searches around the
world and noticed that my website was Googled a few minutes after that guy walked back into the bar. Google Trends does not
show the exact address of the visitor just the regions and cities within countries.
A few months after that I decided to quit drinking and it freed my beer hand up for exercise Which I have been doing
daily since and am feeling a lot better. While drinking from a mini airplane bottle that I just bought at the liquor store
on its' street corner a man in his late 60's came up and told me that he was a heavy drinker for most of his life and continued
with "The best way to quit drinking is to stop for 5 days after that the desire for alcohol goes away." I tried it it worked!
During the time we lived in Mississauga I had a friend named Robert. He and his family decided it might be fun for
me to go with them to Secretariat's last race in 1973 at the Woodbine Racetrack. As soon as I saw the list I told everyone
who would listen that I would bet on French Courtyard. French Courtyard came in second or third. A man whom I told to bet
on French Courtyard was walking with another man and said "Hey that's the kid." He then said you were right we would have
made more money betting on French Courtyard than we did on Secretariat. Hey kid how'd ya do that?" I replied. "I just felt
it." They both looked at each other one said "Imagine if we bet on the triple! Ohohhh!!!", shrugged their shoulders and walked
away. My friend Robert mentioned then and few times later "You know what you did there picking off that horse that was good."
I never understood what he meant by that for 17 years.
During my attendance at Marvin Heights Public School there was a kind of rights of passage thing in grade 6 where
a group of girls would tackle a guy and they'd sit on him and lift his shirt and rub his stomach. Every time I saw that happen
I thought "What a lucky guy I wish that'd happen to me." So at the end of grade 6 a group of girls tackled me to the ground
and I struggled my way out of it and went home. WTF! My body did what it had been used to doing after getting knocked over
for the past three years automatically walk home and exercise listen to The Monkees and air drum to them and any song I heard
on the radio. I was listening to the Monkees everyday and enjoyed watching their TV show! My mind was thinking "Hey man what
you doing? Go back! Go back! However the legs kept walking home. Due to the daily beatings provided by the natural piece
of shit that managed to scratch, scrape, claw and crawl it's way out of the soil of earth that Dave Reid of The Boston Bruins
and his lapdog Steven Robinson I stayed home a lot. Many times my parents would not let me out go after school because I
"fell" a lot walking back from school from school and they were worried that I would hurt myself again.. They were worried
about the clothe I'd have to wear the next day. In doing so I became a walking TV Guide. My parents would frequently ask
me "Rob what's on Thursday at 8:30 p.m.?" I would respond by telling them the various options they had ... and that at anytime
any day. I loved comedy shows and enjoyed watching Kung Fu (Kung Fu with David Carradine was my favourite show), The Carol
Burnett Show, Rowen & Martin Laugh In, All In The Family, The Jeffersons, The Odd Couple, The Twilight Zone, The Green Hornet,
The Flip wILSON sHOW, Sanford & Son, Sonny & Cher, CHER, The Flintstones, The Monkees, M.A.S.H., Maude,The Brady Bunch, The
Partridge Family, Spiderman, The Munsters, The Adams Family, American Bandstand, The Mary Tyler Moore Show, Rhoda, The Bob
Newhart Show (which made me feel like moving to Vermont), The Nipsey Russell Show, The Electric Company, Room 222, The Green
Hornet, Ultraman, Godzilla, Batman, U.F.O, Hollywood Squares, Match Game, The Love Connection, Let's Make A Deal, Green Acres,
Star Trek, Wayne & Schuster, The Bugs Bunny Road Runner Hour, The Beverly Hillbillies, The Lucille Ball Show, Get Smart, The
Monty Python Show, The Benny Hill Show ( I didn't like the demeaning of women butt there was something about the show) , The
Beachcombers, The Nature Of Things, Bobino, Bobino et Bobinette, Skippy The Kangaroo, Lassie, The Forest Rangers, Scooby
- Doo, Rocky & Bullwinkle, Hogans Heroes, the news and documentaries.
So the very next day while I was sitting in class taking notes a group of girls from outside came to the open window
next to the chair I was sitting in the the classroom a cute girl named Pam looked at me with her arms resting on the base
of the open window "Looked at me smiling and said "We're ready for you when you get out Rob." with a very cute attractive
smile. My mind wanted it so bad but after the previous days event I knew my body wasn't too interested at the moment due to
the previous three years of being jumped, kicked, and punched everyday weekends, statutory holidays and summer not included
by the natural piece of shit that managed to scrape, claw and crawl it's way out of the soil of earth that Dave Reid of The
Boston Bruins is & his lapdog Steven Robinson I was worried that I might accidentally harm one of the girls by an automatic
reaction I may not have been able to control, installed by my aggressors, so instead of going out to fulfill my desire like
WOW that dream came and went with the wind... I let myself out the front door of the school and walked home. I am not now
nor have ever been claustrophobic.
I was so used to defending myself daily that in grade 5 while walking down the hallway someone jumped on my back ...
without looking I automatically reached behind me trying to pull the person clinging to my back off... I ended up by accident
without seeing it, due to the peripheral vision in my right eye, pulling the string of the jacket for the pull over hood and
accidentally choaked a girl for a second. She was crying when she jumped off my back and walked away. We still remained friends
a little more distant but if anything was happening that put the brakes on that one. It happened again the following year
with a different girl and again the same automatic reaction I not knowing it was a girl just reached over grabbed her by the
back of my back and threw her to the floor. She landed on her butt so she was OK just shocked. I was also shocked said "Sorry!"
and walked away feeling ashamed and stupid throughout the day and a long time after that.
During summer vacation between grades 4 and 5 while we were vacationing in a camp ground my brother Erik, sister
Kathy, and I we're playing hide and seek in the tall grass. I hid and while hiding I did not notice but a blade of grass sliced
a 3 inch gash under my knee which was open and exposing cartilage. When my brother found me I noticed my knee and looked at
my brother and said "Don't tell mom and dad." My brother looked at me and said "What are you talking about we have to tell
mom and dad right away!" Being so used to hiding the cuts and bruises provided by the natural piece of shit that managed to
scrape, claw and crawl it's way out of the soil of earth that Dave Reid of The Boston Bruins is and his lapdog Steven Robinsons'
daily beatings (weekends, statuary holidays, and summer not included) which most of the time ended up with me being thrown
in the schools trash container and while I was out of balance lying in the trash amongst splintered wood with exposed nails,
yes I got splinters in more places than you could imagine along with scrapes and punctures from nails and other trash including
broken glass objects that the school disposes of in the container trying get up and avoid the sharp hard and broken objects
in the schools' waste container I often slipped trying to get up and out taking several minutes every time finding it hard
to place myself where I could seek some form of balance without slippage included, that was my automatic response. After having
had enough of beating me till they kicked me to the ground and continued kicking for as long as they felt sometimes longer
than 20 minutes they would grab my arms and legs and hoist me into the school trash container. I quite literally had to swim
my way out of piles of garbage bags that I sank under in the schools waste container on a near daily basis. Landing on an
and trying to crawl across the bottom of the container when the school threw in a bunch of baseboards with rows of very closely
knit exposed nails were some of the worst times scrapes cuts and punctures included. At times I had to sit there for minutes
trying to pull my way up on trash bags that were piled on top of each other offering no support whatsoever just continuously
sliding back to the bottom of the container as was I seated on my ass crying unable to get up more times than not. Sometimes
it took a half an hour to an hour for me to get out of there. Sometimes I would be lucky enough to find the strap belt for
the container and pull myself up and out of the mess into a standing position trying to balance myself but with the flexibility
of the strap and inability to keep my balance I would fall back on the waste and cry and try again several times over the
hour trying to get to the wall of the container to get something I could lean against to pull myself up against the container
wall. Sometimes the strap gave way and I would fall right back into the pile of garbage bags mixed in with the other school
waste scattered about in the container like broken windows and screens, shattered glass, disgusting shit, broken pencils,
discarded utensils, kitchen waste amongst other objects . This happened everyday for three years in a row. As long as nobody
pushed or touched me I was somewhat still able to keep my balance however not always and loosing my balance was a daily multiple
occurrence. After a few times I developed a technique of crawling through the waste reaching for garbage bags crawling back
and forth to pile them on top of each other so that I could finally reach a standing position then one bag would slide I'd
fall and have to start over and over again until I could sturdy myself up enough to try and get out of the schools trash container.
From the third time on the third day of school in grade 3 the they always finished off the daily beatings by tossing me into
the container for the following three years. Over the three winters with extra slippage provided by ice and snow it was extra
hard to get myself up and out of the schools trash container. The long and lengthy attempts to stand failed many times over
even when I was lucky enough to grab the container strap and stand up my balance would try to attain itself by pulling myself
up with the strap only to slip back on the ground over and over again in one session. Many days I would lie there on my back
in the container unable to position myself to get up wondering if I would freeze to death and be hauled off to a trash compactor
the next day... and when the class would wonder "What happened to Rob?" Dave Reid of The Boston Bruins and his lapdog Steven
Robinson would just sit there smiling not saying a thing.
Satanists do not realise that this piece of s*** is their real leader and have absolutely no concept of what they
are doing presently as well as no concept of what that piece of sh** who is their chicken s*** leader who is such a chicken
s*** distributor that he will not distribute his presence to all his followers. Like every drawing displays how much of a
chicken shit feeder and consumer retroactively praising the sh** that comes out of his mouth and eating it so much to the
point that in every drawing of Satan when Satan was told it's time for a group painting that little piece of crap would see
an innocent goat that happened to be gleefully trotting by kill it cut off it's head carve out the innards place it on his
head and miserably try to hold his breath during the full painting session which unfortunately was impossible for Satan to
do so immediately after the painting session was finished Satan would run into the forest bump his head on a tree fall on
his a** and then remove the poor murdered goats head and puke until the next morning when he returned to his followers he
told them he was out doing evil. So today as stuffed toys of a cute horned creature, cartoons depicting him as a cool guy,
Satan actually talking to people and trying to understand them all work in that piece of S*** Satan who is Dave Reid of The
Boston Bruins and his lapdog Steven Robinson's favour. Making hell seem like a cute fantasy lightening the very real gravity
of the situation. So as people take hell lightly and more lightly with humour and cute anecdotes the reality of hell escapes
the mind which is exactly what that piece of S*** Satan who is Dave Reid of The Boston Bruins and his lapdog Steven Robinson
desire for every human to believe as it increases the amount of eternal torture they wish to inflict and retrieve from every
person who is foolish enough to believe that Satan that piece of s*** you are also trying to depict as a cool guy in that
totally fantasy laden drama called Lucifer or Lucifer Boringstar whatever you want to call that piece of s*** it's still the
same piece of S***.
When we moved back to Montreal life got back to normal. My brother gave me two tickets to my first concert to two
of my favourite groups at Place des Nations which was Bachman - Turner Overdrive with back up Michel Pagliaro. I also was
a big Michel Pagliaro fan so that was great! I took my friend Jon to the show as he was also a big Bachman - Turner Overdrive
fan. I felt sorry for Michel Pagliaro while he stated "This is the first big show I've ever done" people were throwing popcorn
at him yelling "B.T.O." "B.T.O." "B.T.O." "B.T.O." "B.T.O." "B.T.O." "B.T.O." "B.T.O." even when he was playing on stage
yet Michel acted as if it wasn't even happening he rolled on with a great show.. It was a great show... Robbie Bachman did
a SUPER HEAVY DUTY drum solo which I appreciated tremendously through thunderous applause.
I was hanging out with a great group of friends in Roxboro I was into Emerson, Lake and Palmer they were into Led
Zeppelin and at the time one of my favourite songs that I first heard on 10/50 CHUM when it came out was D'yer Mak'er but
I never knew it was Led Zeppelin. So reading up on Jimmy Page I read that he was into Black Magic so I just started dwelling
into the area not much just thoughts about the subject. So while dwelling on the subject of Black Magic I'm standing there
and ya know that thought of I don't want the window to fall while I'm looking outside well for the first and only time the
window did fall but I caught it in time. So I stopped checking that subject out. Back to Led Zeppelin. I was totally in love
with a girl and wrote her a poem called All Of My Love within a week or so Led Zeppelin released an album called In Through
The Outdoor they had a song called All Of My Love written by John Paul Jones and Robert Plant.
I became a big Emerson, Lake, and Palmer fan immediately after my brother purchased the album Brain Salad Surgery. So my brother
designed the ELP insignia about a foot and a half long with the white dove under it on the back of my jean jacket. I loved
it and wore it everyday, except during the winter. 4 years later my brother bought tickets for us to Emerson, Lake, and Palmer
who were playing Montreals' Olympic Stadium on my birthday with an orchestra ... and by surprise when they played the film
in Montreals' Cinema De Paris a few years later ... I thought I saw myself in the audience shots but it was so out of focus
that I didn't dare to tell my brother that. Over a decade later later Emerson, Lake, and Palmer released the remastered digitalized
D.V.D. version of the concert which I bought off their website and saw myself in 9 of the audience shots. Pretty cool coincidences
From the age of 13 and up I was applying for at least 100 jobs every summer. I walked up and down the industrial sector
of Dollard Des Ormeaux and Point Claire up and down Bruinswick Blvd from Sources Blvd. and into the surrounding companies
in that area never got one call back. So sitting there with my friends, most of whom if not all had jobs, one of them sits
down with us and says "I can't believe it I had to apply for 3 jobs before I could get one." ... and another one says "Ya
well I had to apply for 5 man!" I had no comment. While filling out an application for a job as a warehouse worker at the
age of 16 I was feeling so pissed off at not getting any jobs that I just told the person to whom I was applying for the job
that I would do 50 push ups right in front of his eyes right here right now in less than 50 seconds at least to show that
I am somewhat capable. He replied "No that's not necessary." .. and I didn't get a call back. Then in 1979 it was the International
Year Of The Disabled. My mother and father saw how hard I was trying for jobs over the years and pleasantly suggested that
I could take advantage of that ... I was so pissed off and burnt out from applying for jobs over the years that I thought
"Oh no one wants to give me a job for 4 years and now JUST because it's International Year Of The Disabled, you want me to
carry around a piece of paper saying "I'm disabled please hire me" because you might give me one! FUCK THAT!" If any government
on Earth really gave a damn about helping the disabled they could within a day legislate that any job openings are open to
all however if a disabled person applies for the job no matter if management thinks someone else who has the same or superior
qualifications due to the many years of experience they have gained through the easy foot in the door of not being disabled
it should not make it harder for the disabled person to get the job. Don't worry the candidate who is not disabled and did
not get the job will have a much easier time finding a job than the disabled person.
In grade 9 at Pierrefonds Comprehensive High School during recess where groups of people used to hang out and chat
by the fire escape at the side of the building I was chatting with some school mates when all of a sudden one of them rolled
his eyes back leaving only the white of his eyes exposed, fell to the ground on his side and his whole body from head to toe
was shaking in epileptic shock like a fish out of water. People backed off screaming I heard a girl say "Oh my God!" Then
I moved towards him picked him up by the outer side of his shoulders and shook him like a rag doll over my head with arms
extended in front of me looking at his face while saying "Hey man what's your problem? Snap out of it! Snap out of it!" After
three minutes or so of me repeating "Snap out of it" while shaking him back and forth and sideways his eyes rolled forward
and he came back to conscious and said "Ya it's OK I'm Ok" So I put him back into a standing position. He said "Thanks man."
.. and we continued with the rest of the day as if nothing happened. At the P.C.H.S. Class Of 1980 Reunion I met a fellow
student who reminded of the time in math class when a teacher was explaining a calculation formula I immediately saw a short
cut and tried it out on the page on my desk. After he had finished completing the formula I raised my hand and said "Sir I
have a much shorter formula that works." "Huh! Ok Robert give me your formula and we will try it right here." I gave him the
formula. He chalked it out on the chalkboard." Tried it it worked. "Well Robert it may have worked in this instance but it
will not work in all instances." I replied try it again." He tried it again with different numbers being used and it worked.
He dismayingly shrugged his shoulders and repeated " Robert it may have worked in this instance also but it will not work
in all instances." At that point I felt like saying "Ohh ya I'll bet you $20 that it will always work." But at that point
he looked tired and just wanted to move on with the course that he was taught to instruct within the framework everyone was
teaching so I let it go and thought "I can't say that betting in school with a teacher is illegal anyways." He went on to
say that he tried my formula at home and it worked rverytime he tried it.
During my time at Pierrefonds Comprehensive High School their was an English teacher whom for legal and privacy
purposes of those involved I will call Disco Boy a reference I use from the great Frank Zappa tune Disco Boy. I never failed
English in my life. I was a long haired hippy and class clown. So for the first time ever I get a 49. I thought that was odd
as I had no spelling mistakes and prior this class had great marks for my poetry and creative writing in every English class
I ever took. I though that was odd. Second term Disco Boy gives me another grade of 49. So after the second 49 I went to
the principles office and calmly stated "I would like a transfer from Disco Boys class please he gave me a 49 each semester.
You'll see he's going to give me 49 again." "No Robert your not getting your transfer." "You'll see he's going to give me
49 again." I calmly stated as I left the office. The next two terms were the exact same scenario. The following year as I'm
all excited to see who my teachers are this year as I opened the list and matched the names of the class rooms and the teachers
for each course I saw that I had Disco Boy again. Upon seeing this I immediately went to the principles office "I want a transfer
Disco Boy is going to give me 49 again." "No he won't" "Yes he will." "Robert your transfer is once again refused." First
semester 49 again. I immediately went to the principles office and asked for a transfer which was once again refused. While
I was the last student walking out of class when we were alone I asked Disco Boy "Why are you giving me 49 each term?" Disco
Boy smiled as he replied while leaning back on his chair behind his desk with his hands clenched behind his head "Because
you're a pain! Robert you're a pain!". I didn't know how to respond to such a ridiculous reply so I said nothing and continued
with my day. As his student I noticed that all the girls had very high marks even if they had trouble speaking and writing
in English high 90s and 100% on their projects an assignments and the guys had very low marks even the smartest guy in the
class was given marks in the 60's and low 70's which I found odd. The grades were read out to the students at the end of the
second semester on the last day before Christmas break. Disco Boy walks into the class at least 5 minutes late wearing a black
tuxedo. All the girls give a big "Ouuuuuu" as he walked into the room wearing a big smile... and Disco Boy asked "What? What?"
with a big smile raising both arms up a little over shoulder level on eacxh side forming a "W" and asked "What? What?" as
he slowly spined around once so the girls could get a full view of his front and behind. Disco Boy read out the grades. Same
scenario low marks for the guys high marks for the girls. "Robert Lindblad 49." A little after Disco Boy read out the grades
he was called to the office along with a group of teachers for a meeting as was the procedure during the day at different
times of the day various teachers left class to join other teachers for a last chin chin before Christmas break. As soon as
Disco Boy left the room and closed the door behind him I got up from my seat and walked to the chalk board where I took the
chalk board eraser and chalk then proceeded to forcefully rub the chalk onto the eraser to make sure it was packed in there.
I commenced powdering every inch of that chair Which was perfect for powdering because it was a light brown wooden chair with
a heavy lacquer of varnish so with the reflection of the light from the varnish mixed in with the reflection of the light
on the white powder it was unnoticeable. I powdered the entire seat : legs, back rest, and butt rest making sure that not
a speck was missed. Then I put the eraser and the chalk back at the exact same spot on which they were left and took my seat.
When Disco Boy returned you could hear a pin drop. As he continued lecturing the class walking back and forth in front of
his desk and sitting on the front of his desk he noticed an eerie silence in the classroom "What? What's up?" You could hear
a pin drop. No response from the class. He continued his lecture for about another 12 minutes while standing. Then he moved
towards the desk and sat down. You could hear a pin drop. The whole class must of had his full attention because he again
looked at the class and asked "What? what?" Again just a gaze and glare of silent admiration from the whole class. A few minutes
Disco Boy decides to stand up behind his desk and there's a silent chuckle cough from one student. So as he turns around to
write on the chalk board every student can see the chair imprinted up and down the back of his tuxedo jacket and pants with
white chalk. You could hear a pin drop as he lectured with his back to the class. Disco Boy then turned around and gleefully
asked "What? What? What's up?" No response from the all too quiet class. He the took his seat again. There were 2 hidden chuckle
coughs. Disco Boy continued to lecture the class from his seat. After about 5 minutes Disco Boy gets up and out of his seat.
There were a like 2 chuckle coughs. As he was writing on the board he noticed a white line running down the cuff of his black
jacket and followed it with his eyes down the length of his arm as he pirouetted to notice that the white line led to his
white butt. The whole class broke out in a release of suppressed high pressure laughter. After he turned around he had a
very mad face and angrily asked "Who did this?" Once again you could hear a pin drop. When I got back from Christmas break
on the first day I got my transfer without even asking for it. I was transferred to a teacher that was so disliked by someone
that a person or group of persons spray painted in large letters of about five feet tall per letter including exclamation
marks "Colbeck Is An Asshole!!!" I found Mr. Colbeck to be a great teacher very open for conversation and a great author.
He liked my poetry and always gave me 10 on 10 ... except for once when I was feeling a little lazy and wanted to rush through
it I used the word binocular, even though I was a little hesitant to use it, in a phrase. After handing it in when I got home
I thought the word periscope would have been the better word to use. The next day when he handed out the grades I asked him
"Why did you give me 9 on 10?" "Because I find that you could have used a better word than binocular." "Yah I thought about
that after and I should have used periscope." "Too late." "Yah I know." The last two semesters my marks were so good that
I passed the year. About 17 years later I met a very attractive girl that was a student of his. She told me that Disco Boy
and her had many rendez vous while she was a student. Immediately after she said that she said "What's the matter you look
mad?" I didn't answer and we continued with pleasant conversations... and he really was a full fledged Italian Disco Boy to
the tilt!!!
History was my favourite subject in high school I took every history course I could. In grade 10 my history teacher
Mr. McDougall, a very humouristic teacher, had to take a week off work and was replaced with a temporary teacher. On the first
day when the temporary teacher took over he handed out a blank sheet of ligned paper to be passed from student to student
each seated at their desks to have us write out out names in block letters so that he could read it out for roll call each
day. When I recieved the paper I wrote in 2 names after mine of non existant students and sandwiched in between them I wrote
Marie Huwannah. The next day when he read out the names he would repeat the name twice or thrice if a student did not answer
to the roll call. Someone else in the class wrote in John Molson so for the rest of the week during role call the subsitute
teacher asked while he was checking off his list with a pen. "Is John Molson here? No ... no John Molson here?" Then a few
real names down the list "Marie Huwannah? Is Marie Huwannah here? No Marie Huwannah, Marie Huwannah, no ... no Marie Huwanna
here? " That lasted a week. The next week when Mr. McDougall returned he coyishly looked at the class with a smile and asked
"I wonder who Marie Huwannah is?" I didn't answer... no one did. It must of been funny when the substitute teacher reported
to Mr. McDougall that "John Molson and Marie Huwannah did not show up all week"
In the last year of high school at Pierrefonds Comprehensive High School I decided to take music. The paralyses affecting
the whole left side of my body including finger dexterity made it difficult to properly play the recorder all the time...
so my music teacher Mr. Stanjawicz suggested that I might have an easier time taking piano or drums as my instrument. Keith
Emerson being my favourite keyboardist and Carl Palmer being my favourite drummer I was extremely happy with either. I told
him I liked both but figured it would be easier for me to play drums than piano as controlling finger movement with speed
and accuracy in the left hand was impossible. He agreed with me and I took up drumming where I studied alone in the tympany
room. So one day alone in the tympany room I decided to use the duration of my time aloted in the tympany room to playing
an extended impro version of Toccata by Emerson, Lake and Palmer. So after continuously whaling away on the tympanies for
the duration of the class time aloted I looked behind me and noticed a bunch of faces stuck in the one foot by three foot
window just above the doorhandle looking at me. I had taken my shirt off after 20 minutes because I was sweating like a dog.
Wondering what was up I decided to immediately open the door and ask. When I opened the door I saw a whole class of students
were her sitting and standing in the hallway. The teacher was next to the door when I opened it. He had a big smile and said
"You play in an orchestra right!!!" I replied ""No I'm in a rock band and we're playing in the P.C.H.S. variety show next
week" I then got a complaint from the teacher through the principles office which stated that I was half naked and disturbing
the class and therefore had to stop playing the tympanies. Before the show a technician came up with a load of wires and microphones
and said "I'm here to mike your drums. Where do you want them?" "I don't want any microphones." "You're sure?" "Yah but thanks
anyways." At Pierrefonds Comprehensive High School we were limited to a short set so we went all Led Zeppelin we opened with
The Ocean where I broke my stick on the first snare hit, then did The Rover and finished with Rock'n Roll!!!!. After the show
a guy came up to me and stated "Hey man I was sitting in the back row and I could feel your bass drum pounding on my chest.
That was cool man!"
A week before we played Polyvalante des Sources for two lunch breaks. We played Led Zeppelin, Jimi Hendrix, The Who, The Rolling
Stones, and a song by Pat Benatar that had just been released a few weeks earlier. When I first heard Hell Is For Children
by Pat Benatar on CHOM - FM a few weeks before the show I asked the band if we could play it which we did. During the first
set my drums kept moving away while I was playing them as if they were trying to escape the beatings. After every song I'd
have to pull the cymbal stands and drums back into position. Everything was moving further as I played including the bass
drum which must have looked rather funny. So during the break between shows to stop my bass drum from moving a mechanic at
the school suggested we put a tire infront of the bass drum with a 350 8 cylinder engine block on it which was promptly done
by bringing it in on a crane. That didn't help at all the engine kept moving forward as did the concert toms. The Titan stands
stood but they kept stepping away. At the end of the second set the bell rang while we started playing Hell Is For Children
by Pat Benatar and the event administrator gave the signal to stop playing. We just started playing Hell Is For Children by
Pat Benatar ... and I didn't want to stop. The rest of the band looked at me and I gave 'em the signal to keep playing. As
we were playing the event administrator walked over to each amp and pulled the plugs one by one after which I ended the show
with a very short 10 second solo. I learnt that I should always tie the bass drum and stands to my drum stool. Here is a photo
of my Grestch Nighthawk 2 drumset ( https://external-yyz1-1.xx.fbcdn.net/emg1/v/t13/16130930527071512234?url=http%3A%2F%2Fi563.photobucket.com%2Falbums%2Fss71%2FRobert_Lindblad%2FRobertLindbladdrums.jpg&fb_obo=1&utld=photobucket.com&stp=c0.63.610.318a_dst-jpg_flffffff_q75_s500x261&ccb=13-1&oh=06_AbFa9JLTpvE7co320zNaqvhRKVFIl-GjGXUzEyoEWEYHww&oe=654C567A&_nc_sid=ff403b
) minus the tympanies because they couldn't fit on stage with everything and every one else. During a battle of The bands
at The Rainbow Bar & Grill we started with I Can't Explain by The Who as soon as I hit the first cymbal crash during the tune
I knocked over the stand and the drummer who owned the set every band was using immediately jumped on the stage and dove to
save the cymbal from hitting the floor which he did with about 2 feet left before the crash would have crashed and was quick
and kind enough to put it back in place before the next crash hit. In 1989 it got too expensive to continue to rent a studio
and since I owed three months rent I decided to sell my Grestch Nighthawk 2 maple drumset in exchange for a small three piece
drum set and enough money to pay the rent.
Even though I was a good student and never skipped classes I did get expelled from Pierrefonds Comprehensive High
School for skipping school. Their was a rumour that Led Zeppelin tickets were going to go on sale in the next few days for
a show at The Montreal Forum. As soon as I heard that rumour I decided to hitch hike to The Montreal Forum and wait in line
five days in advance before the rumoured ticket sales date. I was fifth in line. I established my place in line with the other
people who were also waiting in line. So at 10 a.m. when it was confirmed that tickets were not going on sale that day I hitch
hiked back to school. On the first day the principle received notice that I did not attend my morning classes. The second
day I got called up to the principles office after showing up late for school. The principle expressed that I should not do
this again as it could cause me to get expelled from high school. I thanked him for the warning and after school hitch hiked
back to The Montreal Forum and took my fifth place back in line, by that point in time the line up had completely circled
the forum by the adjacent sidewalks. At 10 a.m. the next day when it was announced that tickets were not going on sale I hitch
hiked back to high school and got called to the principles office and he said "Robert I warned you that you could get out
of school if you do this again. Once again I am warning if you do it again we are going to have to take further measures.
This went on for the next two days. The principle then told me "O.K. Robert you've had all the warnings I can give you. If
you miss one more day of school you will be expelled." Immediately after school I hitch hiked back to The Montreal Forum to
take my place in line, all the while thinking of that girl that I was totally in love with who accepted me taking her on a
date to the Led Zeppelin show. I took my fifth place back in line and was on my fifth day without sleeping. In the morning
a rumour had started that the Led Zeppelin tour had just been cancelled as Led Zeppelin's heavy duty drummer John Bonham had
died. For something like the first 15 minutes everyone in the crowd yelled back at the announcer who had a megaphone and the
large group of at least 50 police officers that surrounded the building "Sure sure you're just trying to get rid of us!" After
about 25 minutes everyone realized that the rumour of John Bonham's death was indeed a fact and everyone began to disperse.
I hitch hiked back to school. When I arrived in class after a few minutes I got called to the principles office and got expelled
from school and that date I was hoping for never happened.
I acquired my $20,000 bond from the accident settlement and decided to open my store. I went with my friend Marvin Zeleikusz
Jr. to the bank as a witness to the transaction. The bank manager took the $20,000 bond and handed me over the receipt for
it being kept in trust by the bank for the loan and all the signed paper in an envelope. We pleasantly exchanged thank - yous
and J.R. and I left the managers office. As we exited the building J.R. asked "Rob did you read the amount he put on the receipt
that he put in the envelope for you?" "No." "Well I think you better check." I thought "Why would a banker do that?" Just
to take care of his query I pulled out the envelope... and their was a bank receipt for a $2,000 bond held in trust by the
bank. We immediately went into the bank managers office and indicated that he did a mistake. Being the trusting individual
that I am I thought he would correct the error. Instead he took the envelope he gave me opened it up to make sure all the
contracts were inside recounted them to make sure then he proceeded to rip them up by hand in front of us as he was seated
at his desk threw them in his waste paper basket and kicked us out of his office. We then immediately went to another bank
got the loan making sure sure $20,000 was written instead of $2,000. I paid J.R. a party that day. "Man you just saved me
$18,000 we gotta go party dude!" "No Rob you don't have to do. It's O.K." "You kidding man you just saved me $18,000 don't
worry about it I know I don't have to but we're going to party man!" "O.K. Let's do it dude!" We took a taxi to the Super
Sexe de Montréal and I paid a string of dances and drinks for him till closing time !!!!! Then we took a taxi back to my place
& there he finished off the 40 ounce bottle of Rum I bought for him because that's what he wanted and I finished off the 40
ounce bottle of Cognac I bought for myself.
I opened my natural dry goods food store called Nutriville above a notary office in the Pointe - Claire Village. After
two months of being open my business was growing. I handled every aspect of the business and worked alone. I was feeling good
about things and told my brother I was going to build a fund for his daughter as I am her Godfather. A few days after that
statement I received a statement from the owner of the building who was the mother of the notary stating that I must move
out on the pretense that my store would attract rats and mice to the building even though their had never been such a problem
as I always kept the store spotless. I did not know that renters of commercial buildings did not have the same rights as renters
of residential buildings. I went to court in a futile attempt to save my business. Finding another area was much too costly
for me and since it is a food product that has been opened nothing could be returned to the distributer so I ended up living
off my dry goods for a few years.
BR> I went to see Buddy Rich twice at Place des Arts in Montreal and I met him twice in 1982 and the following show. I
told my friend Geoff before I left for the show that I would meet Buddy Rich, get his autograph and his drumstick. During
the take questions from the audience break I waited in line and had my turn. "What kind of drumstick do you use?" Buddy quickly
snapped "A wooden one!" The audience broke out in laughter! Later on during the second half of the show while playing one
of his many great tunes Buddy Rich is looking at me smiling watching him resting my elbows on the front stage floor. So as
he is playing a tune he looks at me and smiles. Then while playing he delicately tosses a drumstick towards me and replaces
it without missing a beat. I am smiling as I slowly and gleefully raise my hand to catch it. Then a crowd of what felt like
20 people jumped over my head and someone got it. The whole audience broke out in a loud outburst of laughter that lasted
a bit. After the show Buddy Rich was kind enough to sign autographs for his fans who took the chance of time to possibly meet
up with him. Buddy Rich was seated behind a rectangular table. I asked "Buddy did you take karate to increase your speed and
stamina?" "No I took it fight!" I had nothing for him to autograph so I took out a five dollar bill and he signed it for me.
"Thank you Buddy! Keep on drumming man!" as I was about to walk away turning my shoulders towards the exit Buddy Rich said
"Wait a minute." As I turned back to look at him he was reaching into his drum tote bag and pulled out his drumstick that
he ended up breaking the tip off while using it during his performance on stage. "Here this is for you." Definitely made my
day and my prediction of the event did happen. I held on to that $5.00 Canadian dollar bill signed by Buddy Rich as long as
I could butt after many years of holding on to it I was so broke and so starving that I spent it buying pasta at a Provigo
store. For anyone who is wondering Buddy Rich gave me a Buddy Rich Ludwig 15A drumstick.
In 1984 King Crimson during the Three Of A Perfect Pair Tour were scheduled to play at Le Spectrum de Montréal situated
at 318 Saint-Catherine Street West. My friend Geoff had a ticket and was going to the show with a friend. That afternoon while
Geoff and I were seated at the kitchen table he said "It's too bad you couldn't afford to get a ticket to the show. It's completely
sold out. It's going to be great!" "Ya it doesn't matter I'm going to get into the show anyways." Geoff laughed and said "No
way! Rob it's sold out! Forget it man!" smiling with a sense of humour on his face. "I will Geoff you'll see." "Ahahahaha!
If you pull this off I'll be amazed" Later on Geoff left to meet up with his friend . About an hour before the show I drove
my 10 speed bicycle to The Spectrum. Their were many people gathered in line at the entrance. About 20 minutes before the
show starts I happen upon a man who exited through the exit door at the front of the venue who went on to state "I just got
paged into work! I gotta go! It's your lucky day! Here's my ticket!" "Thanks a lot man!"
I walk into the venue while Geoff and his friend were seated a few rows back and away to the left of the mixing board. Geoff
noticed me walking down the aisle to his right and gestured to his friend. "Look there's Rob!" as I walked past them into
a better seat then they had on the floor. After the show I was lucky enough to meet up with Adrien Belew, Bill Bruford, Tony
Levin & Robert Fripp as they were seated signing autographs after the show with a lounge table in front of them. I brought
my Exposure album and asked them to sign it except for Tony Levin because he signed an autograph for me the day before at
a music store exhibition that he was the central part of and I didn't feel like making him over autograph he needs a rest
too and I already had his. So when Tony Levin reached out and said "I should probably sign that too." I said "No .. it's o.k."
and gladly walked away. A little later I thought "Well if he wanted to I guess I should of let him."
My friend Gilbert owned a pet boa constrictor. I became interested in having one as a pet also so I drove us to an exotic
pet shop in my white automatic 1973 AMX Javelin with black roofing that had a white stripe of roof running up the middle with
mag wheels. When we arrived at the pet shop I noticed a lizard in an aquarium nearly as long and as wide as it was. Little
room for movement much less for turning around I immediately felt sorry for it and inquired further on it. I was told by the
salesman "It is a Monitor Of The Nile. In order to handle it you must always have three people wearing gloves. She was caught
in the jungle 2 years ago. We feed it once a month and keep it in the small aquarium to keep it from growing. It hasn't been
fed in three weeks. So you should feed it in a week or so. The more space and food it has the bigger it will grow." Feeling
very sorry for the poor little girl, an inch or so over 5 feet long at the time, I decided to free her from her predicament.
"I'll buy it." The salesman then had two co workers including himself wear thick protective gloves and proceeded to slowly
and very meticulously unhinge the locks that held the ceiling of the aquarium in place. All three approached the aquarium
and wrestled with her hissing like a loud propane torch each trying to grab a position behind her neck. After several minutes
of her fiercely protesting they managed to pick her up and quickly placed her in a long rectangular cardboard box and immediately
ductaped the box shut. She continued to hiss like a propane torch and slam the box loudly with her tail through out the three
walking the box to the car, placing it across the back seat, and the rest of the drive home. In the passenger seat Gilbert
stated "You're crazy man these things eat goats and cows." I replied "All animals have brains don't worry about it. It will
adapt." When we arrived at my apartment we placed the box in my room. Gilbert sat in the living room while I was in the bedroom
with the door closed. As it was hissing and slamming the box with it's tail I removed the duct tape opened the top and very
slowly tilted the box on its side so that it could walk out easily however it decided to stay in there and hiss louder. I
left the room my bedroom shut the door and went back to sit in the living room. As Gilbert and I were sitting in the living
room the lizard was continuously banging the wall with its tail and hissing like a blow torch very loudly. After 20 minutes
of this I walked in to the room with no protective gear on, didn't have any, didn't buy any after the graphic display I had
of three men with protective gear on trying to fit Dino in a box, just my jeans, sox and a t-shirt shut the door behind me
and yelled "Shut the fuck up! Keep quiet" and gave it a loud blow torch sound. It quieted down. Then I went back to the living
as I shut the door behind me. Gilbert and I started chatting. After about 20 minutes Dino started hissing and slamming the
wall with her tail again. I walked back in and yelled "Shut the fuck up! I don't need to hear this shit!" ... and hissed like
a loud blow torch at it "You see you don't need to do that shit!" as I loudly hissed again "NO need for this HISSS HISSS HISSS!!!"
She became quiet. In a quiet calm voice I said "There you see that's better .. just relax and be quiet. I'll be back later."
I knew it was an intelligent animal and beyond all aspects appreciated the extra elbow room. So I shut the door behind me
and went back to watch a what was on TV and chat with Gilbert.
When Gilbert left my place at about 11: 30 p.m. I watched tv as the lizard continued to hiss and slam its tail. Knowing that
she was an intelligent animal and would not harm the person who gave her more space than she has had in 2 years since her
arrival from the Nile River area I decided join her and sleep on the floor in my bedroom with the door closed. When I woke
up the next morning Dino was sleeping next to the heater about 5 feet away from me. I was so happy that it worked out I started
to pick her up and pet her which went well and then like every few minutes I picked her up and petted her like you hold a
baby while burping it with it's arms neck and head over the side of your shoulder except I was petting her back. The the fifth
time within 20 minutes as I picked her up off the floor she bit my wrist, like "I get it you're my friend you like me but
give me my space fuck!" Chomp! I immediately hoisted her from her underbelly lifted her muzzle right to the tip of my nose
touching it nose to muzzle while looking her directly in the eyes and yelled "If you want to bite me bite me now!" Dino decided
not to bite me and after about 2 minutes I pulled her away from the tip of my nose and placed her back on the ground. Dino
was so tame she would eat raw hamburger meat out of the palm of my hand while lying on the couch with her head and claws on
my lap as I stroked her like a cat while watching tv. I used to walk her on a leash. People were able to pet her and she played
with toss the ball with my friends German Shepard Bonzo however the long leash I had her attached to in the backyard would
limit her access to all the territory so she didn't like that part of it. Every now and then the dog Bonzo would chase the
ball along side her and accidentally step on her leash causing her to fall over which she enjoyed as it was all part of the
game ... it did not stop her from continuing to play at all. She would chase the ball pushing it forward with her nose and
sometimes whack it in any direction she wanted with her tail. A mother walking by with 1 or 2 year old child saw me walking
Dino "Wow my daughter never saw a lizard before! Can she pet it?" I looked at Dino and Dino seemed fine with that so I said
"Yes." Her daughter continued to stroke Dino on the head as we conversed for something like 4 or 5 minutes explaining how
I got and tamed Dino. I also walked Dino in the forest and by the river. My mother hated the idea that I had Dino as a pet.
She did not like lizards. Whenever I had a car I would do errands with my mother whenever she felt like it. As I am driving
down Saint Johns blvd. in Pointe Claire. I see my mother carrying two bags of groceries. I pull over to the side. The window
was open as she started talking and walking towards the car. I said "Wait mom! Wait... wait mom" she opened the door and sat
down and leaned back on her seat with her two grocery bags on her knees. My mother leaned back on the slightly reclined seat
of my and said "Drive! Drive! What are you waiting? Drive!" As we were in traffic and horns were honking I had to keep moving.
My mother started describing the events of her day without me being able to get a word in, I was trying. 12 minutes into the
ride she went on to say "Robert I do not understand why you have that lizard. Where is that disgusting creature of yours
anyways?" "Dino is in the car." "What? Where?" "Under your seat." She leaned forward from position looked down between her
legs and saw Dino's head sticking out from under her seat between her legs. "Stop. Stop the car." "Mom relax it's OK" "Stop
the car." "Mom it's cool ... don't worry about it." "Stop the car. Stop the car now!" All the while not moving at all from
her bent over leaning forward position eyes peeled on Dino's head. So I pulled over and let her out. "Mom come back in. Dino's
OK she's not going to do anything." "No you keep driving. I'll take a taxi." "Mom pass me your bags." "No. You keep driving
there's traffic." My idea was to have her pass her two grocery bags through the window to me so that it would be an easier
walk for her. A few days later as I am driving down Pierrefonds blvd. from Saint Charles blvd. towards Sources blvd. I see
my 6'2"tall G.I. Joe type physically fit friend , who's job consists of a lot of heavy lifting , walking down Pierrefonds
blvd. with two shopping bags. I pull over and give him a lift. He hops in places the bags on his knees and leans back in the
slightly reclined seat of my white automatic 1973 AMX Javelin. We chat about what's up with our friends and such. About 8
minutes into the conversation "That lizard you have man. Where is it?" "She's in the car" "It's in the trunk eh." "No Dino
is in the car" "What? Where?" "She's under your seat." He leaned forward spread his legs and could see Dino's head sticking
out from under his seat between his legs. Without moving in the same hunched over position with his eyes fixed on Dino. "Stop
the car. Stop the car. Stop the car." I stopped the car he got out and decided to walk the rest of the way home. I didn't
mention or even attempt to mention that Dino was in the car cause I thought he could handle it. A week later I see another
friend who is a skinny 6 2" walking down Pierrefonds blvd. from Saint Charles blvd. headed south towards Sources blvd. I pull
over and ask him if he needs a lift. He hops into my white automatic 1973 AMX Javelin with black roofing that had a white
stripe of roof running up the middle with mag wheels and leans back on the slightly reclined passenger seat. We were chatting
about music and what songs would be interesting to jam to. After 15 minutes he says "I heard about that lizard you have. Where
is it?" "She's in the car." "You're kidding eh?" "No she's in the car right now." He leaned forward looking at his side towards
my face to catch my eye. "Where?" "Under your seat." He turned his head to look away from me looked directly between his legs
and in a what sounded like he lost his voice or was gasping for air while trying to speak in a lot quiet voice with eyes
fixed on Dinos' head said "Stop the car, stop the car." So I pulled over stopped the car and let him out. I also during that
time happened to see one of my friends who is the same age as I walking down Pierrefonds blvd from the corner of Saint Johns
blvd, and Pierrfonds blvd. I pulled over and offered her a ride she hopped in rested her back on the slightly reclined passenger
seat of my AMX Javelin and immediately stated " I heard about that lizard you have. Where is it?" "She's under your seat and
has her head sticking out on the floor between your legs right now." We continued chatting about our friends and plans on
getting together at some point after about 15 minutes I dropped her off at home. A few months later when I was at her place
I commended her on being the only person who was relaxed enough to not even bother with Dino's head sticking out from under
the seat while we were driving. She said "Are you kidding man I was totally shitting bricks! I just tried to play it cool
and act like nothing unusual was going on! When Dino escaped it was printed with a blue background on the front page of The
North Shore News "Lost Croc Rocks Ile Bizard!!!". Dino was so smart that she figured out how to get out of the harness she
was strapped in. Their were four wooden steps with open spaces between each step leading up to the entrance of the back veranda
door. While I was taking care of things inside the house she would remain in the backyard where she would play with Bonzo.
One sunny afternoon I spent a little longer than usual in the house as my room always took a long time to clean. My room would
repeatedly end up looking like a tornado and a hurricane opened the door "Looks like one of us was here already! Did you do
it?" "No. how about you were you so caught up in a whirl that you forgot you did it?" "No... let's get out of here man!!!!!!!!!".
When I came out all I saw was the harness hanging down 3 inches from the back of the top step. Dino knowing the leash was
attached to a fixed object pinned in the ground decided to climb the front of the 4 steps then drop herself to the bottom
of the back of the steps and repeatedly did this until the 20 foot leash was fixed in place and with only 3 inches left hanging
from the top step Dino was able to pull her way out of the harness. I never did see Dino again after that. I bought a large
live animal trap to try to catch Dino. In the morning as I approach the animal trap I see a skunk inside the cage. I started
saying "Please don't spray me, please don't spray me" and kept repeating it to the skunk as I maneuvered to release it from
the cage. I go to one end to open it and the skunk corners itself on the other side. I slowly lift the trap door to release
it and it moves back to the other end. I then go to the other side to open the trap gate door and again it goes to the other
side. After 5 tries of going from one end to the other it got the message and walked out from under the trap gate door that
I was holding up for it. 5 feet out of the gate it stopped turned it's head around, gave me the cutest look I've ever seen,
continued on its journey and I finally stopped saying "Please don't spray me.".
When I discovered that I'm psychic in 1991 while attending Concordia University at that time my graduating year at Concordia
University, I took the Introductory To Psychology 101 course. During the course it came to be known to me that their was a
direct link that went from the eye to the brain that science did not have an explanation for. In my final term thesis paper
for the course of Psychology 101 I explained that the direct link between the eye and the brain was for extremely fast motion
movements like when you are falling from a tree it provides quick and efficient transfer for emergency and fast moving situations
directly to the brain in order to deal with drastic and fast moving situations that a human being may encounter throughout
their life. When I received my thesis back the professor left a note at the end "Is this your theory?". I was out of Concordia
University as well as totally 100% enthralled in my Child Search work at the time that I figured he knows it's my theory
he read it and left it at that. Years later I read that that scientist had just discovered that the link from the eye to the
brain was used for exactly what I had stated in my Introduction to Psychology 101 end of year term paper thesis. I decided
to check out differing aspects of my ability so within the first few days I bought a deck of cards with nude women on them
(figuring since I find people might as well use women on the cards eh). So I viewed 15 cards and flipped them over. I then
passed my hand over the laid out cards and felt which one was the redhead. I flipped the card and it was the redhead. I then
continued to do it for about an hour and impressed myself with it. I've done this with regular cards for people who used their
own decks and identified the cards by passing my hand over them
My mother was working at an R.C.A.F. base in the province of Quebec when she met my father, who studied computer
engineering and development while working for the Royal Canadian Air Force in the 1950s also became an EXPERT MARKSMAN at
the time and built his computer career working on the large mainframe computers of the 1960's for the Control Data Corporation
bought me my first computer in 1998 and paid for my internet fees for many years right up until he died as a show of support
for my Child Search activities.
It was Easter in the mid 90's when I went to a local mall. Their Easter exhibit was a barn with a rooster, a chicken, a donkey,
a rabbit, a goat, a duck and a few others. So anyways I stop over and look the rooster. I decide to check out my theory which
is that animals read your thoughts through your eyes. I looked the rooster, and thought "ok if you can really read my thoughts
I want you to take three steps forward right now." The rooster did exactly that immediately after sending my thoughts through
eye contact. Then I thought " Woe, if this is really happening… I want you to walk three steps to the right and then
walk three to the left, turn to face me, look me in the eyes, sit down and crow three times." The rooster did exactly that,
once again immediately after the thought was sent while looking it in the eyes. So I thought I"m not leaving till I test this
out on every animal. I continued with the rooster for about fifteen minutes and never once did he exhibit a misunderstanding
of my thoughts. I did this for about ten to 15 with every animal, with a volley of different requests such as for the donkey
"neigh 5 times, spin around twice, etc. each animal was 100% on. It was not like I had to wait for them to respond. It was
immediate. To ensure the accuracy of what was going on, I put not one requested movement at a time but a series of requests
to be done at once. I was amazed by and felt sorry for them as I continued to my brothers' to celebrate Easter.
A couple came over for a reading one day and asked if I could check their past lives for them. I told them I didn't believe
in that. They said they'd like me to try anyways. So I complied and gave it a go. To my surprise I did see their past lives.
I described the lives they each had, their occupations etc...etc...etc. I told the guy he was a farmer who grew wheat and
made cheese along the Saint Lawrence River as well as catching and selling fish. He then stated that he once laid down in
a wheatfield for 15 minutes and felt as well as thought it was the best place he'd ever been in his life. He also stated that
he favoured wheat, cheese and fish in his diet. I've checked past lives for a few for people since then and one was a famous
singer (that one surprised me
During one of my door to door episodes I came upon this house. I knocked at the door and a nun around the age of
72 answered, it was a nunnery, she invited me in the lobby to have a seat with her we chatted for about 28 minutes. She wanted
to know more about what I do. During the conversation she asked me how I explain the existence of Heaven to people who are
doubtful. I went on to explain that I tell them "Well you've never been to other parts of the world yet you take it for granted
that these other countries exist right... because people have told you of the places they have been. So it's the same thing
here. ... and I do not just believe in Heaven I know Heaven to be true because I have been there."
She then said I'll buy your cd and whipped out a 20... I was in the process of getting change out of my pocket when she said
"You can keep the change. I replied "Thank-you but their $5.00 and I owe you change." She replied "O.K. in that case I will
take 2 cds and you can keep the 10." I asked are you sure? Cause you don't have to ya know." The nun replied "Yes I'm sure.
Thank you!" .... and I walked away feeling very good about that!
In Verdun their are a group of willow trees that run along the Saint Lawrence River. I brought a hacksaw and climbed up
a tree. As I was chiseling away with the hacksaw a kid about 8 years old said "Mr. why are you harming the tree?" Being an
environmentalist I understood his point of view completely. So I told him "I'm cutting this branch to save lives. I'm a psychic
and I use this to save find missing children and pets too." He said "Oh O.K. and walked away. That branch was used in the
Concordia Magazine article by Ursula Leonowicz. Being an environmentalist I would like to put forward this musical video,
by Bruce Cockburn: If A Tree Falls, as the best representative for the defense of Earths'environment https://youtu.be/ErS9HCh8GfE
Once while I was working on a case of a missing child with radio blaring at a volume of 8 on 10 on CHOM - FM the Pink Floyd
song "Learning To Fly" was playing. As soon as I psychicly focused in on the photo of the missing child the radio volume dropped
from the 8 level to something like 1 or lower and as soon as all the info on the child psychicly came(about 30 seconds)in
as in me seeing the child dead, the killer, and pinpointing the place etc... the volume jumped back to 8. That has never happened
before or since.
While checking the case of a missing girl, rather than seeing everything from above as usual, I saw it through the missing
girls eyes. As I focused in on her photo I saw her father with his arms stretched out in front of me/her grabbing my/her neck
and chocking her/me. I/she cried "No daddy no!" however the father continued and chocked his daughter to death. I then called
the police and they were found dead where I had said. The girls' photo can be seen in the photo of the first Journal de Montreal
article on my website at http://childsearchpsychic.tripod.com where I am holding the fax/photo of her that the RCMP sent me
after I requested it.
In the early '90s when I didn't have a fax or a computer I used to get my faxes sent over to the corner pharmacy. Even though
the faxes turned out like charcoal drawings it had no negative effect on the readings.
In the first few years of Child Search I called a newspaper and wanted to place an ad that said "Child Search is a
free 24 hour service that finds missing and kidnapped children internationally provided by psychic Robert Lindblad please
call : xxx-xxx-xxxx in case of emergency." The saleswoman on the phone said "We're not going to print that." I replied "Why
not you print hot young girls $100.00 an hour." She then started crying and in a shrill voice said "No ... we ...don't." ...
and hung up. They actually had been printing those types of classified ads for decades at that point.
One case in Chicago a few years ago a father who had threatened to kill his son was announced on the Amber Alert. They just
had the names and no photos displayed. Deciding that this was an emergency I acted immediately and saw them walking on the
corner of 35th and I don't remember at this moment. I received a call two days later. It was a man. He stated "Mr. Lindblad
you were right on that case." I stated "Which case? I do cases everyday." He replied "You know the case in Chicago. Well we
sent a car there right after you called and we found them on that corner. I just thought you should know this." He then hung
up on me. I immediately thought "Why are you telling me? I already know this. You should be telling everyone else."
Some kids in the neighbourhood who know that I find missing children buzzed my door and came running up the stair to my apartment.
One of the childrens cats had disappeared and I was asked to help find it. The child had a picture of his cat with him so
I pulled out a local map of the city and told him and his friends where they would find the cat. Later the child came back
to my door and said "Thank-you!" with a big smile. I have done this type of thing a few more times for children in the neighbourhood.
I've had parents call me from across the planet worried about the late return of their child. Here's one example. I got a
call from some place in the United States. It was a mother concerned with her 5 year old son who was aprox. 45 minutes late
for the appointed time of arrival at home. I asked her to say his name while picturing him in her mind. I then, like within
a minute, told her that he was riding a tricycle at a friends 5 blocks away and would be back in 20 minutes. 21 minutes later
I received a call from the mother thanking me for my help and stating that I was exactly right as to what he was doing and
his whereabouts.
My friend Gilbert, the guy who told me I'm psychic in 1991, a few years ago called me from Toronto and asked if I could help
his girlfriend find her missing university project. She later called me from Toronto and explained that she had lost her project
which was due in 4 days. She stated that she had finished it 3 months earlier and lost it. She stated that for the past 2
weeks she had checked her apartment, her university, and areas she frequented and had come up with nothing. I told her to
concentrate on her project and immediately told her that it was in a shoe box on the top shelf in the right hand corner of
her bedroom closet. I later received a call from her stating that I was exactly correct.
When Bre-X was announcing massive amounts of gold taken from samples on their property and everyone was buying it up like
hots skyrocketing the stocks value my friend Bob came over to my place with a map of the Bre-X property and asked me how much
gold was there. I passed my hand over the map once and told him their was no gold there. I passed my hand over the map twice
just to make sure. He was suprised with my statement as it countered the massive trend of buyers. A year or so later Bre-x
was found to have no gold on their property
When I was working for Revenue Canada on a contract basis in the supply office I told my fellow co-workers about
my psychic ability.
A co-worker said "O.K. Rob can we put you to the test?" I said "Sure ... tomorrow I will bring a divining rod.. and you can
put a cup of water anywhere in this warehouse (which was at least 150 ft by 100 ft with rows of scaffolding seperating the
aisles) and while I am at the front desk hide it in the warehouse (which was full of boxes) and I will find it."
The next day I brought my divining rod and they put me to the test. While I was at the front desk an employee hid the cup
of water in the warehouse which took about 15 to 20 minutes to place. He came back and said "I placed it." So I said "O.K."
Lifted my divining rod over my chest automatically and immediately quickly walked into the warehouse in the direction of
the aisle he hid it in" ... right after I started moving he said "He's fast!" I walked to the correct aisle and down it to
the end where I pointed to a box that was piled on top of many boxes with a few piled on top of it and stopped right there
with the end of my divining rod pointing to it." I just stood there silently a little confused... then the employee looked
at me and lifted off the boxes he piled on top of the box my divining rod was pointing to ... opened the box and displayed
the cup of water he had hidden in there.
Any religious or spiritual movement that states you must pay to earn and learn your way to attain the knowledge of how to
attain a higher spiritual or religious level are corporate lyers. Money in the spiritual sense has no value. It has no significance
in the afterlife, and should never influence you into doing something wrong. Therefore money having no spiritual value precludes
that winning the lottery is out. I can and could have been the richest man on the planet since 1991 by pointing out every
valuable precious mineral mining area on the planet however I choose not to for the sake of the planet, environment, animals
and people.
Here's a weird one. I was listening to the radio while lying on the couch and heard the DJ on CHOM - FM announce that the
next person who would show up in the studio with a photo of a black dog, a drumstick, and a Led Zeppelin album would win tickets
to Page/Plant. I figured since the studio is like 5 miles from my place someone would get there before me. Then I could sense
my dead black dog Mac egging me on "Go...go...go..run...run...run!" I thought forget it however Macs urging didn't stop for
a few minutes so I got off the couch, scrambled for a photo of Mac, my drumstick, my album and hopped on my 10-speed bike
and floored it to the studio. When I got to the buildings elevator a man came out of the elevator looking stressed and asked
me if I had a photo of a black dog he could borrow I said "No." as I needed it and promptly took the elevator up to the studio
where I won the tickets to Page/Plant. For the show I prepared a letter discussing my Child Search work and activity. I planned
to either give it to Jimi Page or Robert Plant. After the concert I waited with a group of people at the back exit door. A
limo came out and stopped I stuck my head in the driver side passenger seat and saw Robert Plant sitting quietly in the middle
of the back seat looking at me. I had the envelope with the letter in my hand. Robert Plant did not say anything and since
he was on his way out I did not want to take up his time and disturb him so I just looked him in the eyes and said "Here's
a letter for you." Then dropped it in the front passenger seat popped my head out of the door window and left. I don't know
if Robert Plant ever read that letter as you know like who knows what's in that letter should we pick it up with gloves or
a shovel? Then as Robert Plant pulled away Jimi Page came out and greeted fans before entering and pulling away in his limo.
In 1997 while listening to CHOM - FM sitting at home in front of my computer I heard that David Bowie was going to
show up next for an interview. CHOM - FM being 5.8 klms away I thought if I get there the best I could the best I could do
is probably get to see him exiting the studio. So I hoped on my 10 speed floored it to CHOM - FM and as I arrived on my bike
I saw David Bowie greeting fans as he was walking towards the limo. I got off my 10 - speed and ran towards the 12 or so people
that greeted him along the way. As I arrived he was literally sitting in the car and was closing the door. Their was about
a half an inch left before the door was about to shut and I yelled out "HEY DAVID CAN I HAVE AN AUTOGRAPH?" At that very instant
he opened the door smiling got out of the limo came right towards me stood on my side and placed his arm across and on my
shoulders. I could feel the good vibes beaming off of this dude as he did that. I told him "You're the best man! Been listening
to you for a long time. Here's my business card I'm a psychic who finds missing children internationally free of charge. Just
Google Child Search & I'm the first on the list. Can you sign my business card?" "Sure I can" David Bowie took my business
card and signed it and gave it back to me. "Thanks and here's one for you." I gave David Bowie my business card he took it
and placed it in his upper vest pocket walked back to the car sat down, shut the door & drove off. Then a group of about 5
girls just arrived and asked if they missed David Bowie. I said "Yes" and told them what I do reached into my pocket took
out 5 business cards and gave them one each. When I got home I took out all the business cards I had and discovered that I
accidentally gave one of them the Child Search/Enfant Recherche business card that David Bowie had signed for me. So the timing
as far as getting there was correct.
In 1997 I got a call from Derniere Heure Magazine stating that they would like to do an interview and would get back
to me. A little after that I heard The Who tickets were going on sale. So in order to guarantee myself a good seat I showed
up 5 days early and was first the only one in place waiting for The Who tickets. Around 9 hours later some guy shows up in
a car and asks "What are you doing here?" "I'm first in line for The Who." "No you're not you're number 20 on the list I have."
"Oh yah you can take that list and shove it up your ass!" So he drove away. A couple of hours later a group of 5 show up tryng
to intimidate me to take 20th place. So the intimidation went on and off while they were displaying their hacky sack prowess
playing amongst each other right infront of me. After threatening to call their boss for a little over a day they called the
boss who later arrived being chauffered by someone. He explained that I am on a list and that I am number 20 on the list.
I replied "Give me that list and I will shove it up your ass till it comes out your throat!" He turned around and walked back
to his car. A few hours later he comes back "Listen buddy you are number 20 on the list now do you want to fight?" "No I just
want to keep my first place in line." He leaves comes back an hour later "Maybe we can work something out here. Come with
me we'll go for a ride and discuss things." "There is nothing to discuss. I am keeping my first place in line. If any of you
try to take my place I will play Keith Moon on all of your heads at once!" Things quieted down. He drives away. I later walked
to a payphone to check for messages on my answering machine and heard that Derniere Heure Magazine wanted to do an interview
that afternoon. So I called Derniere Heure from the payphone to confirm the interview for later that afternoon. I went back
to my first place in line and stated to my harassers "Ok look. I just got a call from a French Magazine called Derniere Heure.
They want to give me an interview this afternoon. I'm a psychic who finds missing children around the world I do it for free
so could you guys just keep my place for me while I go home to do the interview?" "Yah sure we'll do it." "You will? Thank
- you very much!" So that picture you see of me in the Derniere Heure Magazine interview was me without three days sleep in
the midst of waiting for The Who tickets. When I got back from the Derniere Heure interview they let me back in first place
where I stayed awake for another two days. As I stood first in line a guy behind me asked if he could go in front of me in
line. I thought they were kind enough to keep my place in line for me so I should return the favour and I let him in front
of me. Then they pulled a fake field goal attempt and went for the Hail Mary instead. So while I was holding the ball in second
place for the punt the rest of his team all flanked to the left and filled the other 19 booths. I ended up getting 5th row
floor many seats over left of center and decided to bring my friend Brigitte to the concert. The day of the concert Brigitte
shows up late at my place. We arrive at the show while The Who was playing on stage walking down the centre aisle with Brigittes'
lower back length long blond hair flowing. We ended up walking past people in their seats to end up sitting completely on
the other end,,, it would have been easier if we just started at the end of the aisle. Brigitte later commented on how The
Who noticed her. The Who ROCKED! It was a great show!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Well worth putting up with all that shit I went through
to get the tickets! Yes definitely!
A couple of funny things with Ozzy Osbourne. I had a ticket on the 25 row of the floor for the Black Sabbath Reunion
Tour. So there's a few seats in the first five rows that weren't being used. During the back up bands gig I seat myself in
one of them. So like I'm cheering away! Then Black Sabbath came on. The first few rows seemed to be reserved as far as letting
excitement loose goes or perhaps I was exuberant in letting my excitement on the loose as far as cheering goes. So Ozzy is
walking around with a bucket of water looking to splash people yet seemed hesitant to dowse the bucket. He looks at me as
I get a tap on the shoulder from a security guard with a couple behind him. I think "Didn't have to call security." So the
guard indicates for me to leave the section of the floor and followed behind me till I was out of that section. I turn around
and Ozzy us looking at me holding the bucket thinking "Come on I know you want it come break through security and run here!"
So I ran past security to the front of the stage where Ozzy was waiting for me and he dowsed me with the bucket of water.
During that tour they would put up little clips of segments of shows and I saw myself in my grey t-shirt with arms in the
air being dowsed by Ozzy. One day during the Grand Prix of Montreal while standing on the corner of St. Catherines and Crescent
wearing my "Psychic $1 per question" t-shirt I saw a stretch limo parked at the corner, a few people got out and walked up
Crescent. I felt that their was someone in the limo watching me from behind the black windows. So I indicated verbally and
physically by pointing in his direction to come over for a reading. The black window lowers and there hunched over the window
is Ozzy looking at me.
When my mother Monique D'Arcy was on her deathbed dying from breast cancer she tod me "Robert you're a good musician." I took
her words to heart. With the money she left me, even though I never played piano or took lessons just a couple of times playing
the piano in the church that my grandparents lived as concierges in and one of those times my brother Erik heard me play I
didn't know that he was listening because I wouldn't have done it. He said "Your piano playing is good." I didn't know how
to take a compliment so I just said "You think so" and continued to criticize my playing ability in my head. In 1998 I purchased
a 5 octave portable Kawai keyboard with speakers which I used to play in the streets of Montreal one year busking. I decided
to use the money my mother left me to purchase a keyboard played by my favourite keyboardist Keith Emerson a 61 key Korg Triton
and a product name that Keith Emerson has also used an 88 key Kurzweil Stage Piano however I don't think he played one however
Kurzweil is there. I immediately made a solo cd as well as made a couple of cd's with my friend Jean Côté. Here is the album
Visitation I made with Jean in 2001 https://soundcloud.com/robert-lindblad/sets/visitation?si=c35216c88e224b9f88712f1a0c369f51&utm_source=clipboard&utm_medium=text&utm_campaign=social_sharing&fbclid=IwY2xjawFPfyFleHRuA2FlbQIxMQABHW_I6l6PCkBZUJT4hyPdzhXUhPnppZy9C0FSA9bfUsSH2UNn7RssI8ikyA_aem_s3weTHpZLgs5MdY6RAvTdA
Quite a while after that I heard of an internet radio station called Progressive Rock AZUSA founded by Sam Butters and sent
them a couple of my cd's. When I heard my music being played for the first time ever it was WOW!
A single mother called concerned about her 15 year old daughter running off with a man in his 40's who convinced his daughter
he would marry her and that everything was O.K. She was worried about this guy and I told her "Don't worry give him my phone
number and I'll give him a talk."
She replied "What? I didn't know you provided that service." ... "Don't worry about it just give him my number."
Seven hours or so later I get a call
"Hi I was told I should call you." "Ya I heard about you. You want to date this womans' 15 year old
"Ya but I also plan on marrying her." "Listen man she's 15 you're in your 40's" "Yah but the
law says it's legal at that age." "Listen man you know I am advising you not to do this. You are being very immature
and irresponsible.
As a mature adult you should leave her alone and wait to see if she calls you when she is 18 and if she doesn't ... leave
her alone. This is what I am advising you to do and you know what happens to guys like you in jail eh."
"Yah but I won't go to jail. It's legal." "Once again I am advising you to
leave her alone ... and not communicate with her unless she communicates with you when she is 18. You know what happens to
guys like you who wind up in jail. Do you understand what I'm telling you?"
"Uhhhh ...O.K." he hung up.
The lady never called back with a problem since
I've answered the phone years before they invented "call display" with the names of the people calling before they mentioned
anything. My friends were like "How did you know?" I didn't realize I was psychic however I'd respond "I just felt it."
Someone had sent me a postcard from Europe with the photos of two missing girls on it Julie and Mélissa. The person stated
that they had been missing for, I think it was over a year or so and that their were no clues as to what happened to them.
The person asked if I could help. I immediately got to work. I cut the postcard in half in order to separate the photos. I
then concentrated on each of them and saw that they had been sexually tortured and starved to death. I then focused in on
where their bodies were. I passed my hand over the maps as usual and felt where they were with a slight pulling sensation
in my hand. I then called the parents of one of the missing and while I was explaining to the mother that I"m a psychic who
finds missing children she stated that the police told them not to talk to psychics. So we ended the conversation there. Then
I called the police on the case. I told the police where the bodies were and described the serial completely. A week or so
after my call they busted the serial killer, found the bodies where I had stated and at the same time saved the lives of two
other girls who were secretly being held captive by him. That was cool solving the missing girls case, getting the serial
killer arrested, and saving two lives at the same time
Another serial killer case. The mother of a girl who had been missing for a few months called me and asked if I could help.
I asked her to concentrate on her daughters face and say her name. She did and I told her her daughter was murdered. I then
asked her if she had a list of suspects. She did and read off the names as I checked each one in a matter of seconds. On one
of the names I could feel that this guy was the murderer. However I asked her to repeat the list again just to make sure even
though once I get the answer it never changes. She did I got the same guy. I focused in on him and saw that he was a serial
killer of women. I then checked by passing my hand over a map of California when I felt the body along a coastline. I told
the mother that he had placed her in a white metal casing and threw her a cliff in a specific area of the coastline. She then
stated that it would be impossible to find the body there as that spot was an area along the coast where everybody dumped
all their junk. I then spoke to the police and told them of the other cases and with the evidence I provided they were able
to arrest him.
,BR>A person asked me if he would get back together with his ex-girlfriend. I checked it out and told him they would get
back in 4 months and 9 after that they would have a baby girl. That's exactly what happened. Another one in that category
happened when a gay man asked me to describe his next partner. I described the next partners' height, weight, hair and eye
colour, as well as job. A month or so later the person told me that his new partner was exactly as I described and what freaked
him out is that he didn't see the partner beforehand as the partner came up to him and tapped him on the shoulder and introduced
Several years ago my mother told me that my uncle was getting tested in the hospital for a problem he had. She stated that
he had been going from doctor to doctor for over a year since none of them could diagnose the problem. After speaking to my
mother on the phone I decided to check it out. I saw that he had advanced stomach cancer and would die within the next few
days. Two days later he was diagnosed as having advanced stomach cancer and died a few days later. Another one in this field
was when a family came to see me for a reading. The grandmother showed me a headshot picture of her grandson and asked if
he had any physical ailment. I concentrated on the photo and saw that he had a little hole in his stomach they all looked
surprised and confirmed that that was his situation
One day while walking down a street that was under construction I looked at a lamp post that was standing secured in place
and thought that's going to fall. Two seconds later the lamp post fell over and crushed the roof of a parked car.
The first time I tried using a Y-Stick (divining rod)was with my friend Gilbert. He asked me to close myself in the bathroom
while he filled one of 8 cups in the kitchen with water and then to come out and use the Y-Stick to indicate which cup held
the water. I did that and passed the Y-Stick over each cup sensing the water in one of them. I said "I don't know what you
put in there but it could kill you." He smiled as he lifted the cover and in it was the water with a bunch of butted out cigarettes
and ashes. We did that over a few times and I was always correct. I was so excited about this that the next day I called my
friend Luc and asked him if he could try filling something with water in his apartment and I'd try picking off where it was.
I drew a map of his apartment and went to work. I was drawn to the middle of his hallway. I called him back and stated that
"It's in the middle of the hallway about 2 cups and whatever is in there will kill you if you drink it." He laughed and stated
that he put a cup of water in the kitchen sink. A couple of minutes later he called back and stated "I went to look in the
hallway where you stated the water was and noticed that my car battery was there and it has about two cups of water and battery
acid in it!" I said "Great let's do it again!" He then, feeling spooked, stated "No, no that's enough! I don't want to try
it again."
My friend was pregnant. She and her husband started interior decorating the room for a girl as the ultrasound technician
saw a girl. They did not tell me this when they came to my place. She asked me what her baby would be. I told her it's going
to be a boy. She laughed and stated "You're wrong I had an ultrasound and the tech said it's a girl." So they spent a lot
of money interior decorating the room for a girl as well as buying baby girl toys. She ended up having a boy>
After 4 years of finding and saving missing childrens' lives I decided to go public as time is of the essence in these matters.
So my then girlfriend and I were going door to door raising funds for Child Search so that I could have a computer and print
out as well distribute posters. After a couple of days while sitting in my living room discussing Child Search plans with
my friend Bob I receive a ring at the doorbell at 8 a.m. I buzz the person in. Bob is quietly smoking a few cigarettes over
the next three hours watching this go on. As as soon as I opened the door I had a microphone shoved in my face which was attached
to a portable reel to reel recording device like a centimeter away from my nose right then I had the sense that he just wanted
to record a clip of me saying "Could you shut the microphone off please while I get ready for the interview." Which would
have ended up being the only quote used during our 3 hour interview edited down to "Shut the microphone off." I invite him
in. I feel "This guy is here to screw you." He plopped himself in the sofa chair as he raised his hands above his head and
loudly exclaimed "The jig is up!" Knowing what he was insinuating I asked "What do you mean?" Again he raised his hands above
his head "The jig is up!" I let it slide and the interview continued for three hours. I stated that we were going to wait
till we were set up to see them. During the interview I stated our purpose, our plans, and left out that I'm a psychic. Their
were no problems. A few days later my girlfriend and I were raising funds and everyone was slamming the door in our faces.
At one door as a man was about to slam the door on my face I asked "Why? Why are you and everyone else slamming the door on
us?" The man stated that a certain radio station did a 3 hour exposure on us. The man said that it was stated that "All the
funds go to the leader who spends it on drugs." I asked him if they mentioned Child Search. The man stated that the radio
announcer stated "The people doing this are using a name that I can't remember but it sounds like Child Find." That's funny
I gave him my business card during the interview. The only reason he didn't mention our names and that of Child Search was
in order not to be sued. All the doors were closing on us from that point on. At least we managed to raise enough money for
a fax machine. After that happened every time CHOM - FM played Dirty Laundry by Don Henley I would dance to it with harder,
heavier, and higher karate kicks on the kick' em when they're up kick' em when they're down verse! It's a fun way to release
negative energy.
Having $10 left on me I decided to use the last $10 I had at the casino. On my way to the casino a thought entered my head
telling me "You're going there to work. You're broke don't tip." I decided to follow that "rule" went to the roulette table
and rode that $10 everyday for 2 and a half months. I kept track of my winnings everyday. Since I'm so used to being broke
I only bet a dollar each time. I won three bets in a row at the table and only bet a dollar on each of them. One day the croupier
said "He wins again!" A woman sitting at the table said "So I won too." The croupier lifted a chip to his shoulder and replied
"You don't understand he only bets one chip!" Every time I bet at the wheel I bet a one dollar chip on my number that's it.
So after two and a half months of winnings on a daily basis when I ordered a drink the waiter kept ignoring me. After a long
time he finally came to serve me. I asked him "Why are you ignoring me?" He said "You don't tip!" I replied "You make more
money than I do." He angrily replied "I don't believe you! I see you in here everyday!" and scooted away. So the next day
I thought "I'm up $280 what's the problem in tipping a dollar?" So I tipped the waiter and lost every bet after that to the
point where my records indicated that I was back to "0" in total winnings and decided to quit. I haven't been back since.
A friend of mine lost $180.00 U.S. He called me from his place in another province and asked if I could help him find it.
I told him that he put it in a blue book in his living room. He later called back and said that he was thinking "I'd never
put my money in a book. When I looked I found it in my blue duo-tang."
A Moroccan wife of a friend of mine asked if I could check on her mothers health for her. She provided a picture of her mother
in full traditional Moroccan dress who lives in Morocco. I checked on it in front of her and her husband. Within a couple
of minutes I told her that her mother has a pinched nerve at the bottom of her spine and that she has no other health problems.
After I told her that, she stated that her mother was actually having a great deal of pain in her lower back
When I was 8 years old I had a dream. I was talking to an older man and I said "Hi my names Robert." The person responded
"My name is Robert also." I replied "Oh ya my name is Robert Lindblad. What's yours?" The person responded "My name is Robert
Lindblad also." I then proceeded to give him my date of birth and asked when were you born?" The person responded "I was born
on that date too." I then replied "But wait that's impossible." At that point the dream stopped a I woke up. The older person
I was talking to looked as I did at the age 29 when I discovered that I'm psychic and am able to find missing children across
the planet.
Once while checking out a case for someone while we were a few people at my kitchen table the Jerrold TV converter which weighs
about 4 pounds jumped off the TV and slammed itself down on the living groom floor about 5 feet from the TV set which it was
sitting on. I laughed butt the other people were kinda quietly shocked. They told me that they were a few days later.
In 1992 I went with a friend of mine to the home of a 37 year old woman he knew. During my visit she mentioned that she was
told that I find missing children and she was wondering if I could try finding her mother who left her for adoption at birth.
I told her "I've never done this before but sure I'll give it a try." I continued "Now even though you've never seen your
mother I want you to concentrate on the feeling of her. You know like that feeling you had while in her womb." She replied
"O.K. I'll try." She concentrated on that feeling while I used my Y-Stick and a map of the Earth. I turned my back to the
map & raised the Y-Stick in front of me, turned around and immediately darted for the Earth ending up in Montreal. I then
pulled out a roadmap of Montreal. Once again I asked her to concentrate on the feeling of her mother. I turned my back to
the map & raised the Y-Stick in front of me, turned around and immediately darted for a street. As I held the Y-Stick over
the street in crackled in my hands over the street for a few seconds as my friend commented "Listen you can hear it crackling"
and after a few seconds it broke and split right over a street." She noted the street. A few months later she invited me to
her place and told me that she went to the hospital of her birth posing as a university student researching adoption and promptly
asked if she could look at the birth records of children who were left for adoption at birth. Viewing the documents she noticed
that indeed a girl was left for adoption on the date of her birth and furthermore the mother lived at an address on the street
I had mentioned. Doing her own research she ended up meeting brothers and sisters that each were left for adoption at birth
by the mother.
While wearing my "Psychic $1/Question" shirt in the street I was responding to the questions of two girls, one of the girls
had asked me a few questions a year earlier on the same street and told me that all my responses to her questions came true,
when an aprox. 21 year old guy in a three piece carrying a suitcase decided to listen in. He was standing behind the girls
sayin things like "it's all B.S. etc... etc... etc... I can wear a shirt and charge you 50 cents etc... etc... etc..." The
girls were explaining to him that I'm good. So he laughs and says "O.K. I'll do it and prove to you that he's B.S.n." After
they were satisfied with my responses to their questions he came forward. He gave me a dollar and asked "O.K. what will my
line of work be?" I could see that he was in the process of studying to be a doctor just by looking at him and replied "You're
going to be a doctor." He raised his eyebrows over his glasses, glanced to the right with a surprised look and replied "O.K.
that's right but what kind of a doctor will I be?" I said "C'mon man I already told you you're going to be a doctor. That's
pretty good isn't it? Like their are a lot of jobs on the planet. And you know what kind of a doctor you'll be. It'll work."
He was satisfied gave me the dollar and took down my web address.
When I scored my drumset at 18 I was practicing anywhere from 4 to 8 hours a day. I used to practice to Keith Moon on a daily
basis. I didn't know I was psychic then but I swore I could feel Keith Moon over my left shoulder with arms crossed looking
down at me smiling. I never told anyone cause that's kind of too weird eh. So after a few years of this I bought his solo
album and thought it sucked. From that point whenever I played to The Who or my drums I could feel that his "presence" was
gone. Even though I felt like that was some thing weird my reasoning figured that he was pissed off at my disliking of his
music. However his presence did come back after very many months. A coupla years ago I read that this was his attitude during
disputes with the band.
Since I can remember I've always had this philosophy that, once touched, everything retains the good and bad energy we create
in them. Creating good energy is good for the planet, everyone and everything. Good energy is created by helping others, the
animals, and the environment. If someone were to throw a rock in anger that rock will retain the emotion. Even holding a door
open for someone creates good vibes. Therefore creating good vibes is the way to go... this still holds true with the knowledge
that Heaven exists.
In the early days of discovering my psychic ability I tested my timing accuracy by predicting actions people would do within
the next few seconds or minutes. The first time I tried this was when sitting in a bus I looked at the bus driver reading
his newspaper and decided to predict how long it would take him to put down the paper and start the bus. I got 145 seconds.
So I counted down from 145 to zero. When I reached zero he folded up his paper and started the bus. I've predicting peoples
actions in various situations down to the second like sitting in a room full of people and deciding to predict the next movement
of any person in the room. As in in 5 seconds the man sitting there will move his right arm in order to scratch his nose.
Counting down from 5 to zero at zero the man did exactly that. Seeing a woman seated at a table I decided to predict her next
physical movement. I could feel that in 14 seconds she would twitch her right. I counted down to zero and her right arm twitched.
I was predicting the next movement of everyone in the room down to the second and found myself getting burnt out by doing
so. I decided to stop doing this type of thing at some point as I consider it a waste of energy and not a worthy reason to
burn myself out.
While watching the Winter Olympics in the 90's with my then girlfriend we were watching a skater do her thing and I told her
"Look she's going to fall in a couple of seconds." Two seconds later the skater fell and my then girlfriend was heavily impressed.
When I was 16 years old my friends and I used to hang out in a park. So one night I had a dream that the police raided the
park and I managed to scurry away and hide my beer in some bushes only to retrieve it later. A couple of days later that happened.
In the early 1990's one day I was about to split from my place to go visit my mother. A guy whom I'd met earlier asked me
where I was going. Immediately I felt he was going to break into my place and told him that I was going to visit my mother.
My mother was suffering from cancer at the time and nothing was changing my mind about visiting her. During the bus ride I
could feel that that guy was going to break into my place. Once at my mothers I could feel that the guy was in my place. So
I called my place and left a message on my answering machine so that he could hear it while he was in the process of fleecing
my apartment. I left a message like "You F***head I know you're ripping off my place get out now!" So when I returned to my
apartment the door was kicked in and he ripped off my answering machine, audio system, and other stuff. So I decided to check
when the next break in would be. I got in 7 months which would be January. I forgot about it and during January my place got
broken into again.
I won tickets to Supertramp from CHOM-FM I took the friend who's wife had me check out her mothers', who lives in Morocco,
health. I guess he just wanted to see how good I am cause as we were standing there clapping for the band to come on he asks
"What's the first song going to be?" I immediately replied "School". The band opened with "School".
Within 5 seconds of hanging up the phone upon calling the police on a case that was extremely disheartening and upsetting
involving the murder of a missing child I got a call from a man worried about his missing son,... I could feel that the child
was safe. I told him your child is safe don't worry about it.
He exclaimed but where is he I need to know ... again I replied "He is safe don't worry about it." Again he said "You say
you can find missing children and I need your help right now because my kid is missing." I replied "Don't worry about its'
cool." He replied "So you can't tell me where he is HAHA, I'm a radio announcer we're live on air and he is sitting right
next to me listening to us speak right now HAHA!!!!!!!!!"
I was infuriated kept calm using a low raspy voice : "Look I told you he was safe." "Ya but you couldn't tell me where he
was HAHA!" He responded to the end of every one of my sentences with "Ya ya aha aha" .. and all the while I was thinking "Oh
you think mentioning your kid is going to let you escape with this one! I think not buddy!"... I said "Ohhhh O.K. so you
like to waste peoples time for no reason. Like when you go to the doctor and say "I have a problem with my butthole. I need
you to stick your finger up my ass to check please doctor. Slip that finger in deep, NO TIME FOR VASELINE, JUST STICK IT IN
THERE!" Butt you don't really have a problem with your butthole do you no you just want him to stick his unvasalined finger
in there cause you like it rough right! Ya you're close get as deep as you can!... so the doctor sticks it in there ... butt
you didn't need the doctor to shove it up your butt did you.... no you just wanted and you turn around and go "HAHA just
fooling!" "Don't waste my time FUCK!" ...and hung up on him. However for those who have taken the time to investigate me before
taking a chance to exhibit me working on real cases it's much appreciated.
When The Howard Stern Show was broadcasting on CHOM-FM in 1997/1998in Montreal I sent in a fax to the show describing
what I do and like immediately after in the wink of an eye Robin Quivers jumped in with church bells ringing in a high wind
storm hailing "Save the children! Save the children!" It made me laugh! In fact I laughed every day for about a week and a
half about it till I told myself that I had to stop cause ya know I might have never stopped butt ya know like wohhh buddy
get over it!
Since I can remember I've played a game of solitaire in me head guessing which parked car the person walking down the street
would enter. As in that woman over there is going to walk to the blue car and enter it. I've always been correct and even
when I didn't know I was psychic I believed it was just some weird sense I had.
The first time I tried a psychic experiment with Gilbert we made a pendulum out of a sewing thread and a ball of chewed gum
stuck at the end of the thread. He told me to pass the pendulum over the books and ask if the coin was under the book, each
book one at a time, and stated that when the pendulum turns clockwise it means "yes" and when it turns counterclockwise it
means "no". We did this and I was correct every time. After an hour I was feeling so confident about my newly discovered psychic
ability that I would just pass my foot over the books to feel under which book the coin was hidden. Since then I've used various
objects when using a pendulum including rocks, crystals, wood, glass, metal, silver, gold, a Coke bottle, sea shells, plastic
objects amongst other things.
The cults who profess that the end of the world is coming, at any given point, are in it only to suck you in to giving them
your time and your money and really don't give a damn about you and the afterlife. So end of the world cults are a highly
manipulative bunch of scam artists out for themselves and really don't care what happens to you mentally, physically or spiritually
along the way. If you ever get involved with such a group do yourself a favour and leave them out of your life.
In the mid nineties I had a TV with the channel knob missing. I used a pair of pliers to change the channel. One day I went
to change the channel and when I applied the pliers to the changer I was blown the air across the room about 5 feet backwards
and landed on my back. Curious as to why this happened I went back and tried it again and once again got the same result.
I thought "What's the difference that is causing this?" Then I noticed curled up in the palm of my left hand was a small quartz
crystal. I then placed the crystal on the table and went back to the TV and changed the channel as usual. At that point I
decided to never hold a crystal while changing the channel.
When on a case and looking for parents' phone numbers their are at times several families with the same last name. In order
to save money from having to pay for directory assistance or calling each number in the phone book I decided to read the list
of names and sense which were the parents of the children and each time I have been correct.
Within the first year of discovering I'm psychic my friend Bob during a phone conversation asked if I could describe his girlfriends'
cat to him. I told him "It's a cat that has patches of grey white and orange on it." He said "Hmmmm! That's great man. It
is exactly like that."
When the first newspaper article/interview came out concerning me and my Child Search activities (https://childsearchpsychic.tripod.com/id1.html)on
the 22-02-97 the following day on the talk show CHABADA on TVA hosted by Gregory Charles his opener was while holding open
a world atlas, the same type that I am holding in the photo of the interview, he looks up to the sky and asks "Oh Heaven above
Where? Where is Montreal?" Twirls his pointing finger above his head and lands it on the atlas pointing out Montreal. He then
states "There there is Montreal!!!" There were maybe three chuckles from the audience and a few "Ooooooooooooos." I laughed
my head off without stopping for the duration of the show... and had to tell myself to stop laughing at that point which I
Watching Bye Bye (a New Years Eve satirical comedy special on la Société Radio-Canada) Martin Matte in a skit was in a convenience
store placing objects on a shelf and an elderly lady asks him "Sir do you know where I can find this can of beans? I am looking
for these beans specifically. You see these beans are the missing beans. I can't find them they're missing! You see on the
can here there's a photo of the missing beans." Martin Matte looks directly into the camera and replies "Ask Robert, it takes
him two minutes." I laughed loud, long and hard at that one! !!!!!
On a flight I left my window seat to a mother who asked me if I could give up my window seat so that her daughter could stretch
out her legs and sleep during the long flight. I gave up my seat and ended up in a better window seat without the wing blocking
the view. So I'm sitting there drinking beer. The guy sitting next to me states "Hey they also serve Jack Daniels." I exclaimed
"J.D. alright!" He replied "You're not an aggressive drunk, are you?" I replied "No I'm a stupid drunk." So I mention what
I do to some of the crew and the passenger seated next to me. After awhile a steward comes up to me and says "I've heard what
you do. Can I ask you a question?" I replied "Look it's a long flight and I'm on my seventh J.D. so I'd rather not do it now."
He then pleaded several times and on the fifth time I stated "I'd rather wait. Now remember I'm on my 7th J.D. butt since
you insist I'll do it." The steward then said "O.K. I've got a new girlfriend. How long will we last?" I checked it out and
I told him "Two months." He looked upset and walked away. The crew stopped serving me alcohol at that point. I felt offended
at not being served because he didn't like his answer. I never want to be rude however at that point I kept hitting the service
button over and over again. After several refusals and no shows the head stewardess came over and I asked if I could have
at least one more drink and explained that "Here I am flying over the ocean without having to work on a case and if ever there
was a time to get sauced it's now. Just because the steward didn't like the answer I gave him shouldn't bar me from drinking."
The head stewardess agreed to let me have one more. I thanked her. The next day as I was leaving the plane I told the crew
"Sorry if I acted like an asshole last night." They smiled and said "No problem." ... and I got a "Keep up the great work!"
from a steward.
In 2005 while doing a case the for the Japanese TV Asahi documentary program Save Our Souls I was directed to do
my thing in front of the camera so... thinking of BLADE I cracked my neck (for the first time ever) like BLADE as I got down
to business using the y-stick. That moment was recorded and put into the documentary which can be seen at the 7 second mark
here https://youtu.be/Q5rQGGhqxxk
When a case comes up I immediately know if it's an emergency or if the person has left of their own free will no matter
what is stated to the media. One example that stands out to me was the case of an Amber Alert that was issued concerning a
father who stated that a kidnapper had entered his daughters room through a window and that his daughter was forced out through
the window half naked and whisked away by the man in a car. I immediately knew that it was not a case of kidnapping but rather
parental anger at catching his daughter and her boyfriend making out shirtless in her bedroom. In that situation the couple
thought "Let's get out of here as fast as we can!"... and they did. A few hours after the alert was issued it was cancelled
stating that she left with her boyfriend and they were fine.
After being investigated and proven by Le Journal de Montreal, J.E., and S.O.S. TV Asahi in Japan I decided to call
back other news organizations with the evidence. I called back an English television station in Montreal. "Hi this is Robert
Lindblad from Child Search I have been finding as well as saving lives of missing and kidnapped children internationally free
of charge since 1991 and was wondering if you would like to do a report on Child Search. Clear evidence has been provided
by investigative journalists from Le Journal de Montreal, J.E. and a Japanese documentary called S.O.S. by TV Asahi on a
case of a missing couple. Would you like to do an interview with me?" The reporter immediately replied "No! Not at all interested!"
"Well why not? Come and check me out. I'm serious I've been doing it since 1991. You could verify that it's real by contacting
the reporters who have already investigated me. So why not?" "Because I don't believe you!" "Where'd you get your Journalism
degree? In the bottom of a Cracker Jacks Box?" He then hung up on me and that TV station has not done my story. However I
did feel and feel totally honoured when during the Queen's Jubilee Peter Mansbridge on the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation
stated "Robert Lindblad sent in a question. He would like to know how many security agents are on the scene at the moment.
Well Robert we don't know how much security is on the scene at the moment and if we asked they wouldn't tell us."
BR> A friend Johanne drove herself and I to Paul McCartneys' Plains Of Abraham Quebec City 400th Anniversary free concert
on July 20th 2008. We were behind the stage with a large crowd of people. TVA, a Montreal, Quebec television broadcasting
company had a crew of reporters go through the crowd. They interviewed Johanne & I for a few seconds and when Paul cut into
" A beep beep a beep beep ya" I sang it and kissed Johanne on the cheek. She smiled and we continued to watch the show. I
told her "We're going to be on the news tomorrow." "No, their are over 200,000 people here. Rob their are so many people here.
That's not going to happen." The next day we were on the news with the "A Beep Beep Yahhh" and the kiss in there.
while I was walking home at 3 something a.m. from a friends place I saw a broken tree trunk along the sidewalk. I decided
to go make myself Y-Sticks from the branches. As I walked from towards the branch I had a vision of being surrounded by police
with many cars. So I continued and made myself a couple of Y-Sticks. As I was bent over about to make a third police cars
pulled up in semi - circle behind me. I heard an officer say "Raise your hands and turn around." I turned around and noticed
the police and cars as well as the officers hand side saddled on his unbuckled holster. Looking at my Y-sticks raised above
my head the officer said "Put that down." I lowered my right arm as I went to put the two sticks in my right hand down both
police officers said in a calm manner "Wohhhhhh wohhhhh." So I stood straight up with the sticks still in my hand. They repeated
"Put the sticks down." I kneeled to put the sticks down and again the officers stated in a calm manner "Wohhhhhh wohhhh".
So I immediately stood up with the sticks in my right hand. "Put the sticks down." As I kneeled forward to put the sticks
down for a third time the officers stated in a calm manner "Wohhhh wohhhhh." An officer then stated "Keep your arms up. What
are you doing here?" I replied "I'm a psychic and I was just making Y-Sticks." He continued "Where do you live?" I responded
"On third I'm a psychic who finds missing kids and I'm just breaking the branches to make Y-Sticks. The branch was already
broken when I got here. I didn't break it." I tried to put the sticks down. The police were nervous because as I attempted
to kneel down trying to deposit my divining rod my left arm due to my paralyses would automatically lift backwards as if I
were reaching behind my butt or back for something. I did not understand what was making the police officers nervous when
that happened. Now I do. He said "Keep your arms up." I replied "O.K. I'll drop them. I'm going to open my hand and let them
drop." I did that. I was wearing my Jamaican hippy shirt, a cascade of orange, red, yellow, black with the widening sleeves
and waste. I went to put my arms down and the officer stated keep your arms up. How do we know you have nothing under your
shirt?" I replied "I'll show you and lowered my hands to lift up my shirt." The officer stated "Keep your hands up." I then
stated "O.K. I'll roll my shirt up from my shoulders. See I'm keeping my hands up." I stated as I rolled my shirt up by twiddling
my fingers with both hands at shoulder level. "There you see I have nothing." I let my shirt drop while keeping my hands up.
The officer then stated "How do we know you're not hiding something in your back?" I replied "O.K. I'm going to roll my shirt
up again and spin around." I did that. "The officer then stated "That was too fast, turn around slowly." I did. He then asked
"What's your name, address, and what are you doing here?" I replied "I'm Robert Lindblad, I live on third avenue, I'm a psychic
and I'm just here breaking branches. I didn't break the trunk. It was already broken." The officer stated "O.K." and they
quickly got back in their cars and sped away. One car pulled alongside me and one of the officers had a pen and paper out
as if I'm like going to file a report or something. I just looked at him and said "It's O.K. go." and they drove off. Turned
out in the news the next day that a crime was committed in that area at the same time.
While flooring it on my 10 speed on Sherbrooke Street downtown I passed the McGill Music Conservatory and decided to stop
in and play piano. I entered the piano room where the doors to each individual room are locked by a mechanical combination
door lock. So feeling like playing I decided to try the first combination that entered my head. I tried it and the door opened.
I had fun jamming on a Baby Grand for a few hours there.
The other day a segment of the news played an audio tape of a serial killer. Just by hearing his voice I could tell he was
a serial killer. It was the first time I heard the voice of a serial killer and it taught me how much I can pick up on an
audio without even trying. Even though the case is well known the audio on the voice would have told me all anyways.
On the a Friday night in 2007 my friend e-mailed me that she was having severe back pain and asked if I could psychicly heal
it for her. I told her that I never did healing before however I'd try it for her. So after reading her e-mail I started concentrating
on heating up her back while creating friction by rubbing my palms together. My concentration on relieving the pain in her
back became intense and after a minute or so I let out a big yawn and felt totally relaxed. I was sure that I connected because
most of the time when I work a case I give a yawn/big yawn after as it takes energy to do what I do. I then e-mailed her and
asked if in the past two minutes or so if she felt a warm sensation up her back and relief from the pain. She wrote me back
that that's exactly what happened and thanked me.
I got a call from someone who did not identify himself yet I felt who it was and he had the very distinguishable
voice of Father Emmett Mathias Joseph Johns
the founder of Le Bon Dieu Dans La Rue which is a non-profit organization that feeds and shelters runaway children who live
in the street. He asked how I felt about runaway children. I told him if they run away and I see that they are safe I let
it be but if I see they are in danger then I call the police. He then said "O.K. Thank-you and hung up the phone.
When checking past lives I get heavily burnt out as traveling all that time takes a lot of energy. As far as past lives go
I've heard some say that you are the way you are today to make up for things you've done in your past life. That is wrong.
You are given a clean slate in a new life giving you the opportunity to morally improve yourself this time around.
I psychicly checked out the Mayan Calander and this is what I got from focusing in on a picture of the Mayan Calender. It
is the date the Mayans were waiting on to be reunited spiritually with the gods and the ones who were sacrificed in order
to appease the gods. They believed they would survive as a race to that date and be reunited with the gods and all those that
have passed on to the other side. On December 21 to 24 , 2012 their will be no major earthly or spiritual changes. It was
a belief they had.
Sometime during the summer of 1997 as I was walking down Ste. Catherines street near the corner of St. Laurent at 3:30 a.m.
wearing my "Psychic $1 / question" t-shirt I walked by a couple of prostitutes and asked if they'd like to ask question. One
of the girls said "Get lost your not even a psychic! Get out of here." However the girl standing with her said "No no he's
good! Come back here!" She then went on to explain to her friend that I answered a question for her in the street at the same
area last year and I was exactly correct. At the time she asked me she stated that her boyfriend had been arrested for cocaine
and was about to go to court in a few weeks and asked "What's going to happen?" I replied "He'll get 6 months in jail." That
is exactly what he got. At this point they were both impressed and I was asked a few questions from each of them.
Here are the odds in pinpointing where a person or body is on Earth Total area of the earth: 197000000 square miles. 1 mile
= 5,280 feet. 197000000 x 5,280 = 1040160000000. 1 in 1040160000000 and if you want to take it as a person or body lying down
let's say 6 feet of surface it is 5,280 feet divided by 6 = 880. 197000000 x 880 = 173360000000. 1 in 173360000000
A girl asked me about a guy who was keen on meeting her.
She e-mailed me his username and asked what I saw.. I immediately got a bad feeling and saw that he was dangerous and told
her that she would have an extremely bad time, and that rape was in his plans and their was a chance of murder. She decided
not to go meet him. A few weeks later that person was arrested for raping a girl he met on line and is the suspect in the
murder of another girl he met online.
I have helped other girls avoid such tragedies butt to see the guy arrested in the news and to have her confirm that it was
him makes doing what I do all the more fun!!!
It always feels GREAT to help any of you girls avoid meeting a tragedy in your lives.
While wearing my "Psychic $1 per question" t-shirt in Old Montreal in the mid 1990s at Square Jaques-Cartier one day there
was a storm with high winds and dark blue clouds brewing overhead and was thundering in the distance. It hadn't rained yet
where I was standing. A group of guys came over and one asked "Is it going to rain here today?"
I checked even though it seemed obvious with the clouds that were over us, the thundering rain in the distance
and the high winds where we were standing. I checked and answered "No." He gave me my dollar while laughing his head off as
did his friends and they all walked away chuckling. Well it didn't rain in Old Montreal that day even though other parts of
the island were rained on.
Walking home one Saturday evening singing a tune, extremely rare that I sing a tune in the street, which I had not heard in
a long time and when I entered my apartment the DJ on CHOM-FM announced that he had just played that tune. Now it was on a
show that plays 80s music for a few hours once a week on a radio station and this song was not on their regular playlist so
that was pretty cool.
A case I did of a young girl who disappeared in the U.K. Immediately upon seeing the grandmothers boyfriend on the photo as
he was standing in the front carrying a poster of the missing child I knew he murdered the woman's granddaughter and that
he placed her in the attic. I called the police and told the female police officer that the grandfather murdered the child
in question and just told her that the body was in the house because I thought I would give myself a little more room on the
search area just to be sure and left out attic figuring they would do a complete search of the house. While I was speaking
to the officer she asked "How do you know this?" I replied what I have always told every police officer since 1998 "I'm a
psychic who finds missing children internationally, and to make sure you're not wasting your time just Google Child Search
Psychic & you will see that my site is the first one. On my site you will find news articles and documentaries from around
the world of actual cases I worked on and solved.." "But how do you know it's him?" "Well I'm a psychic ." "OK but how can
you tell its him?" "Well I saw it in his face and that is not the face of a man in sorrow. That is the face of a man in guilt."
I then left my name and phone as I always do. The next day I read in the news that they had searched the house and found nothing.
Upon reading this I called them back and asked if they checked the attic. The next day her body was found in the attic and
the grandmothers boyfriend was arrested. A few years later that police organization stated that they had analytic experts
analyze the photo and pronounced to the world that they had discovered that the mans face in the photo I used from the news
article was the best clear example of what a person hiding their guilt looks like.
I was at my friends Donalds' place and his inquisitive son, about 7 years old at the time, asked me to prove to him that I
was psychic. I told him I had a few beers and would rather do it later, some other time. He replied that he would still want
me to try it at the moment. So I gave in.. I told him to get any number of books and place a quarter under any book. I went
into the bathroom and shut the door. I was expecting him to place the books laid out across the floor butt he had 12 books
piled on top of each other and asked me under which book the coin was. I was correct every time we repeated the experiment
around 7 times he wanted it to continue however I was there to relax and party and ended it there telling him we could go
on all night butt it's a waste of energy.
OK so this has nothing to do with my psychic ability however it does pertain to what I do.
When I was 7 years old my mother would always tell my sister, brother, and I "If you ever meet a man who offers you candy
say no and don't accept it because he will ask you to go to the bathroom
and once you're alone with him there he will rape and maybe even kill you." We were all young and hearing that at the dinner
table we would all get sick to our stomachs and say "Oooooh mom please, were eating." So one day when we lived in Malton,
Ontario I was hanging out at the mall and an old man who must have been 62 years old wearing a long grey raincoat came up
to me and offered me candy. Thanks to my mother I knew what he wanted. We were sitting in the middle of the mall at the fountain,
I figured here we are in the middle of the mall with many people walking by
so I'm safe. I told him "Yah I'd like some candy!" So we walked over to the candy store across from us and ordered about $10
of candy. He looked frustrated at my expenditure as his eyes gazed angrily over the rims of his brown horn rimmed glasses.
As we left the candy we once again sat at the fountain as I chewed on my black licorice. I then stated " I'd like to get some
more." He sighed as we walked back to the candy store where I ordered $5.00 more candy and he paid with unwillingness in his
face. We then walked back to the fountain, sat down, and he asked me to go to the bathroom with him. I told him "Look there
are many people here, go to the bathroom and I'll meet you there in two minutes. He thought that was a good idea so he went
to the escalator.
I smiled at him as he rode up the escalator and he smiled back at the top of the escalator thinking I was going to join him
When he left the escalator on the way to the bathroom, out of view, thinking he'd made another victim I left thinking that
if I told the security guard it'd be hushed away as their was no evidence as was the custom in those days.
Anyone from anywhere in the world who believes that sacrificing animals will bring you luck you have been mislead
by a person who wrote that so that they can have complete control over your thoughts and actions for the rest of your lives.
Sacrificing animals only brings pain to the animals and makes you a cold heartless person who believes in something that is
not real. Grow up as a person stop doing it and stop listening to and following the control freak person who tells you it
is good and will bring you luck because that person does not care about you, that person only cares about how much control
they have over you.
In 2009 another friend I met who is a witch told me as we were sitting at her kitchen table across from each other
drinking vodka "I know who you are." I replied "Ya I'm Robert Lindblad of course you know who I am." She continued looking
me straight in the eyes from across the table and immediately replied "No. I know who you are." "Of course you do I'm Robert
Lindblad." She then let out a "Ugh" sound as she shrugged her shoulders and we left it at that. We continued with other conversations
while listening to the Bauhaus cd she had playing on her stereo."
While walking down Sainte Catherines street or René Lévesque Boulevard one bright sunny afternoon. I noticed this super hot
chick across the street looking in my direction frantically waiving but I felt that she was waving at someone else behind
me I really felt like lifting up my arm and pointing directly behind me and being a little shy about things sometimes I didn't.
A few months to a year later I'm watching Juste Pour Rire/Just For Laughs Gags on tv and one of the pranks was that super
hot chick pulling that joke on people. Some guy was behind the guys who waived back and they took it from there. I guess I
shoulda done it ... that would have been a good clip
In the early morning of September 12 2022 I saw an unidentified flying object/U.F.O./U.A.P./OVNI. While sitting in front
of my computer as usual practically all day everyday at 5:45 a.m. I decided to step out on the balcony. The moon was bright.
.and their was a light cloud coverage but not at all in the direction I was looking. I was looking southward towards the sky.
After about 3 or 4 seconds one of the stars started to move westward, I thought it was a falling star but it kept heading
westward in a straight line at a tremendous speed for about 7 seconds then it stopped and headed in a 45 degree angle towards
me for like 3 seconds then when it entered the atmosphere it stopped at low cloud level and I saw a yellow tic-tac like colored
vessel which proceeded to head west in a straight line for like 5 seconds then it stopped and headed at a 90 angle in a northerly
direction and disappeared in flight as if it cloaked. So having seen it and being a psychic who has found and saved lives
of missing and kidnapped children internationally from the comfort of my living room since 1991 I was able to trace it diving
into the ocean at this G. P. S. location. 81 degrees 55 minutes 05.86 seconds North 119 degrees 49 minutes 05.20 seconds East
When you scroll outward on Google Earth from the G.P.S. location you will notice what looks like a zig-zag runway that ends
at the area I indicated. It was flying in a zig zag motion. If you bother looking there since they cloak you will only notice
odd splashes if you could digitalize that area on a constant basis from a satellite and program the computer to recognize
odd splashes and large splashes splashes that come off at an angle as if the object described, a 3d replica would be great
to train the computer, were entering the water at an angle you may find something along the runway also look for whirlpools
in the area. On the morning of October 22, 2022 at 4:18 a.m. I decided to check where they come from. I pulled up a star chart
from the internet to display on my 42 inch flat tv which I have laid on a table and use exclusively for mapping purposes.
Using 3 different sizes of Y sticks every time every one of them hit Regulus. So if you could focus on that star system it
would help. I did see what I believe to be part of its' propulsion system which was a bright and circular on the bottom left
side about 2/5th of the way up, not at the very end about 6/8th of the way across. It was not spewing anything however it
displayed a bright white light that was not emitting light from that area kind of like if you were looking at a shinny dime
on a yellow cylindrical object. I get that that object is crystalized helium. It was flying in a zig zag motion. While the
U.F.O. was entering the atmosphere the bright helium crystal turned black, perhaps due to super cooling, and immediately turned
a bright white when the vessel stopped its' descent before taking off at a fantastic speed ... so the use of a temperature
control laser beam on the helium crystal may have a propulsive effect in zero gravity. I noticed as it hovered it was not
metallic object it was a canvas material which may be retractable to cover the ship so as in once it enters the atmosphere
the canvas surrounding the ship is inflated with helium and can propel at high speed angles due to the positioning of the
helium crystal on the ship. I get that they are mining for helium. Helium being a natural coolant protects Earths' outer core
from overheating. When you remove coolant from an engine everything tends to overheat and problems arise. Try driving your
car without a radiator compared to a car that has a radiator ... which car is going to make it? ... and to further exemplify
what I stated about the removal of helium from the Earth causing the heating of the planet because helium being temperature
neutral keeps the heat under the surface of the Earth and keeps the coolness above the Earth is demonstrated by these 2 charts.
Helium production has increased by leaps and bounds as has the heating of the surface of the planet Earth. Is it worth scorching
the surface of the Earth just so people can make funny voices, fly festive balloons, fly in helium balloons, and clean technical
instruments? I don't think so. Do you? I have told The United Nations of this in 2022 as well as the various world forums
they have held on the environment since then and not a pep about it from them on this one. https://www.researchgate.net/publication/269692630/figure/fig2/AS:614214599208970@1523451580443/Helium-production-for-the-world-by-country.png
and this chart https://www.climate.gov/news-features/understanding-climate/climate-change-global-temperature
... and here's my musical interlude on that one
So anyways boys & girls time to take your compass and protractor sets ... it's the fastest way to travel through
Even the other day I'm pleasantly walking down the street carrying two recyclable plastic tote bags filled with fourteen
650 gram containers of yogurt each on a sunny afternoon, because it promotes better upper body strength in the arms and the
back than does using a knapsack, and a physically fit guy in his twenties is standing on the sidewalk with a couple of his
friends. I walk by and a guy says "Look at that stupid good for nothing useless fucked up cripple." I immediately stopped
in front of his face no more than a foot away with bags in hand and said " Do you want to repeat that?"
"Are you sure cause I have all day man ... take your time. Are you sure you want ... to repeat that?"
"Ok have a nice day by." ... and I pleasantly continued with the rest of my day.
Recently their was a woman in her 80s missing in the United Stares. I called the police and gave the police officer the
GPS address where she was and told the police officer that she was lost and disoriented. Within an hour after my call the
police found her. During the press conference, which I saw on Youtube or from a live broadcast from a station in that area,
a reporter asked "How did you find her?" The police officer responded "We'll have to get back to you on that one."
A while back I wrote Pope Benedict a letter that started with "How dare you say you represent Heaven." Which went
on to state the sexual abuse and murders of missing children. My tracer noticed a visit from The Vatican to my website. The
Pope quit 2 days later. I recently wrote the current Pope Francis after joining Twitter on December 24 2022 that Heaven accepts
all good souls whether they are gay or not and that gay marriage and gay sex is accepted in Heaven. The next day Pope Francis
came out and said that "Gay marriage is OK but gay sex is a sin." That is not what I wrote to him through The Vaticans website.
Since then I have been posting the facts on the subject of gay sex and gay marriage under every comment I have made on his
account including a link to My Psychic Autobiography. The next day Pope Francis came out and said "Who am I to say? What do
I know?" On his birthday I posted "Happy Birthday dude!" within a short amount of time he posted that he wished he could be
treated as a friend like a normal by everyone. I sent a letter through the Vaticans website explaining more on Heaven including
that animals make it to Heaven. The next day he came out and said "Jesus reveal yourself!" On March 10 2023 I told my niece
who said "Wow! That's big news! It's great!" I replied "You think so really?" She said "Ya it is!" So the next day while out
walking in downtown Montreal I met my friend Wendy in her wheelchair outside of her extended services for disabled persons
complex. I told her and she raised her shoulders up from the armrest, with a disapproving face and stated "What? What did
you give shit to the Pope for?" I explained it to her she smiled and laughed and said "Well that's O.K." As I continued walking
downtown about 20 minutes later I met a friend Charmaine whom I had not seen in years and told her. She did not seem surprised
and asked me a question about Heaven. I gave her the answer. So I started to loosen up about it and on that evening after
I discovered the revelation of removing the columns with the dot in the i above it, that I have heard as being one of the
statements in The Bible but never read just heard over the years,
from the name David Reid. I e-mailed Alice Cooper while he was on air doing Nights With Alice Cooper and put forward what
I saw in removing the letter i from David Reid. I also stated that I would not write that in My Psychic Autobiography because
I don't know how or if it relates to what I saw. After the song finished Alice Cooper came back on air with his first word
"interesting" so I figured if Alice Cooper considers it interesting then others might too and then decided to write it in.
If you remove the i's from his the piece of shits birth name which he exposes in slang to hide the i in David publicly you
get Dav D Red and if you keep his middle name which he does not display as is with the i's included the phrase speaks for
itself Dav D Will I Am Red.
I felt this as a kid, It was a cool thing to think but without any evidence of any demonstration of such a connection it remained
nothing more than a cute story. When I turned 29 and discovered my ability the connection was set. I decided not to tell anyone
because it is a weird thing to say. Their have been many people who have come up to me and said things like "You're Jesus
Christ right!" I would always reply no "My name is Robert Lindblad." because that's what it is right. Except for one person
I did say "Yes it's true but it's a secret." So at this point today with I decided to tell you all that Heaven exists and
I am definitely the representative of Heaven and I hope you follow what I am telling you for your own sake. When my sister
Kathy appeared to me in a dream that was not a dream she spoke to me only with her eyes and stated that I was right according
to my feelings about me being Jesus Christ. Again that was too weird for me to mention. So the other day when Pope Francis
came out and said "Jesus reveal yourself!" It took until today March 12, 2023 for me to write this in My Psychic Autobiography.
I never told Pope Francis that I am Jesus Christ. Pope Francis having the greatest knowledge in all matters related to The
Roman Catholic Church summarized that I am Jesus Christ on his own.
BR> In 2017 while going door to door with a short over the ears haircut holding the article of Le Journal de Montreal
22/02/97 a 12 year old girl answered the door saw me holding the article and immediately turned back and called to her mother
"Mom their's a man at the door with a picture of Jesus Christ." Which I thought was funny. Another funny one a woman in her
50's answered the door I told her what I do and she repeated what I told her I did finding missing children and pets across
the world free of charge she exclaimed "Mais tes le Bon Dieu dans la rue!" I responded "Merci pour le compliment."
Throughout my teens a few friends said "Rob you know you're not Jesus Christ." even though I wasn't religious nor mentioned
anything to the effect that I was Jesus Christ. I would not respond and let it slide. I have also had friends say "Rob good
guys finish last you know" and sometimes "Nice guys finish last you know." and I would always reply with "I'm going to prove
you wrong."
Upon reincarnation you are given a clean slate to prove yourself. Any philosophy that states that you are reincarnated to
make up for a past life is coming from a control freak brainwasher who wants to control you and nothing more.
As far as the world leaders tried to paint a life of hurt, dismay and servitude towards Heaven and God painted it
you would have to suffer to pay for your sins and only then would you get repentance. This created the fear they needed to
control the public. Confessing your sins towards as they liked to put it towards God, which was actually towards their self
infatuated egotistical selves they would combine the thought of torture and Heaven to repent for your sins which was their
favourite means of getting whatever they wanted out of people for whatever means they felt necessary. Creating this false
pretense of Heaven led to many groups despising Heaven and Jesus Christ
because like the Catholic church tortured and murdered people through the centuries however please remember that The Bible
was not written by Jesus Christ and world leaders were like "Thanks for the heads up! We'll destroy your true message Christ
for the next 2,000 years at will." Ya so they foggied up the true message of Heaven and Jesus Christ over the years... and
what's with this sacrificed yourself shit? Let's see ... tried to avoid getting caught spreading a message that world leaders
did not want anyone to hear, tortured him to a very high degree, (ya know S&M is ok as long as it is agreed to and no one
abuses the other person more than the other person is or are willing to let them) murdered him and somehow world leaders managed
to put a spin on it making people believe that he wanted to sacrifice himself... well I guess it'd work if you told them that
Jesus willingly sacrificed himself to let the truth be known and since he did that and you are a true believer in Christ than
you should do it too." ... "Oh thanks for letting us know! To the gallows with him!"
Heaven is open to all good souls whether they are religious or not or gay or not. So you can party down as hard and as far
as you want to in any direction as long as you are not hurting or harming anyone along the way. All that imagery of Heaven
and hell is nothing but show like when superbands put on heavy rock shows with fire and imagery of Heaven and Hell it is all
for show... and I like'm like Alice Cooper, Kiss, Black Sabbath/Ozzy Osbourne, Megadeth & Metallica... What is really going
on is you will either end up being one of Dave Reid's & Steven Robinson's torture objects ... nothing to say nothing to relate
just and endless stream of pain however they will answer you with "What did you expect? Your saviour told you so and you didn't
listen!" and continue to try and fulfill their unrelentless desire to create bad energy through the infinite amount of pain
that they will be pulling from you and they will forever try more upon you or you will have a great time dispersing the good
energy you've created while living on Earth enjoying the good vibes of everyone in Heaven. Judgement day is everyday and you
guide yourself daily towards Heaven or hell with all you do whether you are religious, atheist, gay or not.
On the 17th of May 2023 at around 12:30 a.m. I noticed my Twitter account had been suspended. I have been replying
to as many people as I can who my name in their comments, and a lot of people use my name for their own purposes across the
planet. I explained that I have a right to reply to people who use my name and I have ever since Pope Francis asked me to
reveal myself. So to everyone I could reach which included many big religious organizations I Tweeted this in reply :
Pope Francis requested that I reveal myself God kills no one and if you want to be with God do the same Any man or woman who
physically abuses a woman or child does not make it to Heaven gay sex gay marriage being transgender abortion are not sins
..... some people like to make it hard to get the message out unlike Pope Francis. My username was @Robert_Lindblad
At the very moment I started typing the information about Pope Francis and his requesting me to reveal myself in My Psychic
Autobiography early in the morning CHOM FM started playing You Can't Always Get What You Want by The Rolling Stones. I sent
a text to CHOM - FM about it like while it was happening cause I thought that was too cool! A little after that I requested
Just What I Needed by The Cars for Pope Francis they played it but did not mention who the request was for or from .. and
Jumping Jack Flash was a tune that was in every set of the bands I played with which I extremely enjoy playing! I have also
been to two Rolling Stones concerts in Montreal and they were great!
I don't know how world leaders thought a scarecrow displaying the worst day of my life on Earth when I got tortured,
and whipped it could have stopped there with the S&M butt nooooooo the Romans couldn't control themselves like they wanted
to control everyone else and went too far, nailed to the cross and then implementing crosses into the religion forever by
displaying these scarecrows across the Earth forever since the last time I was here would keep me away butt they did. Any
image of me other than that would have been a lot more welcoming like one of the faces I had when I got a splinter or accidentally
whacked my finger with the hammer. Butt on a more serious note : The church had to survive in order to keep records to identify
me when I return. Pope Francis did not say "Jesus reveal yourself" as a joke or a guess. He knew who he was talking to and
so did I. Now it's time for all of you to know. These records were kept secret amongst the vast amount of books they had in
their collection. In order to make sure this knowledge survived 2,000 years of tyrannical reign by world leaders. The church
only survived because world leaders having the church in their palms would allow them to provide any whim they had for the
public to follow to be taken as the word of God and the consequences of not following the words of the world leaders was made
quite evident with public displays of tortures and murders which directly counter "Thou shall not kill." In those days The
Romans as well as many other tribes of that day would kill their perceived enemies and post their bodies up as scarecrows
in various methods of display across the countryside to strike fear as a warning sign for their perceived enemies not to return
to their territory. The purpose of placing crosses across the world depicting Jesus Christ in the worst moment of his life
on Earth was ordered by world leaders to be used as a scarecrow which they truly believed would keep me from returning out
of fear for the same crap and murder they put me though the last time I was here. That did not work.
I have not played on a real drum set for more than 2 hours since 1991. I was practicing up to 7 hours daily for years playing
to records with my headphones on which shook off every now and then. My daily digestif of albums that I played to were every
Emerson, Lake & Palmer album, every Led Zeppelin album, The Who : Meaty Beaty Big & Bouncy, Who's Next, and Quadrophenia,
The Edgar Winter Group: They Only Come Out At Night. Deep Purple : Machine Head, The Mahavishnu Orchestra : Birds Of Fire,
Rush : Exit Stage Left, The Jimi Hendrix Experience : Are You Experienced , Axis : Bold As Love,All Along The Watchtower,
Grand Funk Railroad : We're An American Band, Robin Trower : Bridge Of Sighs, Jethro Tull : Aqualung, Genesis : Seconds Out,
Trick Of The Tail, The Lamb Lies Down On Broadway. I did purchase a used Yamaha DTXpress 3 electronic drum set in 2011 and
played on that however breaking the sensors in the pad every now and then and knocking the toms out of place every time I
played on it made drumming not as fun and with my Child Search work consuming most of my day everyday I did a lot less drumming.
In 2022 I rented 2 hours of studio time and since then have recorded drum solos every time I hit the studio
Here they are
.. and here is my music : https://www.facebook.com/search/posts?q=Robert%20Lindblad%20clavier%20Korg%20Triton%20Keyboard%2012%202023
I can tell you that Heaven and I who you claim to follow as a Christian am telling you the way it is whether you are offended
or not by the Opening Ceremony Of The Paris, France 2024 Olympics has nothing to do with the reality that is and as I am not
offended by the Opening Ceremony Of The 2024 Paris, France Olympic Games neither should you be at all not in the least. You
are wasting your time and energy on a very extravagantly creative play that was fantastic! The men who wrote The Bible want
you to feel offended and they have ingrained that feeling in you through the book they designed that was not written by me
and was written by a group of control freak men who have not been to nor have anything to do with Heaven and hell yet have
decided use my name in their writing of The Bible and claim to be inspired by me in order to have you believe what you do
today that Jesus would be offended by such a thing well I am not as I am not the little self centered control freak baby they
have made you believe. Throughout centuries of murder and torture by those who wrote The Bible it has been ingrained in the
human psyche to a large amount of people that contradicting The Bible is evil which is exactly what the writers of The Bible
wanted you to believe through the murder and torture of anyone who disagreed with what they wanted you to believe about me.
First off murderers and rapist automatically go to hell upon death. So anyone claiming to speak for me that claim that violence
is acceptable in any shape or form whatsoever are actually feeding you to Satan for their own misguided vanity and self infatuation.
In The Bible these control freak men wrote in what they wanted you to know about me, not know about me and believe that their
own thoughts were my words in order to control the world population both religiously and politically and I can see they have
done a fine job on you by making you feel offended by something of which I am not. Your energy could be better used by helping
people through troubled times then critiquing art!
One note of interest is my friend Geoff pointed out that when NASA released the sounds of space that had been recorded
by a satellite it sounded exactly like one of the tunes I ended an album with at least 12 years earlier. I will find it and
put it up at some point.
Please understand that I am receiving very many requests for free readings that do not involve emergency / life saving situations.
The free work I do is to make sure you do not get drugged, raped, or murdered by some guy you'll meet on the net and saving
lives of kidnapped / missing children. It takes a lot of energy and I devote most of my time to it, on average 18 hours per
day as I scan for cases. If you are asking me any other type of question please send an Interac payment through e-mail
at a rate $10 per question prior to your contact through e-mail.






